Count of Wizards

Chapter 1060 Untitled (2)

Hearing Johnson's introduction, the old pastor Chiesa seemed to have finally made a decision, and said to Johnson beside him: "You and I, two old guys, are just responsible for observing the situation here. The current situation is beyond The scope of your and my ability is not something we should manage, anyway, let’s report it and hand it over to the higher-ups to deal with this matter!"

The old Chiesa's voice just fell, and when Johnson was thinking about it, suddenly the crystal ball that represented Milik, whose light had dimmed, made a crisp sound.


With this crisp sound, the crystal ball shattered into several small pieces and shattered on the ground. Seeing this situation, the two pastors, Johnson and Chiesa, immediately realized the seriousness of the matter , After looking at each other, they immediately dealt with it according to the process. Johnson cast the crystal ball fragments and put them in a black and special metal box, while the old Chiesa took out a lock. Carefully, he locked the metal box with his own hands.

After finishing this, the old Chiesa nodded heavily at Johnson, then took the box from him, hurried out of the secret room, and walked down to the depths of the underground St. Antis Church, after a series of prohibitions and After the guard's inspection, the old Chiesa with the special metal box appeared in front of a secret room door.

Although the door was closed and there was no one in front of the door, the old Chiesa still didn't dare to be careless. He bowed deeply towards the door, and then raised the metal black box with both hands.

Three seconds after the old Chiesa lifted the metal black box, a strange thing happened. This metal black box, which looked very heavy, was suspended in the air very strangely, and the closed door The door of the secret room also opened a gap, allowing the metal black box to fly into it. After the metal black box flew into it, a deep and old voice came from behind the door of the secret room.

"Tell me, who's dead?"

"Report to Mr. Valdes, it's Milik!" Old Chiesa said very respectfully to Valdes, who was practicing in the secret room:

"I see, you can go!" After getting the answer he wanted, Valdes in the secret room said lightly:

After hearing Valdez's order, the old Chiesa subconsciously obeyed Valdez's order and wanted to leave here, but he seemed to have thought of something and froze in place, with some hesitation on his face.

"Chiesa, what else do you want to tell me?" Seeing Chiesa who stayed where he was, Valdez, who only heard his voice in the secret room, seemed to be Interested, he asked again:

Asked by Valdes, the old pastor Chiesa, who hesitated to speak, suddenly had no scruples, and immediately said: "Master Valdes, it is like this, when the crystal ball representing Lord Milik shatters, Before opening, the light of this crystal ball was completely dimmed, and then it shattered..."

The words of the old Chiesa immediately attracted the attention of Valdesa in the secret room. As soon as the voice of the old Chiesa fell, Baldesa reconfirmed over there: "Chiesa, you mean before Milik died , His crystal ball has lost its light? How long has this situation lasted?"

"That's right, that's right. When I found out about this situation, I was still hesitating whether to report it to you, the Valdes. When I was hesitating, the crystal ball was torn apart. As for the crystal ball The state of light lasted for about five minutes!" Old Chiesa thought for a while, and honestly told Valdes in the secret room what he had discovered.

After the old Chiesa finished speaking, Valdez behind the door of the secret room fell into silence, and this kind of silence made the old Chiesa gradually start to feel uneasy. Seeing this Mr. Valdes, so Pay attention to the detail that the light of the crystal ball is dim.

The old Chiesa began to realize that if the disappearance of the light of Milik's crystal ball was a big deal, wouldn't his hesitation to report just now be considered a waste of time?

Thinking of this, the white-haired old Chiesa began to feel a little regretful, why did he say something, and insisted on telling Valdés this situation, and walked away according to Valdez's order, wouldn't he be okay?

Just as old Chiesa was feeling overwhelmed, Valdez's low voice came again from the door of the secret room.

"I know about this, Chiesa, who else knows about this besides you?"

"Johnson! The two of us are on duty today, and we both witnessed the disappearance of the light from the crystal ball!" The old Chiesa, who was terrified in his heart, did not hesitate at all under Valdes' inquiry, and directly said Longtime friend Johnson was sold.

"I don't want anyone else to know about the disappearance of the light from Milik's crystal ball. If I hear about it from other places, you should be very clear about the consequences of Chiesa!" Valdez's calm voice was clear The introduction reached the ears of old Chiesa.

"Master Valdes, please rest assured that Johnson and I will keep our mouths shut!" Old Chiesa immediately vowed and said very firmly:

"Very well, let's go!" Valdes said to them:

Finally got the order to leave, the joy in old Chiesa's heart can be imagined, but he still very earnestly directed at the secret room where old Chiesa was, bowed deeply again, and then retreated quietly, but this old guy , what I never expected was that in that secret room, Valdes was not the only one...

"Are the two of them reliable?"

Sitting in the secret room, Christante had a serious face, and asked Valdez in front of him, if it wasn't for the crystal ball symbolizing Milik, it would have appeared in this metal black box in front of him, he really couldn't believe it, That arrogant guy Milik died in the Navas Forest.

Although this fact was too shocking, since it had already happened, he could only choose to accept it.

"The mouth is still tight!" Valdez said while pushing the metal black box sent by Chiesa to Christante, and then continued: "I can delay it for you for three days at most. You have three days to search for the truth about Milik's death in these crystal fragments, Christante. After three days, I will hand over these crystal fragments, together with the news of Milik's death, to Hummels Cardinal's!"

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