Count of Wizards

Chapter 1063 Sisters Meet (1)

Seeing the appearance of this iceberg beauty in the water curtain, a look of joy appeared on Margaret's pretty face, and then she bowed slightly to the iceberg beauty and said softly, "Sister Elena, good day!"

Hearing Margaret's greeting, the icy expression of the iceberg beauty in the water curtain, the youngest cardinal Elena of the Church of Storms in the history of the Church of Storms, softened slightly, and her cherry lips parted slightly in response. make her the best assistant

"Good day! Marguerite, how are you doing in Frosinone?"

"It's not bad! It's just that the air here is too cold, and the vegetation is sparse, the soil erosion is serious, and the wind and sand are very strong. It is really incomparable with the environment of the Bernabéu in the imperial capital!" Margaret said with some distress:

Regarding Margaret's complaints, a faint smile appeared on Irina's iceberg-like face, and she said softly: "Perhaps the natural conditions in Frosinone are a little worse, but I think Margaret, you must be willing to stay there, after all, the power of love is great!"

When saying the word love, Irina specially emphasized her tone, and glanced at Margaret with a half-smile.

Margaret, whose concern was exposed by Elena, immediately had a blush on her delicate and charming face, but she immediately changed the topic pretending not to understand, and said to Elena: "Irene Sister Na, I got some news from the front, Milik has not killed Filo in the Navas Forest so far."

Hearing Margaret mentioning Filo, Irina in the water curtain had a slightly strange look in her eyes and fell into silence. Just when Margaret was a little confused about why Irina looked like this, Elena said quietly: "Three hours ago, Milik stayed at the church headquarters, and the soul crystal ball in St. Antis Church broke..."

Irina's voice caught my ears, and a look of astonishment appeared on Margaret's pretty face. As a wizard of the Church of Storms, Margaret naturally understood what Irina said.

Official wizards of the Church of Storms, as well as some high-level apprentice wizards with great potential, will plant a soul crystal ball in the Church of Storms.

As the name suggests, the soul crystal ball has a lot to do with the wizard's soul. It is a method used by the wizards of the Church of Storms to combine alchemy and soul magic. The wizard who was planted with the soul crystal ball in the Church of Storms encountered If he falls accidentally, the soul crystal ball he left in the Church of Storms will shatter, reminding the Church of Storms that this person has fallen.

And those crystal blocks produced by fragmentation, after some technical means, will reflect some of the situation before the death of the fallen wizard.

Although it is hard to believe that Milik, a self-reliant Cardinal Hummels, valued him, and he died like this in the Church of Storms, but as Cardinal Elena, since she said that Milik died If the crystal ball shattered, ninety-nine percent of the crystal ball Milik left in the church must have been shattered.

"Connor Ferguson, did I tell you about Milik?" Seeing that the astonishment on Margaret's face didn't seem fake, Elena asked again:

"I just told him that Milik is a ruthless character, so be careful with him! Besides, he didn't mention anything about Milik to me!" Facing Elena's inquiry, Margaret didn't have the slightest After hesitating, he spoke directly, his tone was very affirmative, without the slightest hesitation.

It can be seen that Irina still trusts Margaret very much. After Margaret answered, she did not ask any further questions, but changed the question and continued to ask: "Conor Ferguson, he has Did I tell you about his mentor Reyes?"

Although Margaret realized that the matter between herself and Connor had been discovered by Elena, Margaret knew that sooner or later, Elena would ask her this question.

But when this day really came, although Margaret was able to maintain a certain level of calm on the surface, she still couldn't help but sigh silently in her heart, and then gave the answer she had prepared to Yi Lian Na recounted: "Connor told me that there is very little news about his mentor Reyes, but judging from his performance, although he is not afraid of Reyes, it can be seen that he I'm still very afraid of Reyes."

Speaking of this, Margaret observed, intentionally or unintentionally, after Irina's facial expression in the water curtain, she continued: "Before, Connor learned about the situation in Flo through some people in the Secret Society and information channels. Around Signone, there may be something related to Reyes, so Connor Ferguson's return this time, one of the purposes of Frosinone, is to explore those things that may exist related to Reyes .”

"Because Reyes' threat to Connor is real, so for a while in Frosinone, Connor planned to move closer to the Wangjue faction, but because he wanted to maintain a high degree of independence and not completely depend on it. Wang Jue's faction, so there are some fundamental contradictions between him and Wang Jue's faction, and the progress between the two parties is not very smooth."

"Connor still attaches great importance to this cooperation with the church. He also hopes to use the power of the church to kill Reyes and eliminate the threat he faces." Margaret will have prepared a long time ago Tell Elena the answer.

In Margaret's eyes, Connor is her other half. The two have been together for many years, have experienced many ups and downs, and their relationship is very sincere. Her superiors in the church had always taken good care of and protected her in the Church of Storms, so now that she was sandwiched between Connor and Elena, Margaret was still under a lot of pressure, very entangled and uncomfortable.

After realizing that Irina found out about her and Connor before, Margaret didn't take chances and avoid this matter as an ostrich, but prepared to be asked about Connor by Irina, And she thought over and over again, and prepared the answers in advance, which is what she told Elena now.

Although Margaret's words seem to say a lot about Connor, but 90% of these words are the situation that the Church of Storms has already grasped. As for the other 10%, it is also It's all irrelevant content, and there's nothing wrong with telling Elena.

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