Count of Wizards

Chapter 1068 Power Struggle (2)

It is precisely because Pope Irthank is facing such a problem, so in Margaret's view, Irthank now returns the Staff of Cold Storm to Irina, and hinted at Irina's support during the meeting, It is very likely that you are preparing for the future!

Il Sank now wants to help Hummels break through to become a third-level wizard, so that the Church of Storms can take over smoothly, but he doesn't want to give up the power of the Church of Storms in his hand, accepting Hummels' breakthrough and becoming a third-level wizard. Then Il Sank needs a helper to do some things that Il Sank is not easy to do on the surface, to help Il Sank check and balance Hummels!

The current power structure of the Church of the Storms consists of one pope and three cardinals. The pope is naturally Irthank himself. As for the remaining three cardinals, Hummels, Sabitzer, and Ilsa Lena.

Among them, Sabitzer, because his life is approaching, has been holding on to his last hope for the past few years, trying to break through to become a third-level wizard in retreat, but he is very old after all, and the possibility of a successful breakthrough is too small. If a miracle happens, in two or three years time, he will fall and sit down. Therefore, Cardinal Sabitzer has basically withdrawn from the power struggle of the Church of Storms.

Once Sabitzer died, only two cardinals, Hummels and Elena, remained in the Church of the Storm. Therefore, once Hummels became a third-level wizard in the future, it would have a negative impact on Ilthank's power. impact, then for Il Sank, Elena is a natural pawn in his hand to check and balance Hummels!

Previously, Elena was able to break the practice of the Church of the Storms to become a cardinal archbishop only at the second-level wizard, and became the cardinal archbishop with the cultivation of a first-level wizard, except that Yi Lianna was considered talented by the entire Church of the Storm, and her breakthrough to become a second-level wizard was a certainty. outside.

To a large extent, it was because Pope Ilthank, in the face of Irina's deceased teacher Camere, used his authority as the Pope to overcome all opinions and forcefully passed it at the high-level meeting of the Church of Storms, so Although Elena finally became the Cardinal Archbishop with the help of Pope Ilthank, but because of her unstable foundation, her prestige in the church is not as good as that of the other two, Sabitzer and Hummels. A cardinal in red is basically an empty cardinal. He has the name of a cardinal in the Safe House Storm Church, but he doesn't have the actual power to match his status!

Although Yi Lianna broke through to become a second-level wizard, and took back the Cold Storm Staff from Pope Ilthank, which is very suitable for her own practice and meditation, her strength has increased greatly, but even now Whether it is its own strength or the authority within the church, it cannot be compared with Hummels, who is in full swing.

However, after becoming a second-level wizard and gaining the value of the Cold Storm Staff, Yi Lianna, whose strength has greatly increased, naturally grew with her strength, and she wanted to compete with Hummels in her heart. The fight for the position of the next pope has made Irina greedy. Maybe even if she knows that Irthank's support is just to use her to check and balance Hummels, she is willing to do so. Under the control and mercy of Ilthank.

Realizing this, Margaret, who is Irina's confidant, couldn't help showing a look of worry in her eyes. Hummels has a very strong personality and is known for vengeance. Now Irina is here Hummels may not be able to do much to help Ilsanke check and balance him due to greed, but Ilsank is old after all, and when he is gone, it may be the time for Hummels to counterattack. Already··········

Even though Margaret is aware of the possibility, it seems that Elena has already made a decision, and it is not good for her to say anything as a subordinate. She can only pray to the Storm Goddess secretly in her heart. I hope that Hummels will not succeed in breaking through to become a third-level wizard. If not, I hope that Hummels will not succeed in breaking through too early, and at least give Elena some time to grow her strength.

In addition, during this meeting, although Yi Lianna kept asking to meet with Connor, she always talked about him, and never talked about her purpose for looking for Connor. The purpose of Margaret can also guess a good or bad.

Obviously, after breaking through and becoming a second-level wizard, and getting back the third-level magical item Coldstorm Staff left by her mentor Camere, and gaining the secret support of Pope Ilthank, her this Sister Elena, who had no desires and desires in the Church of the Storm, began to really think about the position of the Pope, and wanted to fight against Hummels.

In this case, Elena took the initiative to take the risk and asked to meet Connor, either because she wanted to use Connor to smear Hummels, or she wanted to get something from Connor. Regarding the information about Reyes, I want to take the lead in dealing with Reyes, so as to help her establish prestige in the Church of Storms and expand her influence...

So after realizing Elena's purpose and feeling that it would not be too risky for Connor to meet Elena, Margaret finally agreed to Elena's request, but She also put forward her own request to Elena, she would go to the Navas Forest and arrange this matter herself.

Milik was under Cardinal Hummels, and it was not a trivial matter that he died during the operation. As the main person in charge, Christante would definitely investigate to the end. Although he didn't know what happened in the Navas Forest, Mi How Rick died, but for some reason, Margaret always felt that Milik's death had something to do with Connor.

And if it was Connor who did it, then Connor would be in danger if he was found out by Christante. There is a high probability that they will shirk responsibility and try to let Milik and Connor Ferguson, two dark wizards who are themselves hostile to the Church of Storms, take the blame. Therefore, no matter from which point of view, Connor is in the Navas Forest. There is no small risk.

Now that Varga is in the Ferguson mansion, being stared to death by the Church of the Storm, and cannot be touched unless it is absolutely necessary, then Margaret is the only one who can go to the Navas Forest to support Connor, so for the sake of Connor's safety, even if It is possible to take a lot of risks, and Margaret also decided to go to the Navas Forest to support Connor.

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