Count of Wizards

Chapter 1071 Connor's Calculation

"Connor, although you and I are both injured now, your injuries are much lighter than mine, so I probably won't be your opponent. Once the time comes, I can only run. I was beaten by Milik. In this Navas forest, after hunting for a while, I know how risky it is to run around!"

"And now I'm injured again, so I want to stabilize now. How about you and I get the benefits of the Reyes ruins together like the original plan?" Seeing that Connor still didn't express his opinion, Philo, who had already had a showdown with Connor, played the last card in his hand to Connor.

Seeing that Philo seemed to be playing all his cards, Connor, who for some reason cherished words like gold today, asked another question.

"Philo, are you sure that the ruins must be hidden in that mountain bag?

Facing Connor's question, Philo hesitated a little, but he shook his head frankly and then considered his words.

Yan said: "I won't hide it from you, Connor. I didn't find anything suspicious in that hill except for the smell of blood clots left by my father. , so I can’t be as sure as you are, the ruins must be hidden in that hill!”

"However, I choose to trust my father. Before he died, he took my hand and told me with certainty that he was confused by Reyes' magic circle and didn't know the exact location of the ruins. Where, but he buried the blood coagulation beads made of his blood around the ruins, then he will definitely not lie to me!"

"In short, I won't go back to Luyepo. I will go to check this small hill. Now the choice is in your hands, Connor. You can either say goodbye to me, or go to see that hill with me. Small mountain bag!" Fei Luo said in a deep voice with a very firm attitude:

Feeling Fei Luo's attitude, Connor glanced at him, and gradually made a decision in his heart, then turned around and walked towards the direction of Green Leaf Slope, and said lightly: "Since you are so sure, Fei Luo, then you Go to that hill and check it carefully, I will go to Green Leaf Slope by myself, if the ruin we are looking for does not exist in Green Leaf Slope, I will come back to find you!"

Listening to what Connor left behind, and seeing Connor's leaving back, Philo looked slightly surprised, as if he didn't expect Connor to do this. After he stayed in place for a few seconds, he saw After Connor drifted away and really had no intention of coming back, he no longer hesitated, and flew straight towards the hill he suspected to hide the ruins.

What Philo never expected was that Connor, who said he was going to the Green Leaf Slope, noticed his movement, but a strange smile appeared on his face, and after walking around, Connor was He didn't go to Green Leaf Slope as he said at all, but hid secretly in a dense bush, took out an alchemy telescope, and quietly observed Philo's movements.

Just now Connor was not sure whether Philo's remarks were true or not, and Philo's attitude seemed very firm. As long as Connor disagreed, it would be a complete split, and the two would inevitably have a big fight!

Although Connor was not afraid of Filo's attacking him, in order to find out what kind of medicine was sold in Filo's gourd, Connor took a step back, and also used some small tricks with Filo to make him Philo mistakenly thought he had left, and now he was alone,

In this case, if Philo still went to search in the small mountain bag, it meant that Philo was not lying, and the relic might really be in the small mountain bag, so Connor could still continue to cooperate with him.

If Philo didn't go to the hill, but just walked away, or took other actions, it meant that Philo had a ulterior motive, so after finding out his cards, Connor would naturally not keep him.

Although the distance between Connor's bush and Philo who had climbed to the nameless hill was more than a thousand meters, with the help of the Alchemy Telescope, Connor could still observe it very clearly. , all of Philo's actions.

Under Connor's observation, Philo, who was alone, rummaged around on the hill, as if he was looking for something. Seeing Philo like this, he didn't really believe the story Philo told. Connor had a strange look in his eyes.

After hesitating for a while, Connor did not draw conclusions lightly, but picked up the alchemy binoculars and continued to monitor Philo on the unnamed mountain from a distance.

Time passed minute by minute. Under Connor's secret peeping, Philo turned the small and nameless hill upside down step by step. Judging by what he meant, it seemed that he was digging three feet into the ground. Also dig the ruins out of this hill.

Seeing Philo working so hard when he was alone, Connor began to slowly change his mind, thinking that Philo didn't seem to be lying to himself about this matter.

Realizing this, Connor, who was holding the alchemy telescope, moved the telescope from Philo's body to the surrounding environment of this nameless hill. What Philo just said reminded Connor.

His mentor, Professor Reyes of the Secret Society, is an alchemist, and a very powerful alchemist, and if, as Philo said, this ruin in the Navas Forest is related to Reyes If the secret of his rise is very important to Reyes, then it is almost 100% certain that Reyes will use formations to protect the ruins.

According to the theorem of the magic circle, no matter how well a magic circle is disguised, as long as it is arranged, there will be traces. As for whether the magic circle can be found, it depends on the level of the wizards!

Although Connor used his mental power to check the five-member hill just now, and found a family hiding in the hill attacking fifteen gopher mice, but after all, the check time was too short, only one minute, and in some In terms of details, the inspection is not careful enough,

But this time, with the help of the Alchemy Telescope, Connor observed the nameless hill from the air. Every detail, every node that might be deployed, Connor observed up and down for a long time, Until it is confirmed that there is no problem, it will not move to the next target...

Half an hour later, Connor, who completed the second inspection of the unnamed hill, put down the alchemy telescope in his hand. At this time, his brows were tightly frowned, and his expression was very solemn, although from the look of his expression, Connor seemed to have discovered something , but in fact the result of this second inspection was exactly the same as Connor's first inspection with mental power, and there was no suspicious sign in this nameless hill!

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