Count of Wizards

Chapter 1075 Discovery (3)

As soon as Connor started to move, before he had walked a few steps away, he suddenly heard Philo who flew to the nameless hill, a rather pleasant cry.

"Connor Ferguson, come and see!"

Although Connor didn't know what Philo wanted him to see, he could hear the surprise in Philo's words, and an idea burst into Connor's mind in the next second.

"Did Philo find something?"

Realizing this, Connor thought about it quickly, and then he put the Castilla staff back into the space ring as if he had quietly taken out the Castilla staff. Then, as if nothing had happened, the black magic robe on his body flew towards Feilo in a flash.

Philo, who just focused his attention on his own discovery, didn't realize that he had already walked through the gate of hell. Seeing Connor coming, he couldn't wait to point to a trace at the bottom of the pit, while He said, "Connor, what do you think that is?"

Looking in the direction Philo pointed at, Connor immediately saw traces of something like a metal card in the soil. This discovery immediately attracted Connor's attention. When Na was about to study what it was, Philo on the side suddenly closed his eyes as if he had made a new discovery, let go of his mental power, and began to sense something.

Seeing Philo's abnormal appearance, although Connor's expression remained calm, as if nothing had changed, in fact, in his heart, he had a hard time suppressing the killing of Philo in his heart. Meaning, the current Philo can be said to be the most vulnerable time. He has devoted himself to the perception of spiritual power, and his own defense has basically dropped to the lowest point.

Now as long as Connor is willing, it is not difficult to kill Filo, but it is a little pity that Filo seems to have discovered something now, so in order to find the ruins related to Reyes, Connor did not hesitate. I don't mind letting Philo live for a while so that his value can be maximized. Anyway, in Connor's view, Philo has become a prey in his pocket, and he can't find the palm of his hand anymore!

Under Connor's silent gaze, after nearly a minute of spiritual perception, Philo finally seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly opened his eyes. What is surprising is that Philo's eyes were originally still It was normally brown, but now it has turned into a chilling blood red. Not only that, but even Filo's aura has become very fierce. It changed from the injury he suffered after killing Milik a few days ago. unhealed frailty...

Seeing that Philo suddenly became like this, Connor was shocked, but he couldn't help raising his vigilance in his heart. At this moment, Philo's right hand suddenly stretched out into the dark red soil in front of him, as if It's like trying to get something out of there.

Although I can't understand what Philo is doing now, it is unbelievable that under his actions, a very strong wave suddenly emerged from the depths of this shapeless and nameless little soil bag that had been ravaged by the explosion of the alchemy bomb. Feeling the appearance of this energy fluctuation, Connor was surprised, and immediately used his own mental power to perceive and identify this energy fluctuation.

Although this energy fluctuation is very weak, and it seems to be buried deep in the ground, Connor can clearly find that this energy fluctuation is not the same as the energy fluctuation produced by Philo's blood witchcraft. It is 100% the same, but it is also very similar, and people can tell at a glance that this weak energy fluctuation must have some connection with Philo.

Connor, who discovered this, immediately thought of what Philo told him just now, that he felt the aura of the blood coagulation beads formed by his father's blood near the small dirt bag, and the doubts in his heart were also He untied it immediately, and it seemed that Fei Luo had finally found the blood clotting bead left by his father.

Just when Connor was unraveling his secret doubts, Philo on the other side felt that after this energy fluctuation appeared deep in the small soil bag, the whole person's emotions immediately became very excited, and then In front of Connor, he began to chant the spell.

"Abdullah···················································································································································································· "..."

Unlike ordinary wizards who deliberately chant spells quickly and hastily in order to pursue a faster casting speed, the spell that Philo chanted at this time was very obscure and even somewhat twisted, and it seemed very slow. As if deliberately, every character is chanted with a perfect accent.

Under the condition that Philo recited the spell very slowly on purpose, although Connor had never practiced blood witchcraft and knew nothing about blood witchcraft, as an alchemist, he knew the almost lost ancient Byzantine language. Connor, who has a deep knowledge of the language, still vaguely heard the general meaning of the spell chanted by Philo.

At this time, Philo's spell is probably saying, praying for a certain great blood god to give him the power to let him discover the blood of his relatives and destroy all enemies that hinder his progress. He will sacrifice the blood and corpses of the enemies to the blood. god.

With the sound of Fei Luo's incantation, the energy fluctuation in the depths of the small soil bag keeps moving up and becomes more and more clear. If there is no accident, it should be the one left by Fei Luo's father. The blood coagulation bead is about to break out of the ground, but not only that, although Fei Luo's body looks unchanged as he sings the incantation, but as a spiritual wizard with extremely keen inspiration, Connor is I can vaguely feel that under the effect of the sound of the mantra, the energy fluctuations in Fei Luo's body are obviously solidified...

Feeling the changes in Philo, Connor's mood became more serious. There is no doubt that the meaning of Philo's spell is not short, and it is very normal. He wants to get the blood coagulation beads left by his father, but the second half It means that a standard wizard is casting some kind of arcane spell that pays some price so that he can increase his strength in a short period of time.

It is understandable for Philo to want to get back what his father left behind. But in this situation, why would he use a secret method with great side effects to strengthen himself? It's really hard not to let people have doubts in their hearts.

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