Count of Wizards

Chapter 1077 Untitled

As soon as Philo finished speaking, he didn't wait for Connor to speak, and directly grabbed the metal card in Connor's hand with his right hand. Seeing this, even if Connor could bear it, he couldn't help being angry, and he didn't talk to Philo. To be polite, he snorted directly, and a mental storm hit Fei Luo.

Filo, who was about to take the metal card from Connor, seemed to have planned it long ago. He was not surprised by Connor's counterattack. His mental power instantly solidified and blocked Connor's mental storm. Connor's action of taking the metal card was also completely destroyed by Connor.

After a quick move, Connor and Filo stood facing each other, keeping a certain safe distance from each other, and looked at each other coldly.

After a stalemate like this for nearly a minute, Philo broke the silence, and said to Connor a little irritably: "Hurry up and find the ruins!"

After finishing speaking, Philo didn't wait for Connor's reply, but went straight to the side, giving Connor a safe space to think at ease.

Seeing Philo's actions, instead of showing the slightest joy, Connor's eyes became more dignified.

When he was casting the spell just now, the reason why Philo's singing speed was very slow must be that the spell has very strict requirements on singing, but Philo should also think that he can't understand the spell he is singing and the ancient Byzantine language he used. This is only possible because of language, so until now, Philo thought that Connor didn't know that he used the secret method to quietly strengthen his strength.

And the secret technique like Filo's, which can temporarily increase the strength of a wizard, usually has a time limit, and the impatience in Filo's words just now cannot be faked, so in Connor's view, Fei Luo now desperately hopes to find something from this metal card, otherwise he will probably take the risk...

Knowing this, Connor, who had obtained the calculation results of the auxiliary chip, had already figured out how to deal with Philo, a lifeless thing.

Connor, who deliberately pretended to be checking a metal card, delayed the time for more than ten seconds, and under the watchful eyes of Philo not far away, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the smile on Connor's face, Filo, who was struggling to suppress his impulse to attack Connor, rekindled hope in his heart, and asked Connor tentatively, "Have you found the relic?"

Seeing that Philo really made the question as he thought, Connor sneered in his heart, then pretended to hesitate for a while, and then nodded with a straight face, counting it as a response to Philo's inquiry.

"Where are the relics?" Figaro at this time was not as calm as Connor. Seeing that Connor had found the relics, he was overjoyed and immediately asked Connor;

Facing Philo's question, Connor pretended to hesitate for a few seconds, and then turned his gaze to a seemingly inconspicuous swamp about a kilometer in front of the hill.

Following Connor's gaze, Philo immediately noticed the swamp. Although he didn't notice anything from the swamp, he still chose to believe in Connor's judgment, turned into a blood shadow, and went straight to the swamp. Go to the swamp.

Seeing Fero who had turned into a blood shadow, Connor felt threatened, his eyes were a little dignified, and then the black magic robe on his body flashed, and he followed Philo and flew towards the swamp.

Fero, who arrived in the swamp before Connor, immediately started exploring. After checking for a few seconds, he seemed to have discovered something. A little excitement appeared in a pair of blood-colored pupils. Pressing down, the mud in the entire swamp was immediately blown out, and the stench of rotting matter in the mud permeated the air.

The effect of Philo's fanfare was extraordinary, and soon Philo was underground in the swamp, and he found an altar covered by mud.

From the architectural style of the altar and the ancient Byzantine runes carved on the altar, Connor can basically conclude that this is an altar built in the ancient Byzantine era, which fully meets the goals of Connor and Philo. Characteristic of the ruins involving Reyes' secret.

After sending the letter of the existence of this altar, Philo was undoubtedly very happy, but he did not get carried away by the joy, knowing how to deal with this altar, Connor, who is an alchemist, had to operate it Well, he, a wizard who cultivated blood energy, couldn't handle all this, so he cast his eyes on Connor again.

Under Philo's watchful eyes, Connor, who knew he was duty-bound, didn't refuse. He went straight to the altar and started the inspection. Connor, who had roughly figured out the situation of the altar a minute later, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After finishing the research on this metal card, although Connor discovered that there was a trick under the swamp, which was the key to discovering the ruins, but when he saw this trick presented in the form of an altar, Connor still couldn't help feeling a little bit. Unexpectedly, but looking at it now, this altar is just a cover. In fact, the function of this altar is not much different from what Connor thought, and it will not affect Connor's plan to deal with Philo next.

No longer worrying about Connor, he found out immediately. There were only a few prohibition organs on this altar. After a little research, Connor understood how to use this altar. Then, under Philo's gaze, Kang Na shot a series of spells at the altar. Under the influence of Connor's spells, the altar from the ancient Byzantine period moved slowly, revealing a secret passage under the altar.

Seeing the emergence of this secret passage, the ruins that their father and son have dreamed of for decades is close in front of them, Fei Luo can no longer suppress the emotions in his heart, his expression becomes extremely excited, but excited for a few seconds After a few minutes, Philo looked at Connor beside the altar, his eyes gradually became cold and ferocious. Now that the secret passage appeared and the ruins were in front of him, it was time to make a break with Connor!

Connor, who had been wary of Philo for a long time, was no stranger to Philo's plan to cross the river and demolish the bridge. He turned his head and glanced at Philo with a half-smile. Flying into the secret passage, watching Connor enter the ruins one step ahead of himself, Philo was unwilling to lag behind, and turned into a blood shadow again, entering the secret passage.

The entry of Connor and Philo may have automatically triggered some kind of restriction on the altar, and the altar slowly moved back to its original position immediately, blocking the door of the secret passage...

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