Count of Wizards

Chapter 1079

Just when Philo couldn't figure out Connor's purpose and felt vigilant in his heart, Connor, who was in his vision, shook his head at him, then ignored Philo, and went straight to the depths of the palace. go.

Seeing Connor's extremely weird actions, he really couldn't figure out what Connor's intentions were. Feeling the powerful strength brought to him by the secret technique, it was beginning to dissipate, and when he thought of the secret technique's effect After the end, he will enter a period of weakness. At that time, when he meets Connor Ferguson, it will be the end of being slaughtered by the other party, so although he is jealous of Connor, Philo gritted his teeth , chose to take the risk, turned into a blood shadow, and rushed towards Connor.

Fei Luo, who turned into a blood shadow, can be said to be very fast. This is only a blink of an eye, and he flew more than ten meters away. Seeing that in a few seconds, Fei Luo will kill Kang However, at this time, Connor was still walking leisurely towards the depths of the palace, ignoring the intention of killing Philo behind him.

Seeing that Connor was so big, Philo was annoyed, but also had a touch of expectation in his heart. Although he didn't know what gave Connor so much courage to face him so big, but if things According to the current situation, if it continues to develop, then Connor Ferguson will inevitably pay a very painful price, even his life, for his arrogance! ,

However, just when Philo was holding beautiful fantasies, something happened that he never expected...

When Philo flew less than ten meters away from Connor, suddenly a dark green enchantment formed on the floor tiles of the palace, trapping Philo in it!


Fero, who turned into a blood shadow, slammed heavily on the barrier, made a heavy muffled sound, and fell to the ground. At the same time, Feiro only felt a stabbing pain in his ribs. Obviously he was hit The sudden appearance of the dark green barrier broke several ribs, but the dark green barrier that trapped him was intact.

Just before Philo figured out what happened, Connor's calm voice came from outside the barrier.

"This enchantment is called Ersa Kun's enchantment. It is a method used by ancient alchemists to deal with demons crawling out of the abyss. This enchantment is extremely strong and has its own corrosion effect. In a minute, the body and mana will be corroded, and now this enchantment is used to deal with Filo, you blood wizard, it can be said to be the best!"

"Philo, just stay in this Ersa Kun barrier for a good time, and I will come back to see you later!" Connor flicked the barrier with his fingers after finishing speaking, counting it as a follow-up. Greeted Philo, an old friend.

Knowing that all of this was Connor's trap, Philo immediately became extremely agitated. While he was desperately attacking and using blood witchcraft to attack the dark green barrier that trapped him, trying to break out of the trap, while In the barrier, he cursed at Connor like a mad dog.

"Connor Ferguson, you bastard, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to pull out your heart and feed it to the jackals. Connor, I'll kill you first, and then I'm going to kill you, a member of the Ferguson family. Kill all of them..."

Although Philo's attack on Ersa Kun's enchantment was crazy, and he did not hesitate to consume mana, but unfortunately, this Ersa Kun's enchantment was too strong, no matter how Filo hit it, it was as solid as a rock. No response at all.

Listening to Philo's unbearable insults to himself and his family, instead of the slightest bit of anger in Connor's heart, there was a smile on his face, because he knew that the current Philo was the last one before he died. The trapped beast is still fighting.

After discovering the metal card, Connor found that the ruins were nearby, and he also realized that there must be some defensive restrictions in the ruins, so he quickly figured out, taking advantage of himself as an alchemist, The plan to control the prohibition in the ruins to kill Philo.

The reason why Connor dared to be so arrogant in the face of Filo was entirely due to the fact that after he entered the palace before Filo, he quickly checked the restrictions in the palace, and found that these restrictions had existed for an unknown number of years. . Otherwise, how could Connor Ferguson, who is cautious and suspicious by nature, be so contemptuous of Philo, a powerful enemy?

During Connor's inspection, he found that although the restrictions here can be used, they are all passive restrictions.

In the wizarding world, prohibition can be divided into many types according to various conditions, but if it is distinguished from the conditions of use, then prohibition is generally divided into two types, one is called active prohibition, and the other is called It is passive restraint, and active restraint, as the name suggests, is to be used without any restrictions, and can be driven by the wizard to actively attack the enemy.

As for this passive restraint, it means that the restraint will be activated to attack the enemy after reaching a certain trigger condition, and the trigger condition of this restraint at this time is "attack"

That is to say, in this area, whoever takes the initiative to attack will trigger the ban and be targeted by the ban. Connor, who understands this, took full advantage of this advantage and deliberately stimulated Filo to take the initiative, so that He was targeted by the ban.

Judging from the fact that Philo is now trapped in Ersa Kun's barrier, and there is no escape, and his physical mana will be corroded, Connor's plan is undoubtedly very successful.

Taking out the pocket watch from his pocket to check the time, Connor put the pocket watch into his pocket again, then turned around and walked towards the depths of the palace.

When introducing Ersaquin's enchantment to Filo just now, although Connor said a lot, including the origin and function of Ersaquin's enchantment, etc., there is one more thing that Connor did not tell Filo, That is Ersa Kun's enchantment. Counting from the condensation, it can exist for half an hour at most. After half an hour, no matter whether Philo can break through the enchantment, Ersa Kun's enchantment will automatically disappear.

Connor didn't know if Filo could survive half an hour in the corrosion of Ersa Kun's enchantment, but he was willing to believe that Filo had this job, so Connor would return here after waiting for twenty-five minutes. It would be best if Philo was dead, and Connor could use his soul-hunting technique to take out the "Blood Moon Codex" entrusted to him by Margaret from his sea of ​​gods.

If Philo's vitality is really out of bounds, and he survives from Ersa Kun's enchantment, then Connor can naturally wait for him, make up for him, and send him on his way...

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