Count of Wizards

Chapter 1083 Crisis (1)

Put the crystal ball that recorded the contents of the "Blood Moon Code" into the space ring properly, and Connor, who once again turned his attention to Philo's corpse, seemed to have thought of something, and immediately put his hand on the space ring again. On Philo's cold head.

Ten seconds later, Connor, who was in a good mood because he had successfully obtained the "Blood Moon Codex", immediately changed his expression slightly, and subconsciously held his Castilla Staff with his right hand... ·

His luck is not bad. Although more than half of Philo's memory is gone due to the disappearance of his soul, the memory just now happens to be still there. What makes people think about it is that the last scene of Philo's memory is He was trapped behind Ersa Kun's enchantment, and attacked Ersa Kun's enchantment frantically, and behind this included how Philo came out of Ersa Kun's enchantment, how he came here, and why did he die in the end? Here, none of that!

For this to happen, of course it is possible that Philo himself had a situation in his cultivation that just happened to cause this to happen, but there is no doubt that this possibility is very, very low, so low that it can almost be ignored.

And this means that the reason why Philo lost this very critical memory is more than 90% likely that someone or a certain existence used some method similar to insanity to forcibly Erase this memory in Philo's soul!

If this is the case, it provides a very strong evidence for Connor's idea that Philo died from "external force"!

If things really develop as Connor thinks, then Connor is now facing two very imminent problems!

These two questions are:

Where is the mysterious existence that killed Philo now?

Will this mysterious existence pose a threat to Connor Ferguson after killing Philo?

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and quietly looked around the surrounding environment.

With a quick glance, all the situation of this secret passage can be seen at a glance, there are no blind spots, and every corner can be seen clearly, but even so, Connor still has an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Unexplained Anxiety········

Aware of this, although Connor is still calm on the surface, making it impossible to see anything, but there is a deep sense of frustration in his heart. Judging from the current situation he got from Philo Look, Connor can basically conclude that Philo's death must be something strange, not as simple as a natural death, it may be a wizard, it may be a monster, or it may be something that Connor has never seen before. .

Even compared to humans, Connor is more willing to believe that Philo was killed by some mysterious existence. The reason is very simple. As a first-level wizard, the training resources in Philo's space ring must be very rich, and The mysterious being who killed Fei Luo didn't even touch the space ring after killing Fei Luo.

It can be seen that the other party either does not know the value of this space ring, or thinks that this space ring is of no help to it, thus ignoring this space ring and the cultivation resources in it. Either one is enough to show that the mysterious existence that killed Philo is most likely not a human being!

Anyway, Connor has seen it before, and this mysterious underground palace is amazing. Connor is also mentally prepared for what will happen next, and what ferocious and weird monsters will be encountered.

So knowing that the other party must exist, he may even hide in the corner that he can't detect and watch him, and prepare to do something to him, but he can't find the other party. For wizards, it can be said to be quite uncomfortable.

Although it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable, since you can't change the current situation, you have to change yourself to adapt to the current situation!

In this secret passage, you can't find the other party, and if you continue to stay here, you will have a headache and cough up blood for no reason, so no matter from what point of view, staying in this secret passage is very important for Connor. It's not a good idea. What he should do now is to leave this damn underground palace immediately and return to the surface. When he returns to the surface, he believes that everything will turn around.

After figuring this out, Connor didn't worry about how to find the other party. Instead, he turned his attention to the altar that sealed the entrance to the secret passage, and with a big move, he walked away with the cloth on Philo's hand. The space ring he held, since this mysterious existence lurking in the dark did not take this space ring for some reason, then Connor would not mind getting it for nothing. Maybe this space ring from Philo, It will bring some, some kind of special surprise to Connor!

Connor tried it, trying to move the altar away from the entrance of the secret passage using the method he had used to open the altar, but as he expected, all failed. Connor cast the magic spell casually, The altar was completely unresponsive.

Seeing such a situation, Connor, who was protected by Castilla's protective barrier, began to meditate while secretly guarding against the danger that might appear in the dark at any time.

From the perspective of an alchemist, if your original method cannot open the secret passage from the inside, then you can try to open the secret passage from the outside, or give up the original method and use violent methods, and now Kang Na is trapped here, and it is naturally impossible to start from the outside, so there is only one way for Connor, and that is to use violence!

"Alchemy bomb?"

Realizing that he had only violent ways to deal with the immediate crisis, and this was the only way to go, Connor naturally immediately thought of his "traditional arts" as an alchemist.

But when Connor thought about it carefully, he had some doubts about the plan of the alchemy bomb to blow up an exit. Judging from the power of the alchemy bomb, the possibility of the alchemy bomb made by Connor himself to blow up an exit was not small, but Unfortunately, Connor couldn't control the power of the alchemy bomb. When the alchemy bomb exploded an exit, the shock wave generated by the explosion of the alchemy bomb would very likely collapse the entire tunnel.

And if this secret passage collapses, it will be very troublesome. Connor conservatively estimates that this underground palace is 100 meters deep underground. Without this secret passage, Connor may even be left behind in this weird underground palace forever , never returning to the ground.

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