Count of Wizards

Chapter 243: Killing People Ten Times!

An alchemist always has feelings for his first alchemy work, such as Connor, the magic item shadow dagger he refined for the first time, although with Connor's current strength, it is completely useless land, but Connor was still not willing to exchange it, but kept it properly in his space ring.

Therefore, based on his own experience, Connor boldly judged that the broken spirit blade sold by the skinny young man just now should have been refined by himself. This conclusion has aroused Connor's great interest. After the world, the only alchemist Connor came into contact with was his mentor, Reyes. Coupled with the high price of magic items, Connor couldn't help but lament how few alchemists were in the wizarding world!

This time in such an environment, he met a newcomer, and Connor was very interested in him. If he didn't have important things to do in this Borussia Club now, he really wanted to meet that young man just now. Exchange exchange!

After silently chanting "We will see each other again" in his heart, Connor focused his attention on the next transaction between wizards in the hall.

The main purpose of his coming here is to see if he can buy the dark meteorite necessary for him to repair the Castilla circle in the Borussia Club.

With the passage of time, most of the wizards in the hall got what they wanted, and the gathering in Menxing Club this time gradually came to an end.

Connor, who hadn't seen the dark meteorite as he wished, couldn't help sighing inwardly when he saw that there was no trace of the dark meteorite at the party. He stood up from the corner and looked around at the people in the hall before saying in a deep voice: " I need a dark meteorite, the price is negotiable!"

After Connor's words fell, most of the wizards in the hall showed doubts in their eyes. Obviously, they didn't know what the rare alchemy material like dark meteorite was used for, and they might not even have heard of dark meteorite. name.

Seeing that no one made a sound, Connor's face was a little ugly. He had high hopes for the dark meteorite to be found here in the Borussia Club, but now it seems that the hope is as great as the disappointment. Maybe he really wants to go to Mea Cha Manor tried his luck.

Just when Connor accepted the arrangement of fate and was about to sit down, a tall and thin old man wearing a wooden mask in the center of the hall suddenly said, "Is this the dark meteorite you want?"

After the tall and thin old man finished speaking, he stroked the space ring with his palm, and immediately a black smooth stone the size of an egg appeared in his palm, which he showed to Connor.

When he saw the small stone in the hands of the tall and thin old man, Connor's expression under the mask was overjoyed, but he still said very calmly: "Yes, this is the dark meteorite I want!"

"You want it very much?" After receiving Connor's affirmative answer, the tall and thin old man took the dark meteorite back into the space ring, and asked Connor leisurely.

Hearing the tall and thin old man's question, Connor had a bad feeling in his heart, but in order to repair the Castilla staff, Connor could only bite the bullet and say, "I want it!"

The thin and tall old man hesitated for a moment, and said: "I have great use for this dark meteorite, but if you can offer me a price that I can't refuse. I can transfer the dark meteorite to you!"

When the words "hard to refuse" came from his ears, Connor's masked eyes immediately narrowed. He didn't bother to talk to the tall and thin old man, and said directly, "What do you want?"

The tall and thin old man chuckled, opened his palm to Connor and raised five fingers, and said slowly, "Five thousand pounds, I won't sell anything less! And only cash, no checks!"

As soon as he heard this condition, Connor's heart rose with an unknown fire. This old guy was obviously taking advantage of the situation and wanted to kill himself! Generally speaking, the market price of dark meteorites is only five hundred gold pounds at most, but this old guy has doubled it by ten times!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Connor took a deep look at the tall and thin old man, and said in a deep voice, "Two thousand gold pounds!"

Hearing Connor's return price, the old guy snorted coldly, and sat down directly, as if he didn't plan to talk to Connor at all.

Seeing this, Connor didn't speak, and sat back on his seat. The two thousand gold list is all the money he has left now except for the silver dollars in the space ring. It is impossible for him to offer a higher price. The price is up!

After Connor stood up, he stood up again. After a few wizards sought a deal, no one in the hall wanted to seek a deal. Seeing this, Mr. Mustafa announced that today's meeting of wizards in the Borussia Club is over, Moos With a wave of Mr. Tafa's hand, four light curtains appeared on the four walls of the hall, and the wizards in the hall began to leave one by one in an orderly manner.

Seeing that the tall and thin old man who wanted to kill him just now chose the second light curtain, Connor's heart swayed, and he also stood calmly at the second light curtain. Menxing Club missed the dark meteorite, Meazza He may not be able to find the dark meteorite in the manor. In this case, he, Connor Ferguson, might as well just see if he can come to the black one to eat the black one. Although this transaction failed, it also made Connor observe that this person who wanted to kill him The cultivation base of Yidao old guy is the same as him, and he is an intermediate wizard apprentice...

Even if he doesn't have the help of Castilla's magic circle, Connor is very confident in his own strength. He is an extremely rare and unpredictable spiritual wizard, and he is practicing high-level meditation. With a powerful magical item next to him, taking down a wizard of the same level as Connor would definitely make no difference as long as he was not careless.

Maybe he didn't expect that someone would see Cai and wanted to kill him. The tall and thin old man didn't notice Connor who was quietly following behind him, and stepped into the second light curtain with a normal expression.

Seeing the tall and thin old man walk into the light gate, Connor narrowed his eyes slightly. As long as the tall and thin old man didn't find him and immediately ran away, Connor was confident that with his mental power far beyond the range of ordinary intermediate wizard apprentices, he would definitely be able to do so. Find this old guy!

After waiting for about ten minutes, Connor was finally lined up. A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Connor's mouth as he stepped into the second light curtain. Now he is going to become a hunter and start his hunt!

However, what Connor didn't notice was that when he walked into the light curtain, the mysterious official wizard Mr. Mustafa was silently watching Connor.

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