Seeing that De Sciglio didn't open the small silver box for a long time, Connor felt a little nervous. He didn't know if there was something wrong with the gift he gave, or if it violated De Sciglio's taboo?

Being in the aristocratic circle, Connor knows very well that these so-called high-quality and high-quality imperial elites are very superstitious in private, and there are many taboos...

Just when Connor was hesitating whether to say something, De Sciglio finally opened the small silver box that Connor gave him, and a golden easter egg exuding a simple atmosphere appeared in De Sciglio in front of.

"The family knows that you like objects from the Byzantine Empire, so we specially found this treasure for you. It is a one-to-one replica of the imperial easter eggs by nobles in the Byzantine Empire. I hope Uncle Shi accepts it!" Connor said. Pointing to this gift with a smile, he introduced:

Seeing the appearance of this golden easter egg, Mr. De Sciglio's eyes immediately showed a touch of surprise. He carefully observed this simple and simple golden menu for five minutes, and then he finished his observation and sighed leisurely. Said: "This gift is too expensive, I can't accept it!"

With a cold snort in his heart, Connor knew that this was just an excuse, so he put on a sincere expression on his face and said, pretending to be sincere; "It is thanks to your care, Uncle Shi, that our Ferguson family has been able to get along with us all these years. East Hoy Company has won so many sales shares in Frosinone, this gift represents our family's gratitude to you, please be sure to accept it!"

"Well, the company gave you your share mainly because your family has the ability to distribute in Frosinone, and I just played a recommending role in it!" Seeing Connor's sincerity, De Sciglio Although his words were relatively modest, it could be seen from the way he looked at Connor that he was very satisfied with Connor's expression.

"Yes..." Connor nodded quickly and replied:

At this moment, one of Desilio's attendant knights walked in from outside the door, and whispered a few words in Desilio's ear:

Although Connor didn't use his mental strength to eavesdrop on what the servant knight said to De Sciglio, but his physical fitness is infinitely close to that of the grand knight, so he can clearly hear what the servant knight said to De Sciglio. Say something, but! Hearing does not mean understanding.

As a nobleman who has been educated for a long time, and a student of history at Green University, Connor can be sure that the language spoken by this servant knight and De Sciglio is not the Kamanian language of the Kaman Empire, or the ancient Byzantine language, or Or the Hoy language of the Hoy Continent where the East Hoy Company is located, the language spoken by the servant knight and De Sciglio is a language that Connor has never come into contact with.

After listening to the knight attendant's narration, De Sciglio nodded slightly. After the knight attendant saluted De Sciglio, he immediately left the room.

De Sciglio pondered for a while, and said to Connor, "Bishop Edel of the Church of the Storms is here..."

Without needing to say anything to De Sciglio, Connor immediately reacted, stood up from the chair, bowed to De Sciglio and said goodbye: "Connor will not bother Uncle Shi!"

"Hmm!" De Sciglio glanced at Connor appreciatively, and replied:

After leaving the private room, Connor returned to the lively hall. Although he had completed the task of giving De Sciglio a gift, he still couldn't leave to express his respect for his master.

After pouring himself a glass of tequila from Canogie Winery on the dining table, he casually sat on the sofa in a corner of the living room, waiting boredly for the real start of the banquet.

When Connor drank up the tequila in the wine glass, felt that it tasted good, and was about to pour another glass to taste it, a figure he was very familiar with also sat beside Connor.


Connor was not surprised by the appearance of the person next to him, he took his empty wine glass and touched the person next to him lightly.

‘Connor, you are such a devil, your guess is right! ’ There is no doubt that the person sitting next to Connor at this time is Connor’s good friend George Sanchez. After clinking glasses with Connor, he took a sip of his own cup with a complicated expression.

Connor was obviously not surprised by this result. Although George's face was carefully made up to cover up the bags under his eyes

He went down, but as long as he was good at observing, he could still see the deep exhaustion on his face.

Just when George drank all the red wine in his glass, he was about to explain his discovery in detail to Connor.

At this time, in the corner where Connor and George were, a strong smell of perfume wafted over.

"Oh, so George, you are here with Connor!" Miss Sophia, who was wearing heavy makeup, smiled coquettishly and clung to George's side, rubbing the two lumps of flesh on George's arms in front of Connor , However, she chose the wrong time for her little bird-like attitude. At this time, George was talking to Connor about serious matters. Naturally, he didn't have any interest in enjoying the soft cigarettes in his hand. , withdrew his hand from Sophia's side.

I have to say that although Sophia is a very open-minded woman, there are still some in the city government. She took the initiative to please George and was rejected, and after a moment of froze, she immediately returned to normal, without any embarrassment.

The sudden appearance of this woman, Sophia, made Connor, who wanted to help George make a good plan, stop his movements, and after George smiled politely at this woman, Sophia, he focused on the dining table on top of the red wine.

Seeing that Connor was so indifferent to her, Sophia, a woman with a flash of hatred, deliberately pretended to be a little surprised and said loudly: "Connor, I remember that you didn't buy your apartment with a loan for the sake of Saving money and repaying the loan doesn’t come to such social occasions, how could it suddenly appear here today, have you saved enough money for the loan?”

Although the three of them were located in the corner of the banquet hall, Sophia's speech still attracted the attention of many people around. Countless scrutiny, contempt, or other eyes were fixed on Connor.

As soon as Sophia finished speaking, Connor hadn't said anything yet. George, who never expected Sophia to say such a thing, had already angrily scolded his lover in a low voice: "Sophia, shut up... ..."

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