Count of Wizards

Chapter 358: Trading (Part 2)

"Don't worry! What I know about demonized knights will definitely satisfy you!" Epstein waved his hand and said with certainty:

Seeing this, Mr. Issa, who was eager to learn, was too lazy to play any tricks with Epstein, retreated about a hundred meters, and then said to Epstein: "You have three minutes!"

"Enough!" Hearing that the demonized knight in front of him gave him three minutes to recover, the flushed Epstein nodded, and he sat down on the open space to meditate without hesitation, and He continuously took out several medicines from the space ring, and took them in batches to heal his injuries. As these medicines were taken, the flush on Epstein's face gradually subsided, and the aura on his body gradually faded away. It has eased a lot from the decline just now...

"These guys are all very old Jianghu..." Connor, who was hiding in the woods, couldn't help sighing in his heart, using his mental power to secretly perceive the movements between the two:

These two people didn't both agree with each other and didn't choose the oath as a guarantee for the transaction. The reason why this demonized knight covered in black clothes retreated a hundred meters was to use the distance of a hundred meters as a buffer to let him Epstein can recover with confidence, and the reason why Epstein is only allowed to recover for only three minutes is that it means that Epstein can temporarily recover some self-protection power, but it will not recover immediately enough to resist this demonization The strength of the knight.

And if after three minutes, Epstein wants to continue to gain recovery time, he must exchange the secrets in his hands, and once Epstein is not satisfied with what he knows or Epstein lets the demonized knight Feeling the meaning of hypocrisy and submissiveness, I am afraid that this demonized knight will mercilessly kill Epstein on the spot.

Three minutes is not long, and it will arrive soon, but Epstein, who is sitting on the ground and recovering from meditation, has no intention of getting up to end meditation, but he is sitting with his eyes closed and recovering from meditation. Mr. Isa, who was a hundred meters away from him, asked:

"If I'm not wrong, you are a subordinate of Southgate, the master alchemist of the Skull and Bones Society, right?"

"How do you know?" Although he didn't hear the news about Epstein telling him about the demonized knight as agreed, Isa still wondered how this Epstein knew his footsteps.

"Have you heard of Turin Academy?" Ignoring Mr. Issa's rhetorical question, Epstein, who had recovered from his meditation retreat, asked his own question again.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Epstein seemed to be a little afraid of exhausting Mr. Issa's patience. Before Mr. Issa could speak, he took the initiative to say: "You don't have to ask me what Turin College is? I don't know either. Where is this college and what does it teach? The Black Agency has its records, but I don’t have enough authority to see those, but I can tell you responsibly that the Black Agency has reliable information half a year ago. Your boss Southgate and A high-ranking member of the Secret Society all came from this Turin academy!"

"The Black agency has made a report on demonized knights like you, and on this report, it is very clearly stated that the church guessed that you demonized knights took something extracted from a monster, which caused you Now people don’t look like humans, and beasts don’t look like beasts, and many of the magic circles you have experienced are to help you reject and better digest the monster substances in your body! Of course, I understand this message, for your five It may be good news to have a subordinate, but you should have understood it long ago!"


"You should also know that it is your boss, the great alchemist Southgate, who is leading the matter of demonized knights in your Skull and Bones, and what I want to tell you is that your boss is in the Turin Academy. The best thing he is good at is magic beast transformation medicine and alchemy, but what he is worst at is formation!"

"I believe that as his subordinate, you have never seen your boss, the omnipotent great alchemist, perform formations in front of you! And the formations that must be experienced to become a demonized knight, you As a person who has experienced it, you should know how miraculous it is. The alchemy level of those who can arrange those formations is by no means lower than that of the great alchemist Southgate. Such people, let alone your Skull and Bones Society, even in the entire Byzantine continent. there's a few?"

"Coincidentally, the one from the Secret Society should be one of them..."

"You mean...Professor?" Listening to Epstein's narration, I thought about what he said before that his boss, the great alchemist Southgate, and a senior executive of the Secret Society had both Having studied at Turin College, Mr. Issa immediately asked back, but when he mentioned that title again, the black clothes on his body trembled slightly, obviously how "sensitive" she was to that title

"That's right, the Black mechanism. Professor Doubt provided formations for the demonized knights. As a person who has experienced it, you should know better than me how important those formations are to you!" Epstein suddenly opened his eyes and expressed his affirmation to Epstein's thoughts.

"By the way, do you know why I know your boss is Southgate?" Epstein opened his eyes and got up and asked Mr. Issa with a half-smile, although the breath on his body was much stronger than before. Too much, but still very weak, the whole person looks sick.

"Why?" Mr. Issa, whose whole body was hidden under the black robe, asked in a low voice. At the same time, he began to approach Epstein step by step.

"Because in a month, Southgate will lead his demonized knights to leave the Skull and Bones Society and join the Secret Society..."

"Ah...!" As soon as Epstein finished speaking, Mr. Issa, who was approaching Epstein step by step, suddenly let out a scream. A cold and shining ice blade!

The heart is undoubtedly the source of all power for a demonized knight with a strong body like Mr. Issa, and a knife in the heart... will definitely die!


There was a muffled sound before he could even leave a last word. Mr. Isa, who had all the initiative just now, just fell to the ground without any movement!

"After listening for so long, it's time to come out!" Just when Connor was shocked by the scene perceived by his mental power, Epstein's cold voice came from his ear.

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