Count of Wizards

Chapter 366 Surveillance


As a last resort, the silver needle that pierced Connor's celestial spirit cap and stimulated Connor's physical potential did not disappoint Connor's expectations. It seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, and immediately made Connor's gods resound. There was a huge roar!

And with the appearance of this roar, the spiritual seed in Shenhai, which seemed to be able to take the last step at any time, finally took that last step. Compared with the first six spiritual runes hidden in Shenhai, Some dim spiritual runes finally sprouted from the spiritual seeds and were arranged after the first six spiritual runes. With the appearance of this spiritual rune, Connor suddenly felt that his spiritual power and mana, All of a sudden, he jumped to a new height that he had never touched before!

"Who... finally became a senior wizard apprentice..."

Slowly letting out a foul breath, Connor muttered to himself in a low voice, this step is too difficult to take, he is completely relaxed now, and he doesn't have any strength to do anything anymore.

After a while, Connor, who regained his energy, took the silver needle off his celestial spirit cover. He, who has become a senior wizard apprentice, put this silver needle that determined his fate in front of his eyes and carefully looked at it. This silver needle completely decided the fate of Connor Ferguson in the short few seconds just now. Connor couldn't imagine what it would be like after the failure. Fortunately, this time A gamble of fate, Connor Ferguson won!

Properly retracting the silver needle into the space ring, Connor replaced the clean five hundred magic stones in the cave magic circle with the five hundred new magic stones in the space ring, and then in the new five hundred magic stones. The energy released by the hundred magic stones is once again devoted to cultivation. Breaking through to become a high-level wizard apprentice is not the end, but a brand new beginning, and the beginning of this begins with consolidating the realm of cultivation. It took so much effort to break through the realm, if something happened because of some mistakes in consolidating the realm, Connor felt that he would have nowhere to cry.

After staying in the cave for another week, and completely consolidated his cultivation, Connor walked out of the cave. After much deliberation, he finally decided not to withdraw the magic circle in the cave, but to put it in the cave again. On the outer magic circle, another layer of psychedelic magic circle was arranged to prevent the surrounding residents from entering by mistake. His safe houses are all in Luen, and there is no one outside Luen. If something happens to Luen Well, he didn't even have a foothold when he escaped. It just so happens that this cave is very hidden and quiet, which is just right for him to use as a safe house outside of Loen.

Back in Tunguska City, Connor took the fastest ordinary steam train overnight and returned to Loen. Before he killed Langley's spiritual seeds attached to Epstein, he did not return to his apartment in the East District. Instead, he went directly to his safe house in the countryside. Now that he has become a senior wizard apprentice, it's time to go back and take a look!

In the middle of the night, the busy Connor arrived at Rand Street in the East District, but he did not return directly to his apartment, but hid himself among the two rows of trees next to the street, hiding behind the trees, dressed in black Connor in the windbreaker stared slightly at a dark corner of the street near his apartment. With his mental power, he discovered that there should be a green-robed wizard with a somewhat thin figure lurking there. The realm of an intermediate wizard apprentice, judging from the location where the wizard is hiding and the fact that he is concentrating on observing his apartment with the locked door, this person should be monitoring his apartment.

Connor had to admit that the green-robed wizard who monitored his apartment was still very clever. If he hadn't become a senior wizard apprentice now, and his mental strength had increased again, otherwise he was still an intermediate wizard apprentice. Using the silver light pendant to increase the spiritual power, it may be difficult to find this "mouse" hidden in the corner!

Looking at this apartment guy who was concentrating on monitoring him, Connor couldn't help but wonder, who sent this guy?

First of all, Connor suspected Langley, who had killed the soul seed, but this was obviously impossible!

In the battle with Langley, although he exposed methods such as Castilla's staff, undead entanglement, and mental shock, his identity was never exposed. If something was done to him without realizing it, he shouldn't have sent someone here to monitor his apartment. After fighting him, this is the first time he has returned to the apartment!

If it was not sent by Langley, then it is very likely that this green-robed wizard was sent by the old man Victor of the Secret Society. Margaret, Varga and himself have always been in a single-line connection, even if The two of them want to contact themselves when they are not at home, and they should also use letters in secret language instead of sending someone to stare at their apartment!

Although it has been determined that this "rat" was sent by the secret society, Connor still approached the corner where the "rat" was very cautiously, perhaps because of Connor's very clever methods, or maybe It was because he was too focused on monitoring Connor's apartment, until Connor's mental power locked him, the wizard just found out, but it was obviously too late at this time, and Connor's mental shock had already killed him body.

The green-robed wizard who monitored Connor's apartment was a realm lower than Connor's. In addition, Connor's sudden attack without any warning made him unprepared. As if drunk, she swayed on the spot and "danced" with one foot deep and one foot shallow!

Surprised, he glanced at this guy. Connor thought that he would be able to stun this guy on the spot with a mental shock. Now it seems that since this guy can be sent by the secret society to monitor him, it is obvious that he still has some skills. !

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Connor sent another mental shock. This time, the green-robed wizard didn't struggle any more, and passed out very simply, lying on the street.

Glancing around the street and confirming that there were no other people around, Connor immediately dragged the green-robed wizard who had fainted back to his apartment.

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