Count of Wizards

Chapter 372 Varga's decision

"Varga, why are you here?" Introducing the "uninvited guest" who sneaked into the back garden of his apartment into the apartment, looking at Varga in a tight night suit with a heavy face, Connor held Varga's cold little hand, asked with concern:

In order to reduce the risk of exposure, he and Varga had previously agreed that, unless it was a last resort or an emergency, the two of them would try to use secret language emails to agree on a time to meet in the safe house, but now Varga came directly to him In the apartment, it was clear that Varga was in a very urgent situation.

"Connor, did you break through successfully?" Feeling the temperature of Connor's palm, Varga obediently leaned against Connor's arms, but after only leaning against Connor for about ten seconds, Varga raised his head when he realized something. , a pair of beautiful eyes, as if they had discovered a new world, stared closely at Connor's face.

Seeing that Varga noticed the change in his cultivation, Connor showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't hide it from Varga's gaze. He nodded heavily, indicating to Varga that she guessed right, and that he had really become a senior wizard apprentice !

After receiving Connor's affirmative reply, Varga, who was originally looking sad, suddenly became excited and kissed Connor directly.

The two had a long S kiss, and they didn't stop until they felt a little suffocated and leaned on the sofa.

Holding the petite Varga in his arms, Connor looked into Varga's eyes and asked with concern, "What happened?"

Under Connor's gaze, Varga lowered his head and was silent for a while before slowly speaking to Connor: "Connor, I need you and me to kill someone together!"

"Kill who?" Hearing that Varga wanted to kill someone with her, although Connor was very puzzled, he said without the slightest hesitation:

Hearing Connor's words, Varga fell into silence again. After a long time, she sighed softly, raised her head to meet Connor's firm gaze, and said a name with her cherry lips: "Gursi!"

Hearing that Varga wanted to help her kill her teacher, Connor froze for a moment, but took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart and the puzzlement of why Varga wanted to kill her teacher. The voice continued: "Time? Where?"

Seeing that Connor trusted him so much and agreed to help him kill his teacher without asking why, Varga couldn't help but feel moved.

She didn't answer Connor's question directly, but took the initiative to hug Connor tightly, and pressed her pretty face tightly against Connor's chest. Listening to the heartbeat from Connor's chest, she whispered: "Do you still remember?" The Spiritual Spring Elixir? Last time, although I discovered that the potion of spiritual spring can increase the probability of so many successful breakthroughs at the cost of overdrawing vitality, but there are still some effects in the potion that I haven't figured out, so I will continue to use the hospital's machine to keep secrets Research, but all this was discovered by the teacher...'

Hearing this, Connor's heart tightened. He never thought that the reason why Varga wanted to kill his teacher was related to the potion of spiritual spring.

It is now known that the old Victor of the secret society has hidden the side effects of the Spiritual Spring Potion from himself at the cost of vitality, and the real effect of the Spiritual Spring Potion can increase the success rate of breaking through to become a senior wizard by 50% to 70%, far exceeding Old Victor told himself that 30% of the effect of the spirit spring potion!

Let’s not talk about whether the spiritual spring has any other unknown effects. Judging from these two points alone, there must be something wrong with the spiritual spring potion. Gulsi knew that Varga was secretly helping him research the spiritual spring potion. The real effect, is it possible that Gursi threatened Varga to report her to the Secret Society, so Varga wanted to kill Gursi's mouth in order to unite himself?

Thinking of this, Connor's eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and a gloomy murderous intent flashed in his eyes. If this is the case, then let alone that Varga wants to join himself to kill Gursi now, it is Varga who stops him. I must also except Gulsi.

"Ms. Gulsi threatened me. If she told the secret society about this, the secret society would kill me at worst, or erase my memory at least. There is only one way to prevent her from reporting on me, and that is I marry her own son, Ceballos!" Connor guessed right, Varga continued in Connor's arms:,

Connor, who had already made up his mind to kill Gursi, once heard that Gursi dared to hit Varga with his idea, there was a touch of anger in his murderous eyes.

"Varga, do you have a plan to kill Gursi?" Connor lowered his head and asked Varga in a deep voice:

Shaking his head slightly, Varga said faintly: "All I know now is that we can only kill the teacher, otherwise once the secret society finds out that I secretly research the effect of Spiritual Spring, both of us, Connor, will be in trouble!"

Hearing what Varga said, Connor stroked Varga's back with a big hand, comforted her and said, "Don't tell me the specifics of the matter in a hurry!"

"I don't know if Mrs. Gulsi discovered my research on spiritual spring a long time ago, or just discovered it by accident recently. When I was testing and analyzing the potion of spiritual spring in the laboratory three days ago, she came out and told me on the spot. I will show my cards and force me to marry her son Ceballos!"

"Ceballos was attacked a few days ago and suffered very serious injuries. During this time, the reason why Mrs. Gulsi entrusted me with the task of refining the medicines sent by the secret society is because she has now given all She devoted all her time and energy to treating her son Ceballos. Ceballos was seriously injured. Teacher Gursi worked so hard these days to save Ceballos from death. Pull it back online, but it is very, very difficult to restore Ceballos to its original state, but Teacher Gursi said that she has a secret method to do this..." Said here lying on Kang Varga in Na's arms paused for a moment, and a blush appeared on her pretty face. After a long while, under Connor's suspicious eyes, she continued in a very low voice:

"The secret method mentioned by Mr. Gursi is a method of auxiliary cultivation in the Byzantine period. This secret method requires a female pharmacist and Ceballos to do that kind of thing. This secret method is intended to be used as a couple's double rest to promote the progress of cultivation, but according to the above records, it can also deal with some rare injuries including Ceballos' injury!"

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