Count of Wizards

Chapter 460 Borrowing a Knife

"Three days ago, the church headquarters Black agency sent us a piece of information. The Skull and Bones Society arranged for a group of killers to smuggle in from the Continent of Hoy, and they should have entered Loen by now!" Edel pulled out from his arms. He picked up a very quaint pipe, and while taking out some shredded tobacco from the space ring and stuffing it into the pipe, he said in a low voice:

"At this time, the Skull and Bones will send killers to Ruen. Could it be that the Skull and Bones are also interested in the target?" Margaret hesitated, and asked Edel tentatively:

Lighting the pipe filled with shredded tobacco, Edel slowly took a puff, and then said: "The Black Agency said that there is reliable information that the Skull and Bones killers came to Loen not on a temporary basis, but for at least a month. careful planning."

Hearing this, Margaret was stunned for a moment, and then nodded immediately. Although her authority is not enough for her to know, what is the identity of the person whom Edel called the "target" in the plenary meeting just now? , but as a high-level executive of the Ruen Church of Storms, Margaret is still very clear about the basic movements of the Ruen Church of Storms. The movements of the Loen Church have been very normal in the past two months. The preparations started after getting the news that the "target" might appear in Ruen.

Even Loen's Church of the Storm only found out about the "target" entering Loen yesterday. No matter how you look at it, the Skull and Bones, headquartered in the continent of Hoy, could not have known that the target would come to Loen a month earlier than they did.

"As for the purpose, strength, number of Skull and Bones killers from Hoy Continent, their location in Loen, etc., the Black Agency doesn't know. We need to find out by ourselves. The Black Agency requires us to work with Loen Let's cooperate with the hunters to find out these Skull and Bones killers as soon as possible, and then eradicate them!" Edel's tone was still flat, but his voice was full of murderous intent.

After Edel told herself so much, Margaret naturally understood what it meant for Edel to leave her alone, and she took the initiative to say to Edel: "Master Bishop, leave this task to me!"

Seeing that Margaret was still sensible, Edel nodded in satisfaction and said: "Although the above means that we should cooperate with the hunters and those wastes, but those wastes are useless, and maybe they will leak the news. Margarita, you are responsible for it alone. I will say hello to Marotta in a while and ask him to dispatch a team of arbitrators to lead you. Ms. Lena's intelligence department will also provide you with intelligence support. , find out the whereabouts of these killers as soon as possible, I don't want to delay too long in terms of time!"

"My lord bishop, I will finish this matter as soon as possible!" After accepting the task, Margaret bowed to Edel and made a promise, and then exited the meeting room with Edel's signal, leaving only Edel Del was alone, holding a pipe in the conference room and continuing to puff.

Five minutes later, a middle-aged woman with exquisite makeup and excellent maintenance pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in. Smelling the strong smell of smoke in the conference room, she immediately frowned, and Edel shook her head when she saw this. Shaking his head, he put the pipe in his mouth back into the space ring, and with a wave of his sleeve, a gust of wind blew through the conference room, and the smell of smoke in the meeting room was immediately blown into the vent.

"Have you discussed with Langley?" Edel, who was sitting on the main seat, asked in a deep voice to the middle-aged woman who came in, that is, Ms. Lena, the head of the intelligence department of the Loen Storm Church:

"It's basically a discussion. In order to prevent accidents, Langley has already gone to monitor the target." Ms. Lena nodded and said:

Hearing Ms. Lena's answer, Edel's old face showed a look of reassurance and said slowly: "Basically there will be no problems with Langley..."

"I've inquired some information from above, and the target is likely to be the successor of that big man of the Earth God Sect." Ms. Lena hesitated for a moment, but she still said quietly. When she said "that big man", Ms. Lena obviously Emphasized the tone.

Edel nodded and analyzed: "Normally, the methods of that lord of the Earth God Sect are so miraculous. How many people have been arranged by the Earth God Sect over the years to inherit the methods of that lord, but they all failed without exception. , now there is only one person who has succeeded and has become a wizard. Naturally, he is very precious. I reckon that this Luen is not the final destination of this little guy from the family. I will send this hot potato out of Luen in a few days. En Land Realm, we will be relaxed!"

"Are you really going to do something to Margaret? I've heard that Archbishop Elena's cultivation is progressing very quickly. Maybe it won't be long before she becomes a second-level wizard, a real wizard. Cardinal!" Ms. Lena looked deeply at Edel, then turned to Edel and reminded:

Ms. Lena's reminder brought bitterness to Edel's old face, and he said helplessly: "It's not that I haven't been in touch with Irina before, and I know how strong her talent is, so she stayed The old Marguerite made so many little tricks secretly, I just opened one eye and closed one eye, but this time is different, Margaret, a bitch, actually wants to join forces with Langley, once let The consequences of the two of them working together will be unimaginable... Langley I can't touch him yet, so I can only attack Margaret."

After listening to Edel, an imperceptible light flashed in Ms. Lena's eyes, and then said lightly: "Edel, I don't care what you want to do! But you must remember that your actions must be concealed, Margot Although Lite has always been very ordinary, it is said that Irina has a very good relationship with her. Irina can leave her alone in Loen, which shows that Margaret's strength is not as simple as it seems! If those senior wizard apprentices under you want to kill Margaret, at least a few people must join forces, but if you do that, Langley is not a fool, and he won't be unaware. It would be terrible to take Miko!"

Facing Ms. Lena's reminder, Edel showed a strange smile, and said to Ms. Lena: "I understand what you said, don't worry, I will not arrange my people to kill Margaret Special, in order to kill Margaret, I borrowed a special knife!"

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