Count of Wizards

Chapter 522 Mysterious Baby

Connor, who was not interested in the auction items at the auction because he had already known the auction list for today's auction, sat in the corner of the auction, quietly closing his eyes and resting his mind. Connor's main goal was the auction. After the meeting, there will be an exchange meeting among wizards.

Perhaps there wasn't anything of great value in today's auction, so the auction went on very quickly, and in just over an hour, it was the last auction item at the auction.

Under the gaze of more than twenty wizards at the auction, the white-haired Arazov smiled mysteriously, then took out a crystal bottle from the space ring, held it in his palm, and showed it to the wizards present.

"Arazov, what is this? Doesn't the last auction item on your list say it is the Bastoni staff, a top-level magical item?" Sitting in the first row of the auction, a woman in green The old man couldn't see his face clearly, and asked Arazov gloomyly. This old man had the aura of a senior wizard apprentice, and he didn't hide it at all. He looked like a scumbag.

Arazov waved his hand at the old man apologetically, and then said loudly to the wizards in the venue: "Before the auction of this last auction item, I would like to represent our Manor de Meazza and extend my condolences to everyone present here. Apologies, my friends! The Bastoni staff, the first-tier top-notch enchanted item that was originally scheduled to be the last auction item in this auction, was forced to cancel the auction due to some force majeure reasons, I am sorry, my friends!"

"what happened?"

"What a disappointment..."

"Can you Meazza still have some credibility?"



As soon as Arazov's words fell, the venue seemed to explode, filled with dissatisfaction and complaints. Presumably, if it wasn't for Arazov's cultivation at the peak of a senior wizard apprentice, I'm afraid at this time, Personal attacks on Arazov have already begun in the venue.

Sensing the commotion in the venue, Connor, who had been sitting in the corner of the venue with his eyes closed and resting his mind, waiting for the auction to end, slowly opened his eyes and focused his attention on the Arazov piece held in his palm. In the crystal bottle, although Connor didn't know what was in the crystal bottle, although the energy fluctuations emitted by that crystal bottle were very subtle and weak, as an alchemist, Connor could still feel it. It turned out that the energy fluctuations emitted by this crystal bottle belonged to the first-order demonized item.

How extravagant is it to use a first-order enchanted item as a container? It can be seen from this, what kind of treasure is this thing contained in the crystal bottle?

Connor in the corner had a look of curiosity in his eyes. After discovering the secret of the crystal bottle, his interest was also aroused by the things contained in the crystal bottle.

Because it was his own mistakes that led to the cancellation of Bastoni's staff, although the old Arazov looked very ugly, he still suppressed the anger in his heart and did not vent it. He just said loudly: "Everyone be quiet! Be quiet, be quiet, and listen to me!"

Arazov may have practiced some kind of sonic spells. His voice was very penetrating, and the audience fell silent after a single sound, and everyone focused on Arazov again.

The white-haired Arazov seemed very satisfied with the effect, nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "I can fully understand everyone's outrage, but what I want to say is, for the sake of everyone's explanation, I have specially collected the information from the treasure house. I took out this thing, I believe that this thing in my hand will not let you down!"

After speaking, Arazov took out a pair of gloves made of ice silk from the interspatial ring and put it on his hands, then carefully took off the cap of the crystal bottle, and a strange fragrance was wafting from the venue in the next second. drifting away.

Sensing the smell of this fragrance, Connor immediately realized what kind of treasure was contained in the crystal bottle, his eyes were filled with rage, and his palms couldn't help but clenched tightly. The existence of the strange fragrance was not only for Youkang Na realized that in the venue, including the old man in green robe who spoke just now, three or four people's eyes lit up and they were very excited.

After letting out some smell, Arazov just put the cap back on the crystal bottle again. His action aroused the dissatisfaction of some impatient people in the venue, and some impatient people said again : "Arazov, what is in the crystal bottle? Are you playing with us? Why did you give us a kiss and then cover it back?"

"That's right! Open the bottle, let's see what it is!" After the person's voice fell just now, there were immediately eligible candidates in the venue. Snorting coldly, the person who made the sound and the person who echoed the words were suddenly struck by lightning, and their ears and noses were bleeding.

"Spiritual attack? It seems that although this Alazov is not a spiritual wizard, he has some tricks!" Seeing the lesson of Alazov's attack, Connor secretly said in his heart:

"This treasure in my crystal bottle, but with the smell, those who have the ability to buy this treasure can already recognize it, and those who are not able to buy it don't need to know what it is! I would like to say that this item does not accept gold pounds, but only magic stones!" After admonishing those who made a fuss, Arazov said calmly:

After Arazov's words fell, the venue fell into silence. Some people who didn't know what was in the crystal bottle, although they were curious, didn't dare to ask because they had learned from the past, and could only look at each other.

A minute later, the old man in the green robe who was sitting in the first row broke the silence in the venue, and said first: "It's important, we need to see it with our own eyes!" The old guy didn't say "I" but said He also deliberately emphasized the "we" on this "we". Obviously, he knew that he was not the only one in the venue who felt what was in the crystal bottle!

After understanding the hint of "we" from the old man in green robe, Arazov readily agreed. He nodded and said, "Of course! But in order to prevent cats and dogs from joining in the fun and wanting to see things with their own eyes, Ten magic stones need to be delivered! These ten magic stones will not be returned or exchanged, regardless of whether you are satisfied with the items, or whether you bought them or not!"

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