Count of Wizards

Chapter 595 Chase

According to the provisions of Article 13 of the "Public Security and Fire Protection Law" of the Kaman Empire, when a fire breaks out in a residential building, in order to reduce the intensity of the fire and reduce the loss of citizens' property, the fire police C has the right to enter the house without the consent of the owner of the house , so no one will suspect that this group of demonized knights did this, so people will only think that this is just an ordinary fire, and they don't care what is going on behind it!

His eyes flickered for a moment, and a look of helplessness appeared on Connor's face, but in order to keep his apartment in Ferguson, Connor could only take a deep breath, and ran out of his apartment quickly, trying to draw the attention of these people Connor concentrated on himself, but as soon as Connor walked out of the apartment, he was surprised to find that the church's detection ability fluctuation storm eye that should have covered Rand Street and its surrounding areas seemed to have failed...

Realizing this, Connor had an expression of surprise and uncertainty on his face. However, what made Connor feel that this was a conspiracy was that for Connor who ran out, no matter whether he was driving a speeding carriage just now, to Ferguson The blue-robed demonized knight who attacked from the apartment, or the two bald-headed demonized knights in the clothes of the fire policeman, seemed to be no accident. The blue-robed demonized knight took advantage of the opportunity to turn the speeding carriage into a small alley , while the two demonized bald knights each put on a bronze mask to cover their faces, and then attacked Connor.

The other party's series of operations made Connor more certain that everything just now was a naked conspiracy. Their purpose was to drive themselves out of the umbrella of the Ferguson apartment, even though they had realized that it was a conspiracy. However, the two bald demonized knights who attacked had completely blocked Connor's way back to Ferguson's apartment. There was no way he would not want to fight with the demonized knights at the door of his home in the downtown area of ​​Ruen. Na, he could only take a deep breath, found his black iron mask from the space ring, put it on, and then slipped away from the nearby path to the suburbs.

Although she has been tricked and forced out of her lair, she, Connor Ferguson, has the final say on where to choose the battlefield! Connor's eyes under the black iron mask gleamed with a cold murderous intent, and he wanted to chop up these two offals today!

Just when this chase game left the urban area of ​​Loen, Connor, under the blessing of the light body technique, found another demonized knight wearing an eagle eye mask and a griffin mask following behind him , the two bald demonized knights who followed behind him at the beginning, now the total number of demonized knights following Connor to kill him has reached four!

If you count the blue-robed demonized knight who was driving the carriage trying to crash into Ferguson's apartment just now, and the short and fat demonized knight who was monitoring the apartment at the station during the day, the total number of demonized knights has already appeared to be six. Tusum, their total number coincides with the total number of the seven demonized knights that Varga revealed to Connor!

Feeling the speed and aura of the four bastards behind him, Connor also had a rough estimate of the strength of the four. The strength of the four demonized knights seemed very average, and each of them was equivalent to An intermediate wizard apprentice whose physical body has been strengthened, and his speed is very fast. Even though Connor has already used the black magic robe, he can still follow behind Connor steadily.

Connor let go of all his mental power to investigate everything around him. Since Tusum and his demonized knights were sent by Old Victor to kill him, Tusum should be very aware of his own strength. At this time, the four demonized knights following behind him, although their strength is not bad, but honestly, they are not a threat to Connor, so Connor feels that he has reason to suspect that these four knights should only be used to It was just to attract his attention. The real master, Tusum, was still hiding in the dark, waiting for him to show his flaws so that he could sneak attack him.

However, to Connor's disappointment, under the coverage of his mental power, he did not find any suspicious people or objects at all, which made Connor's eyes look puzzled, and he scanned the surrounding environment The doubt in Connor's eyes turned into a ruthless look. At this time, he had brought the four demonized knights behind him to a swamp in the northern outskirts of Loen.

The strength of demonized knights lies in their physical bodies. Their physical strength is comparable to that of monsters. They can carry wizards' spells and magical items, but their spiritual power has never been their area of ​​expertise. Since Connor is good at mental power The spiritual wizards who searched found nothing, which means that Tusum is not here with a high probability of 2. Although this surprised Connor, since this person is not there, for Connor, it is now time to follow him. The four demonized knights chasing behind him are not a threat, and it can even be called a perfect opportunity for Connor to kill these four people and weaken the power of this group of demonized knights!

Thinking of this, Connor had a thought, and slowed down a little, allowing the four demonized knights behind him to follow his footsteps, and then plunged directly into the depths of the swamp. The four wearing knights behind Connor The masked demonized knights did not doubt that he was there, and also went in one after another, but entered the depths of the swamp.

But as soon as the four of them came in, they suddenly found that Connor Ferguson, who had been in front of them, had disappeared from their sight strangely. In their sight, there was only a dead, extremely silent swamp in the middle of the night. land. The four of them looked around, but after they still didn't find anything, the eyes of the three of them under the masks were all focused on the emaciated Demon Hua who was standing on the outermost side and came later, wearing an eagle-eye mask. On the body of the knight.

Under the watchful eyes of the other three, the thin demonized knight nodded slightly, and then his eyes under the eagle eye mask instantly turned blood red, and his blood red eyes scanned the entire swamp.

After scanning for a few seconds, the thin eagle-eyed masked wizard with blood-red eyes suddenly yelled loudly, pointing behind a small tree beside the swamp and yelled hoarsely: "He is... Ah!" Before the man could finish his words, he let out a scream of pain from being hugged, but although he didn't finish his words, his meaning was clearly conveyed to his companions. The remaining three demonized knights instantly started to kill the little tree he pointed at!

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