Count of Wizards

Chapter 625 Tusum's Relief

Today's transportation plan for Kaiwen Town Railway Station is the first train that passes through Kaiwen Railway Station at half past eight. Within hours, it is bound to appear in the train station.

At this time, the position in the Deco restaurant where Connor is located is the best position to observe the Kaiwen train station and its surrounding environment. Coupled with Connor's strong mental strength, as long as Tusum has the courage to show up , Connor believed that he would not be able to escape his clutches.

At this time, the demonized knight Tussam that Connor was thinking about was also disguised as a middle-aged businessman with a suitcase, a blue suit, and a black top hat. In the carriage of a taxi on the road around the town of Kevin Town.

The old-looking driver of the taxi that Tusam was riding in glanced at the gloomy Tussam in the carriage from the corner of his eye. The middle-aged man sitting in his carriage had a look of fear in his cloudy old eyes. The guy with an ordinary face behind him, although he hasn't acted aggressively since he got in the car, but for some reason, when he sees this person, he starts to feel chills from the bottom of his body.

The guy threw himself two five-shilling bills as soon as he got into the car, and didn't say any destination. He just let himself pull him around the small town of Kevin, where he has been pulling trucks for thirty or forty years. This is the first time that a carriage does not go anywhere. As long as he goes around the town, although he is a little afraid of this man, the ten pence fare paid by the man has already been used up, and he will lose money if he pulls it down. Thinking of this, the old coachman hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and made a decision, and cautiously asked:

"Sir, the carriage town has been circled twice, do you want to continue?"

Hearing the coachman's question, Tussam, who was in a bad mood because he didn't find Matthews and Charles, his eyes became even more gloomy. He glanced at the coachman coldly, and Tussam took out the Throwing a one-shilling bill over, he said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense! You can only stop if I tell you to stop!"

Although Tussam's attitude was very annoying, but for the sake of money, the old coachman chose to accept it, took the one shilling note, and continued to drive the carriage silently. According to Tussam's request, Continue to circle around the small town of Kaiwen.

Sitting in the carriage, Tusum continued to search for the traces of his two men, Matthews and Charles, but as time passed, Tusum's patience was gradually consumed again, and it took another few minutes In the past, seeing that his last hope was about to be shattered, Tusum finally couldn't hold back anymore, and took out a gold pocket watch from his pocket, looking at the time of 8:17 on it, Tusum closed his eyes , clenched his fists, his pale face was full of despair!

After being immersed in the grief and indignation that the last hope was dashed for more than ten seconds, Tusum seemed to have finally made a decision, and said to the groom driving the carriage: "Turn right in the alley ahead, I want to get off!"

Hearing that the frightening guy behind him was finally about to get out of the car, the old coachman secretly let out a sigh of relief. He obediently followed Tusum's order and turned into the very hidden and deserted alley in front of him. middle.

A minute later, Tusham lowered his top hat and covered his face, carrying a suitcase, and walked out of the alley alone, but the carriage that carried him and the old coachman who was driving the carriage just now were no longer there. disappeared...

Walking near the train station, Tusum took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time. His gloomy face finally relaxed a little, and then quietly walked into the train station, but the limitations of the demonized knight's mental power made him He didn't notice at all that when he appeared in the crowd near the train station, a pair of cold eyes in the tavern opposite the train station had already stared at him.

Sitting in the lobby of the bustling waiting room, Tusam sat quietly on a chair, his expression was covered by a top hat. Although he still looked a little unwilling, compared with just now, he eased up a lot. It seemed that Tussam Has Mu accepted his current destiny?

"Do you regret it?"

In his heart, Tusum asked himself, and thinking of this question, Tusum fell into deep thought. Although he didn't know why his two subordinates, Matthews and Charles, didn't follow his order. Wen Xiaozhen had a round with him, but since the two of them didn't come, the possibility of solving the problem of his body's demonization was completely shattered, which meant that there were only a dozen bottles of anti-magic potion left on his body. For him, the last time he will be sober and rational will not exceed one year!

And if he hadn't been bewitched by Martina to become greedy for net energy potions and want to resist the secret society, he should still continue to risk his life for the secret society. Although it is very dangerous, according to past experience, he can live ten or eight years longer The year should not be a problem...

There is such a huge contrast between living for ten years and living for one year. From the surface, it seems that there is no good choice. As long as the brain is healthy, they will choose the former. But Tusum was surprised to find that he didn't have much trouble in his heart. There is even a wonderful feeling of letting go and relief in my heart!

And this kind of wonderful feeling, Tusum has never felt, but this feeling seems to be not bad, Tusa enjoys it very much.

He felt this feeling carefully, and after a while he came to his senses, he knew why he had this feeling in his heart, even if he lived for a year, he didn't need to stay in the secret society for this year , being someone else's knife, looking at other people's faces, and always worrying that others will harm him. In the last year, he can completely decide how to live by himself. He is free. He can do whatever he wants without worrying about anything. as a result of!

And these don't mean that he lived ten years, that is, he lived an extra hundred years. As long as he is still in the Secret Society and under Southgate's subordinates, he will never be able to do it!

Thinking of it like this, Tusum's mood gradually became peaceful, he let go of the unwillingness and grief in his heart, and no longer thought about the secret society and other things. He even faintly looked forward to his new life next!

As if thinking of something, Tusum looked at the wall hanging in the lobby of the waiting room with some doubts. There was a big wall clock hanging there. He came in the waiting room at 8:25. He thought about the problem After thinking about it for a long time, isn't it half past eight?

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