Count of Wizards

Chapter 789 The Mysterious Black Carriage

Danilo certainly didn't know that Connor's mental power not only sensed Reyes' prohibition from him, but also felt that this prohibition was Pastre's prohibition, which was obtained by Reyes from the classics of the Byzantine period. The forbidden method found.

Although it is the same as the general self-explosion prohibition, once the forbidden wizard's Shenhai is invaded by someone's spiritual power, the soul-searching restriction will be triggered to self-detonate, but what is more terrifying than the general self-explosion prohibition, the Pastre prohibition is that it will be destroyed. Some of the banned person's memories are listed as secrets, and when the banned person mentions these secrets to others, the Pastre ban will also be triggered, and the banned person will also lose his head.

This means that Danilo, who has not blossomed in his head, what he just told him is all lies!

After Danilo knew that his identity was exposed by Connor, he made up his mind to die, and the reason why he pretended to be greedy for life and fear of death, and greedy for profit was to use his lies. Come and try to confuse Connor, mislead Connor!

As for why Connor knew that Danilo was telling lies to him from the very beginning, and he is still acting with Danilo here, it is because he wants to push back something through the lies that Danilo said .

For example, the clue in the note in the book "Introduction to Kestner's Philosophy" in Reading Room No. 3 of the Frosinone City Library that Danilo mentioned, the person who found it must not be Danilo's boss , and Danilo said so, undoubtedly wanting to frame this person!

Finding a jade box from the space ring, Connor placed Danilo's head in it, and then put it back into the space ring properly. Although it was extremely difficult to break the Pastre prohibition in Danilo's body, Kang Na With the help of an auxiliary chip with powerful computing power, it is not absolutely impossible to break part of Pastre's restriction and obtain some memories!

After putting away Danilo's head, Connor checked his body and other places in the apartment where Danilo lived. After finding no other valuable clues, Connor took out the A can of his special kerosene was poured over Danilo's body and the apartment.


Connor struck out a match, and it was still on top of Dani's body that was drenched in kerosene. Suddenly, the flames burst into flames. In just a few seconds, the magnificent apartment where Danilo lived was It turned into a sea of ​​flames, and in the center of the sea of ​​flames, Danilo's body had already turned into a mass of ashes.

Seeing such a scene, Connor nodded in satisfaction, the black robe on his body flashed, and he reappeared downstairs in Danilo's apartment. At this time, the fire in Danilo's apartment had already caused the surrounding residents to panic. Attention, a group of men, women and children of different shapes gathered under the apartment to watch the fire.

"It's on fire! Come and put out the fire! Where's the well? Have you called the fire brigade?"

"Whose house is on fire? Are there any women or children in the house?"

"Whose house is this unlucky? If it burns down like this, the price will drop by at least half!"

"It deserves it! The people who live here are all rich, so they should be burned!"



While the crowd was talking nonsense, Connor, who wanted to take advantage of the confusion and leave here, found a black carriage at the intersection of the street about 500 meters away. The carriage looked the same from the outside, and the horses pulling the carriage were also ordinary horses, but as an alchemist, Connor could still see some tricks from the black carriage at a glance.

The steel plate used in this black carriage is a rune steel plate that has been tempered and polished tens of thousands of times. Not only that, but also inscribed on the rune steel plate are defense and acceleration runes. The degree of defense can almost be comparable to the first-level defensive magic items, and the acceleration runes engraved on the steel plate of the carriage can almost make the horses pulling the carriage a decoration. It can be driven by an energy source like a magic stone!

And in order to cover up the runes engraved on the steel plate of the carriage from being discovered, the black paint painted on this black carriage is not simple. This is a kind of paint carefully prepared by an alchemist, which can not only shield energy fluctuations to a certain extent, People can't feel the existence of runes on the steel plate of the carriage, and it can even block the exploration of the spiritual power of wizards below the first level.

Such a carriage, even if an alchemist with ten years of alchemy experience comes into close contact with it, it is difficult to discover the special features of this black carriage. If it is not for Connor, it has a strong spiritual power that can be used to perceive , also has a wealth of alchemy knowledge, which can be used to distinguish, and it is difficult for Connor to discover the special features of this black carriage at such a distance.

Connor's eyes flashed brightly. To make such a black carriage, the resources and painstaking efforts of an alchemist are not much less than refining a second-level enchanted item, so such a black carriage can be used There is no doubt that it will not be a simple character!

Although he was quite surprised by the appearance of this black carriage at this time and place in his heart, Connor immediately became alert, even though it was not clear where the black horse came from and whether it had anything to do with Danilo , but Connor, who didn't want to cause trouble, just looked at the black carriage for a while, and planned to disappear and leave without further entanglement with the other party. However, Connor was completely unexpected. Although he wanted to calm down and not want to cause trouble, Obviously, the people in the black carriage did not intend to have the same purpose as him.

The black carriage followed closely behind him at a distance of about 300 meters. Connor was fast, and he was slow. It was obvious that the people in the black carriage were eyeing Connor.

Realizing such a situation, Connor's heart sank immediately. Although he still didn't know why the people in the black carriage were coming towards him, but after seeing several times of speeding up and hiding, he still couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the black carriage. Na was also overwhelmed, knowing that he could not lead the car to his and Varga's foothold, and immediately headed in the opposite direction to the Ferguson family's safe house, another suburb of Flossino, Anderson Valley.

Ten minutes later, when he arrived at the outskirts of Anderson Valley, Connor stopped running, but stopped, looking at the black carriage behind him that was chasing him here from the Hoffenheim community.

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