Count of Wizards

Chapter 791 Boateng Family

Hearing Isabella's words, Connor just wiped the blood on his head expressionlessly. He didn't pay much attention to Isabella, and his eyes were still focused on Adolf, the old man in gray robe. Including Reyes, he has also come into contact with many official wizards, but this Adolf is the official wizard who gives him the most oppressive feeling besides his mentor Reyes. In the forest, above another first-level wizard Robery who had fought against.

"Adolf, you are much stronger than I imagined. I have no other way to face you except my innate spells, so please try my soul shackle!" He held the smoke bomb in his hand , Connor stared at the gray-robed old man in front of him, Adolf said in a deep voice, and immediately after speaking, a huge and incomparable fluctuation of mental power appeared on Connor's body

Seeing that Connor was going to use the "soul shackles" directly, whether it was Adolf, the gray-robed old man, or Isabella standing aside, they were startled when they heard the words. He became nervous and yelled at Isabella beside him, "Run! This kid is going to do his best!"

Before the lingering sound of Adolf's voice dissipated, Connor's spiritual power fluctuated and climbed to the peak. However, when Adolf was extremely annoyed in his heart, but had to hold his breath and prepare to take this terrifying blow, Connor's eyes A sly look flashed across his face, and then under Adolf's gaze, Connor waved his hand, and two smoke bombs were thrown at him immediately.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

The two smoke bombs that were thrown out were still in the air and did not fall to the ground, and a large amount of gray smoke burst out, surrounding Adolf.

At the same time, the huge mental power fluctuations that had emerged from Connor's body disappeared without a trace, and under the cover of gray smoke, Connor immediately flew to the distance, and he saw the surrounding The thick gray smoke that covered the sky and the sun emerged, and Adolf, the gray-robed old man who realized that he had been slapped by Connor, immediately became furious without any hesitation, and continued to chase and kill Connor in the gray smoke.

Adolf didn't go very far in the gray fog. Before his mental power had time to lock Connor's position in the smoke, he saw two invisible and colorless mental storms, one on the left and one on the right under the cover of the gray smoke. Attacking him, the mental storm came suddenly, and Adolf had no time to recite the spell to disperse Connor's mental attack. However, Adolf was really strong, and he was not in a hurry, thinking about the clothes he was wearing. The gray robe is a layer of gray light shield, which protects Adolf.

Blocked by the light shield formed by the gray robe, Connor's mental storm did not cause any damage to Adolf at all. This immediately made Connor, who had escaped hundreds of meters away, feel very disappointed. When it came to "Reyes", Connor understood that since the other party knew Reyes, they probably also knew that Reyes' killer weapon was soul shackles, so in the blink of an eye, Connor used Adolf to control the soul shackles. His fear set a trap for Adolf.

Of course, although it was a trap, Connor was not so arrogant at the beginning, and planned to use this trap to kill Adolf. He originally planned to use the mental storm to kill Adolf like he did with Robery, but he didn't Thinking that in the end, it was still a shortfall and Adolf was defended...

Although he was quite disappointed in his heart, Connor's escape speed was not slow at all. After more than ten seconds, Adolf got rid of the trouble of gray smoke, and when he looked for Connor's trace, Connor had already disappeared in his In view.

"Mr. Adolf, forget it this time. The Ferguson family is in Frosinone. Connor can't escape. We will catch him sooner or later. According to what Vidigal Cavani said, Dani In the final analysis, Luo is just a small character, even if he knows something, it should be some irrelevant things!" Seeing Adolf's gloomy face, Isabella said without saying a word:

Hearing Isabella's words, Adolfo's face became a little better. After pondering for two seconds, Adolfo asked Isabella again: "Since Danilo's clue is broken, Isabella What are you going to do next?"

"Danilo, Vidigal Cavani died one after another, which is not a small blow to Bisping and his gang. They should be dormant in a short time and stop making trouble. And my father told me I met the representatives of the Boateng family, and I will arrive in Frosinone from Odin in three days, so I don’t plan to make extra troubles at this stage. I will concentrate on handling the first round of negotiations with the Boateng family, and then I will deal with Connor Ferguson and those traitors!" Isabella whispered to Adolf:

"Miss Isabella, did your lord tell you who is the representative of the Boateng family to negotiate this time?" Adolf asked Isabella:

Hearing Adolf's inquiry, Isabella shook her head and continued to whisper: "My father hasn't told me about this, but I heard some rumors that Prince Boateng hasn't been in West Ham for half a month. It is reported that he will come to Kaman. Except for Prince Boateng, other important members of the Boateng family have not left West Ham City, so it is very likely that this time the Boateng family , it was Prince Boateng who sent Frosinone to negotiate with us!"

"Prince Boateng, a barbarian, dares to come to Frosinone? In the ruins of the Byzantine Benitezburg, in order to monopolize the Stone of Dark Source, Boateng turned his back and attacked Reyes halfway, almost To kill Reyes, if it wasn't for the sake of the Boateng family, Reyes wouldn't have taken Prince Boateng's arm, but Reyes told Prince Boateng at the time However, if he dares to enter the Kaman Empire one more step in his lifetime, he will torture Prince Boateng's soul and torture him for the rest of his life!" Adolf said with some surprise:

Isabella shook her head and said: "Whether the negotiator of the Boateng family is Prince Boateng, it's just a voice transmission, I'm not sure yet, but if it's really Prince Boateng Aten, since he dared to come to Frosinone, there is no doubt that the Boateng family must know that Reyes and the others cannot be separated at the Bernabeu!"

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