Count of Wizards

Chapter 796 Malice (2)

"That's right! Connor Ferguson is the only son of Alfred Ferguson, the patriarch of the Ferguson family, and Catherine Francis, the daughter of the Francis Consortium of the Kaman Empire. According to the "Inheritance Law" of the Kaman Empire , Connor Ferguson is the first heir of the Ferguson family, and he is the best candidate to succeed the old Ferguson as the new Earl of Ferguson!" Stephanie said affirmatively:

Seemingly satisfied with Stephanie's introduction, Prince Boateng nodded slightly, and then asked Stephanie again: "What's the situation with the Ferguson family recently?"

"The current head of the Ferguson family, that is, the father of Connor Ferguson, Alfred Ferguson is in very bad health. This period of time within the Ferguson family is considered to be a dark tide, although many people are willing to let Connor Ferguson inherit Ferguson. family, but there are some people who don’t want to see Conor Ferguson return to Frosinone, and want to kill Conor Ferguson!” Seemingly aware of why Prince asked this question, Stephanie hesitated but still said:

After listening to Stephanie's introduction, Prince Boateng seemed to have a good idea, his eyes flickered, and after thinking about it for nearly a minute, he told Stephanie:

"Stephanie, in order to negotiate a deal with Wang Jue's faction, your mission is still to inquire about Wang Jue's faction, but I ask you, from now on, you must arrange a group of people for me to keep an eye on the Ferguson family." , I want to know who everyone in and out of the Ferguson family is! '

Regarding Prince Boateng's order to stare at the Ferguson family, Stephanie didn't have any surprises in her heart, and sighed slightly in her heart, even though she was very afraid of this Prince Boateng who might kill her at any time. Aten, but out of loyalty to the Boateng family, after some hesitation, Stephanie wanted to remind Prince Boateng:

"Lord Prince, the Ferguson family is the only hereditary earl family in the Frosinone region. Although their strength and prestige have declined a lot in recent years, they still bear the title of earl and are the traditional supporters of the hereditary noble faction of the Kaman Empire. A while ago, when Old Ferguson was heavily armed, whether it was the Church of the Storm, the Church of the Earth God, or the royal family of the Kaman Empire, they all sent doctors to examine and treat him!"

"At present, although the Ferguson family has no wizards in charge, it is very easy to move them, but once they do so, it is equivalent to hitting the face of the two major church royal families of the Kaman Empire, as well as the hereditary aristocratic faction, touching the red line of the Kaman Empire, and the consequences will be severe. It will be very serious, and it will definitely attract the wrath of the Kaman Empire, and if this happens, the family's business in the Kaman Empire will suffer a devastating blow!"

Although Stephanie's reminder was well-meaning and very sincere, Prince Boateng was obviously not interested in her reminder. The one-armed man just glanced at Stephanie, and then said Said: "Stephanie, I'm not as stupid as you think. For you, you only need to do a good job of collecting information for the negotiations between the family and the prince's faction, and then do the task I taught you well. Ferguson's news told me that the next thing has nothing to do with you, and it's not your turn to teach me what I do!"

At the end, Prince Boateng's emotionless eyes swept over Stephanie's beautiful face, and the meaning of warning and threat was self-evident.

Feeling the coldness in the eyes of the one-armed man in front of her, Stephanie shuddered all over her body even though she had seen a lot of big scenes, almost kneeling on the ground with her legs limp.

"Sorry! Lord Prince! I was the one who was worrying too much. I will finish the matter you told me as soon as possible!" Taking a deep breath, Stephanie tried to stand up straight, and then said very humbly:

Seeing that his warning had achieved its goal on Stephanie, Prince Boateng stopped talking and waved his hand to signal that Stephanie could leave.

After Stephanie exited the room, only Prince Boateng was left in the room. After sitting alone on the sofa and meditating for a while, Prince Boateng came to the glass window of the room and looked down at the The buildings in the urban area of ​​Frosinone murmured in a low voice with a ferocious expression on their faces:

"Connor Ferguson, Connor Ferguson, you have grown from a single person to a first-level wizard in just a dozen years. You must have gotten a lot of benefits from your teacher Reyes, that bastard. Since For the debt owed by Reyes, as a student, you should pay him a small part first..."



Late at night, Ferguson Mansion.

In front of old Ferguson's sickbed, Varga was manipulating a fist-sized green crystal ball, suspended on the emaciated old Ferguson's body in a coma. Under the control of Varga's spell, this green crystal ball, Emerald green rays of light burst out from time to time, falling on every part of the old Ferguson's body.

Standing beside Varga was Connor Ferguson, who was presiding over a small shielding circle, preventing the energy fluctuations produced by Varga's diagnosis of the old Ferguson's condition from leaking out.

Because the undercover Danilo arranged by Reyes in the Ferguson family has been cleared by Connor, and Connor has already known about the old Ferguson's condition through the monitoring of Ferguson's mansion, because he has passed Milner's pill. The effect of the medicine expires, so the condition has worsened again, and it has reached the point of urgency, so Connor did not wait until it is completely safe, and took Varga to see the old Ferguson, but directly made a decisive decision and brought With Varga taking advantage of the night, he sneaked into his plus again.

It can be clearly seen that Varga is facing the eyes, this "future father-in-law" lying on the bed dying is still very caring, although casting the emerald crystal ball consumes a lot of mana and energy for her, but Valga Jia still gritted his teeth and examined the old Ferguson very carefully for nearly half an hour. Only then was he sweating profusely and with a slightly pale face, he took the green crystal ball back from the old Ferguson.

Seeing that Varga took back the emerald crystal ball, and knowing that Varga had completed the inspection of old Ferguson, Connor also stopped presiding over the energy shielding circle, and glanced at the lying on the hospital bed, who was still in a coma Old Ferguson then asked Varga: "How is it, Varga, is his illness still recoverable?"

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