Count of Wizards

Chapter 797 Night Visit to Ferguson Manor (1)

Varga, who finished the old Ferguson's physical examination, frowned tightly, as if she had encountered a very difficult matter. Hearing Connor's inquiry, she stopped thinking, found a bottle of potion from the space ring, and handed it to Connor. Then he instructed Connor: "You give him two-thirds of this potion, and the remaining one-third, apply it evenly on his heart and between his eyebrows!"

Although it is unclear why Varga asked him to do this, based on his trust in Varga, Connor honestly followed Varga's request, and at the same time, Varga frowned again and fell into the situation just now. in thinking.

Connor, who finished the execution of Varga's request three minutes later, was surprised to find that although Old Ferguson's physical condition was still sick, his whole complexion had obviously improved under the potion of Varga. .

"Varga, what kind of potion are you, so magical?" After observing the old Ferguson's situation again, Connor, who was a little surprised when he saw that he had made no mistake, immediately asked Varga:

Glancing at old Ferguson, Varga seemed to have expected that old Ferguson's complexion would improve, so he just nodded slightly, and then said softly to Connor: "Connor, your father's body will temporarily recover within a week. Stabilize, let's go back first, I'm a little confused about his current physical condition, I need to go back and think about it, and do an experiment to study it!"

Hearing that Varga also said "somewhat unclear", Connor's heart sank immediately, and he was slightly disappointed. Although he was a little disappointed with such a result, Connor also knew very well that although Varga's medical attainments were very high, she He is not a god either. He has also checked the old Ferguson's physical condition, and he can't help but feel very bad. Moreover, the cause of the old Ferguson's condition does not seem to be as simple as pure indulgence and excessive consumption...

So Varga doesn't say that he just said "something I don't know" now, but in the end he really "can't figure it out!" That is also a very normal thing, and it is the fate of old Ferguson himself!

"Okay!" Gently shaking Varga's weak and boneless little hand, Connor nodded with a smile and said:

The same as when they came, Connor and Varga left the Ferguson mansion quietly, without disturbing anyone. After returning to the safe house in the suburbs, Varga and Connor, who were still in old Ferguson's condition, said hello After that, she went to her own room and began to study alone.

After contemplating alone in the room for a while, Connor made a decision in his mind. As the saying goes, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. He happened to have nothing to do now, and it was late at night, with the cover of night, so good If there is a chance, he might as well go to Ferguson Manor outside the city!

After inspecting the Ferguson mansion before, Connor planned to continue inspecting the Ferguson manor, but although Connor had a good idea, the plan couldn't keep up, and was hindered by the woman Isabella, and caught undercover in the family. Na has not gone to it until now.

Execution has always been Connor's strength. After making a decision in his mind, he didn't hesitate. He just left a message for Varga in the room, then put on a black robe, walked out of the room and disappeared into Flossie. In the dark night of Nonet.

Half an hour later, Connor appeared on an unnamed peak in the Camille Mountains on the outskirts of Frosinone. Looking at the huge Ferguson Manor at the foot of the mountain in the middle of the night like a prehistoric monster, Connor's eyes appeared A little complicated.

After a short silence, the black robe on Connor's body moved slightly. When he appeared, he was already in an attic in the corner of Ferguson Manor.

In the crystal ball given to him by the old Victor, Reyes gave him a message. It mentioned that after Connor broke through and became a first-level wizard, he could come to the old house of the Ferguson family, where Reyes was hidden as a mentor. A congratulatory gift for Kang's breakthrough to become a first-level wizard.

There are only two old houses of the Ferguson family in Frosinone. One is the Ferguson mansion in the urban area, and the other is in the Ferguson manor. Connor has checked the Ferguson mansion, but he did not find the copy There is no trace of the "gift", so this Reyes' "gift" is probably hidden in the Ferguson Manor, and one of the purposes of Connor's visit to the Ferguson Manor today is to see Reyes's "gift". What exactly is a "gift"!

After a little thought, Connor did not decide to let go of his mental power and inspect the entire Ferguson Manor. Reyes mentioned in the message in the crystal ball that Reyes had arranged a set of very dangerous prohibition mechanisms around the "gift". Connor can only get this "gift" given to him by Reyes only by breaking through this set of restriction mechanisms. Mentor, a small test of Connor's strength after breaking through to become a first-level wizard...

Although he still doesn't know what the prohibition mechanism that Reyes arranged around the "gift" is and how powerful it is, but Connor feels that since Reyes is practicing the "Secret of the Abyss" and making a fuss with him, then this set of prohibition mechanism , maybe it has something to do with mental power!

And with the characteristics of Reyes' arrangement of restraints, if Connor releases his mental power and detects Ferguson Manor, he may trigger this set of restraints in advance!

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help turning his head to look at the ten-meter-high four-story tower in the center of the Ferguson Manor, which is the family library of the Ferguson Manor. Where are the books and secrets hidden by the Ferguson family for generations!

Although the Ferguson family originally started from the Ferguson Manor, due to the needs of the family's development, the core members of the family would move to the Ferguson Mansion in the urban area of ​​Frosinone, and stay in various branches of the Ferguson Manor. , because of multiplication, the number of people is also increasing, the original Ferguson manor can no longer meet the needs of these people, so the old buildings in the manor were demolished, and a lot of land was occupied around, and Ferguson was rebuilt. manor.

At present, although the Ferguson Manor occupies a huge area and has dozens of buildings, the only building that can be called an "old house" in the true sense is the family library located in the center of the manor! So the "gift" and the set of institutional restrictions that Reyes gave himself are likely to be hidden in the library.

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