Count of Wizards

Chapter 813 There is murderous intent here!

Although the incident happened suddenly, Connor was not prepared in the slightest, but Connor has experienced many ups and downs in the wizarding world for so many years.

So in the face of such an unexpected situation, Connor didn't panic at all, while carefully opening his space ring with his mental power, and establishing contact with his silver light pendant and Castilla, so that he could immediately , using them to face a sudden attack that may occur at any time, while pretending that nothing happened, quietly cleaning up the traces left by him in the woods.

Time passed by, and Connor was almost finished clearing the traces left by him in the woods, but the wizard who was hiding in the surrounding forest and had a strong killing intent towards him still didn't choose to do it. Connor's heart sank, he was a little confused why this person hiding in the dark appeared here, and what was his plan!

First of all, Connor can be sure that this person hiding around is definitely very strong. Compared with the gray-robed old man Adolf he once fought against, he is definitely better than him. Otherwise, in such a close range, he His mental strength will not fail to find the other party's trace at all.

Secondly, Connor came to the Aksa Forest to practice spells today. He did not tell anyone, including Varga, about it. As the Aksa Forest is the second largest forest in the north of the Kaman Empire, it covers an area of It was extremely huge, and Connor chose the northeast corner of the Aqsa Forest to practice spells on a temporary basis, so it is absolutely impossible for this person hiding in the dark to ambush here in advance.

Since it wasn't an ambush in advance, Connor estimated that it was impossible to follow him here. Connor is an alchemist himself, and it is basically impossible to put tracking equipment on him. If the other party has this ability, it is completely impossible. There is no need to follow Connor, it is completely possible to kill Connor directly, there is no need to spend so much trouble, if it is through scent tracking, it is possible to put it elsewhere, but now Connor is in the Aqsa Forest, here There are all kinds of beasts including Warcraft, thousands of beasts on the Internet. In such a complex environment, it is too difficult to accurately find a person's smell, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After much deliberation, Connor found that the person hiding in the surroundings was most likely to meet him by chance. This answer sounded absurd at first glance. How could it be possible that in the Aksa Forest, if he met a random person, he would just meet him? Why do you have that much killing intent towards you? But after thinking about it carefully, Connor found that this was very likely to be the truth!

If the truth is really a chance encounter, then it would be very interesting. Connor did not use any valuables during the entire process of practicing spells, so the possibility of this person hiding in the dark seeing the money is too low. Taking a 10,000-step back, even if the other party really wanted to kill Connor out of money, the killing intent would definitely not be that strong.

The killing intent just now, although it was fleeting, but Connor clearly felt that the other party must know him and have an inseparable relationship with him, otherwise the killing intent would not be so strong, so cold, and he wished Cut yourself into pieces, cut into eight pieces...

Realizing this, Connor also became curious about the identity of this person hiding in the dark. He didn't seem to have offended such a powerful person, and he should have never seen this person before, otherwise a person with such strength Such a strong person, he will definitely remember deeply.

Although he thought a lot in his heart, until Connor cleaned up all the traces left by him, Connor, who was vigilant, still did not find any clues of people hiding in the dark around him. Such an embarrassing situation is also This prompted Connor to make up his mind. No matter who the opponent is or what his purpose is, he will force this person out now. It is impossible for him to return to the safe house of the Ferguson family and have a round with Varga with him following behind him. , putting Varga in danger...

Thinking of this, Connor simply stopped pretending. He just took out a smoke bomb from the space ring and left it on the ground. The gray smoke filled the forest in the blink of an eye. Under the cover of the smoke, Kang Na Na is from the space ring again. He took out three alchemy bombs and threw them at the three places around him that he thought the mysterious man hiding in the forest was most likely to hide.

It may be Connor's luck, or it may be that this mysterious man and the hero Connor see the same thing. The location where he is hiding, a tree with a crooked neck, happens to be one of the three locations where Connor's alchemy bomb was thrown. , Seeing the alchemy bomb flying, this person dodges without hesitation.

And at this time, Connor also saw clearly, the clothes and appearance of this mysterious person, this person was wearing the traditional robes of the Odin Empire. What's more, the man only has one hand, and the place for his left hand under Odin's robe is empty.

Seeing this person's appearance, Connor was sure that he did not know him, and before today, he had never met this man. Although he was wondering why this person had such a strong killing intent towards him, he knew that he was not this person The opponent's Connor didn't hesitate at all, he just acted first, and a mental storm hit him as soon as his mind moved.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, the alchemy bombs thrown by Connor also exploded one after another. For a while, the woods were filled with shock waves from the explosions, but even though it was so chaotic, this one-armed man faced Connor's mental attack. He seemed to be prepared for Connor's mental attack, and with a slight movement of his mind, the string of glazed beads on his right wrist burst into colorful light, shielding the one-armed man. Under Connor's mental storm.

Seeing that his mental storm hadn't had the slightest effect, Connor had already successfully forced the other party out, he sighed secretly in his heart, realizing that it was difficult for him to do anything about the other party, and soon the wind was blowing tightly, and the black magic on his body With a flick of the robe, the whole person flew back a hundred meters.

And this one-armed man who had a strong killing intent towards Connor, saw Connor running away, a little hesitation flashed in his cold eyes, but in the end he didn't make any move, just stood there and watched coldly. Watching Connor who was gradually going away, he let Connor escape.

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