Count of Wizards

Chapter 816 Uninvited Guest

Secondly, after using the Odin blood pool, Connor used some means to eliminate the traces of using the Odin blood pool on his body, and it has been several years since Connor used the Odin blood pool. Even if there is any remaining breath, it has long since evaporated after such a long time. Therefore, it is possible that the one-armed man discovered that Connor had used the Odin blood pool before he had the killing intent on Connor. Almost zero!

Since it has nothing to do with Arazov, and the possibility of Odin's blood pool is too small, then why does this one-armed man, whom I have never seen before, have such a hatred for killing his father and taking his wife? What about his strong killing intent?

What surprised Connor the most was that after being discovered by him, this one-armed man, who clearly had such a strong killing intent towards him, and when his strength was clearly superior at the time, unexpectedly let him go so easily. Connor felt incredible about this, he didn't know what the hell was going on with that one-armed man.

Connor returned to the safe house full of doubts. As usual, he took out the key, inserted it into the door lock, and turned the key to open the door.


But as the door opened, Connor, who wanted to drink a cup of "Romano Conti" on the sofa to calm down, felt the breath of Varga in the villa, but also found a trace of saying no from the villa. The strangeness of Qingdao unknown...

The appearance of the strangeness immediately alerted Connor, who was still in shock. He subconsciously became alert, and looked at a floor tile not far from his feet. There was an alchemy mechanism made by himself hidden in that tile. After someone or something other than Varga enters the villa, they will definitely leave traces on it that no one else can find, but only Connor can clearly see.

At this time, under Connor's gaze, the floor tiles were very clean without any traces. Although the floor tiles showed that no one else had entered the villa, Connor's heart sank, knowing that there were other people in the villa at this time The existence of this person, and this person is extremely clever, not only able to see through his own alchemy mechanism, but also able to enter this villa without alarming the mechanism!

Just when Connor, who was expressionless, was about to make a move, a deep and thick middle-aged man's voice that seemed familiar came to his ears.

"How did you find me?"

As soon as the voice appeared next to his ears, Connor's mental power immediately locked on to the other party's position, and this person was not hiding, and slowly walked down from the second floor of the villa, appearing in front of Connor.

Looking at the tall and mighty middle-aged Caucasian man in front of him with blue eyes and an injured left eye, Connor narrowed his eyes subconsciously. Although almost ten years have passed, this guy Bisping, apart from Except for a little less hair on his head, his appearance is still the same as when Connor saw him for the first time in Sassuolo port. His huge and strong body can still give people a very strong visual impression. impact.

After staring at Bisping for a few seconds, Connor answered Bisping's question, and said calmly: "Varga's location is not in her room, which means that she is not refining medicine, and the usual When I come back, she will come out to greet me!"

"I see!" Bisping nodded and said:

Feeling the breath of Varga on the second floor of the villa with mental strength, Connor looked at Bisping who was blocking the stairs, and continued, "I don't mind, let me go upstairs to see Varga?"

"Of course, this is your freedom!" Bisping did not refuse Connor's request, and while speaking, he gave way to the stairs.

Seeing this, Connor took a deep look at Bisping, then walked past Bisping without the slightest fear, and walked up the stairs. As soon as he reached the second floor, Connor saw a golden Varga covered by the barrier, at this time Varga was sitting in the barrier meditating very tiredly, and the golden barrier was full of scars, full of traces of being bombarded by spells, obviously even if he was trapped in the barrier by Bisping Among them, Varga did not choose to give up.

It seemed that he also felt Connor's appearance. Varga, who was meditating in the golden barrier, also opened her beautiful eyes, stood up excitedly, and opened her mouth to say something to Connor, but because she was trapped In the golden barrier, no matter what she said, it could not be transmitted outside the barrier. At this time, Connor did not hesitate, and directly put his hand on the golden barrier. Fall apart.

"Connor, Bisping is here!" As soon as the barrier was destroyed, Varga, who escaped from the trap, immediately reminded Connor:

"I see!" Connor stroked Varga's soft long hair, and comforted her with a smile, "Are you okay?"

"Well, after Bisping found this place, he didn't do anything to me, he just trapped me in the barrier." Varga nodded and said softly:

Seeing that Varga was fine, Connor scratched her upturned nose, and then whispered in her ear: "Bisping is here to look for me, the two of us will leave here in a while, when you go to Flo Mexis Hotel at No. 15, Ramos Avenue in the urban area of ​​Sinone, I will go there to fight with you after I finish dealing with the matter here!"

Hearing Connor's instructions, Varga seemed to realize something, and grasped Connor's arm with jade hands. Although he didn't say anything, his eye circles were red. Seeing this, he knew that Varga was Connor who was worried about him. Rubbing Varga's head, he continued to whisper in Varga's ear: "Don't worry, I have practiced the Pluto Dark Body Technique!"

After speaking, Connor hugged the petite Varga tightly, then turned around and walked down the stairs to the first floor, glanced at Bisping, and walked out of the villa, and Bisping seemed to have reached an agreement with Connor. A certain tacit agreement was reached, and he also left the villa after Connor.

Twenty minutes later, Connor and Bisping arrived. In a small forest, the two stood facing each other and fell silent.

The silence between the two lasted for about ten minutes. Bisping broke the silence first, and seemed to say with some emotion: "Although the professor has told me that you are now a first-level wizard, but when I see you You, really can't help being a little surprised..."

"Bisping, your appearance here is beyond my expectation!" Hearing Bisping's emotion, Connor stared at Bisping expressionlessly, and said indifferently:

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