Count of Wizards

Chapter 820 Reyes' plot

"A letter? A letter from Reyes to me?" Connor asked Varga with some doubts:

Although Bisping told Connor a lot just now, and told Connor the ins and outs of the matter, he never mentioned Reyes' letter to Connor at all. Bisping and Varga He said it, but he didn't tell the recipient himself, did he do it by accident, or did he have another purpose?

Hearing Connor's rhetorical question, Varga said without hesitation: "Yes, Bispin said that Reyes asked him to bring you a letter!" After speaking, Varga seemed to realize something, and looked at Connor again With a puzzled expression, he immediately asked, "Connor, didn't Bisping tell you?"

Connor shook his head and said, "Bisping only told me that a guy named Prince Boateng wanted to kill me to avenge Reyes, but he didn't tell me that Reyes wanted him to hand it over to me. A letter!"

Connor's narration also made Varga feel a little unbelievable. She lowered her head and thought for a while, but she couldn't think of an answer to the matter.

"It doesn't matter, this guy Bisping should still come to me!" Connor shrugged slightly. Bisping may have done this a lot. It may be that the letter itself does not exist, and Bisping is lying To deceive Varga, or the letter itself has other secrets, in short, Bisping must have his reasons for doing so, and Connor is still not sure of his reasons!

The only thing Connor can be sure of now is that Bisping will definitely come to him again. Although Bisping has not yet had time to tell what he is going to find Connor, he only mentioned Prince Boateng. When he arrived in Frosinone, and it was likely to be bad for Connor, Connor ignored him and left on his own, but Connor already knew what he wanted to say but hadn't had time to say. bright!

The purpose of Bisping coming to Connor was nothing more than to want Connor to join forces with him to kill Prince Boateng together, so as to complete the match between Professor Reyes and Prince Boateng in Benitezburg. Boateng made the promise that Reyes would kill Prince if he dared to enter the territory of the Kaman Empire again in his lifetime.

Although Bisping is stronger than Connor, if the one-armed man Connor met in the Aqsa Forest is really the Prince Boateng that Bisping said, then Connor estimated that Bisping and Prince Boateng are basically the same. Or Prince Boateng is very difficult to deal with the opponent.

That being the case, if Bisping still wants to complete the task that Reyes entrusted to him, then Connor is very important to him. Although Connor's strength is not as good as the two of them, he is still a first-level wizard after all. , and also an alchemist, if done properly, Connor would set up a magic circle to trick Prince Boateng into it, and then team up with Bisping to besiege and kill Prince Boateng together.

In this way, it may be an exaggeration to say that Prince Boateng must die, but it is a conservative estimate to say that there is half the possibility of killing him, there is no problem at all!

So in order to get rid of Prince Boateng, even if Connor simply rejected him this time, Bisping will definitely come to Connor again!

As for Bisping’s reason for convincing Connor to join forces with him, Prince Boateng would be detrimental to Connor and a safety hazard to Connor. If Prince Boateng died, then This security risk is gone.

Regarding Bisping's reasons, he had already met a one-armed man suspected of Prince Boateng in the Aqsa Forest, and Connor, who had seen the one-armed man's strong killing intent towards him, agreed.

Although he doesn't know why the one-armed man in the Aqsa Forest would let him go, but Connor can be sure that with his strong killing intent towards him, if he had the chance to face himself again, he would definitely not Will let myself go.

Now on the surface, because of Reyes' relationship, Prince Boateng has posed a major threat to Connor's safety, and he teamed up with Bisping to kill Prince Boateng. It may be the best choice for Connor to get rid of this potential safety hazard, but after realizing the situation, Connor chose to reject Bisping after a little thought.

The reason is very simple. First of all, Connor does not trust Bisping. As Reyes' subordinate, Bisping has already stood on the opposite side of Connor. Joining forces with him is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Maybe in the process of joining forces Among them, Bisping killed two birds with one stone, killing Prince Boateng and tricking Connor.

Secondly, from the perspective of the relationship between Connor and Reyes, Connor and Prince Boateng may not be enemies. After all, they both have a common enemy, that is, Professor Reyes, but the crux of the problem now The reason is that, judging from the strong killing intent shown by Prince Boateng in the Aksa Forest, even if Connor was honest with him, he would definitely not believe that Connor, who was a student of Reyes, Na, will stand against Reyes and become his enemy

And there is another point that, although currently, Reyes does not seem to plan to deal with Connor in the short term, but in the long run, Reyes will become Connor's biggest enemy, and wants to fight against Reyes Si, Connor's strength alone is not enough, he must cooperate with Reyes' enemies, and the King of the Secret Society is his natural ally.

Although at present, the relationship between Connor and that crazy woman Isabella is very bad, and there are also great contradictions, but this contradiction is not irreconcilable, and if Connor and Bisping cooperate to kill the real Prince Boateng, who negotiated with Isabella on behalf of the Boateng family, is tantamount to cutting himself off, exacerbating the existing conflict between Connor and the Wangjue faction, and making the tension between them even worse. The relationship has reached an irreconcilable situation.

Reyes, the professor of the Secret Society, is really scheming, and he has conspired against Connor!

If Connor agrees to join forces with Bisping, he will be hit by Reyes' plan to kill two birds with one stone. Prince Boateng, then Connor will have to bear it alone. Prince Boateng, a level 1 wizard whose strength is far superior to his, poses a huge security threat.

All in all, whether Connor agrees or disagrees with Bisping to deal with Prince Boateng, he has already fallen into Reyes' calculation!

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