Count of Wizards

Chapter 821 Untitled

Although Reyes' move was very clever, Connor didn't intend to just catch him without a fight, and was honestly led by Reyes. Connor wanted to break the game, but now Connor realized that he broke the game The key may lie in the letter from Reyes that may exist in Bisping's hands!

Just when Connor was thinking, Varga in his arms seemed to think of something, hesitated, and decided to whisper to Connor: "Connor, I have found the root cause of your father's situation!"

"Varga, what did you say?" Connor, who was thinking, heard Varga's sudden mention of the old Ferguson's situation. He was startled and then immediately asked Varga:

Connor knew that since the last time he went to the Ferguson mansion to see the unconscious old Ferguson, Varga had been very concerned about this matter. Except for Pluto's dark body technique, she has been staying in the safe house to study the old Ferguson's condition, and now Varga has taken the initiative to talk about this to herself. It seems that Varga has achieved something. Thinking of this, Connor looked at Varga There was a little hope in his eyes.

"It is very likely that your father was poisoned by some kind of devil's poison. I have never seen this kind of poison, but after some experimental analysis, I found that your father's devil's poison should be a kind of mixed chronic devil's poison. To identify the toxins, there are fire scorpion poison, Miami insect poison, Maryland hallucinogenic potion, Pinamonti toner, Delado insect ointment, and Adira fruit six poisons."

"Connor, you know the chronic devil's poison. Although the virus has a long incubation period, it is not easy to be discovered, and it does not attack for several years or even more than ten years, but once it occurs, the symptoms of poisoning mean that the poisoned person is dying, and it is difficult to be rescued. So I'm sorry Connor, I can't help but cure your father's condition!" Facing Connor's gaze, Varga lowered his head and said apologetically

Although Connor knew beforehand that the hope of curing Ferguson was very slim, but now that he really got an affirmative answer from Varga, Connor was still a little disappointed.

"It's okay, it's his fate, Varga, you've done a good job, there's no need to blame yourself!" Looking at Varga, who lowered his head and blamed himself very much, Connor forced a smile on his face and scratched Varga's nose, comforting her and saying:

Connor's comfort did not make Valja feel much better. She still lowered her head and said, "Connor, your father is already terminally ill, but if I use some methods, I can extend his life for two months. , During this period, if I use a secret technique, I can freeze his whole body, and by doing so, the demonic poison on his body and his body and soul will enter the frozen state together, and will not continue to develop."

"Connor's words like this may allow your father to survive for five to ten years without consciousness and thinking. Maybe after five to ten years, my medicine level will be able to treat his illness!" After Val Plus, looked up at Connor, asking for Connor's opinion.

Although what Varga said was very euphemistic, such as unconsciousness and thoughtlessness, Connor knew very well that such a state, to put it bluntly, was a living dead.

"What is the success rate of freezing? If after that, the poison on his body is still not cured, what will be the consequences?" After pondering for a while, Connor asked Varga rhetorically. Varga's description, although very It's beautiful, but Connor, who is familiar with Varga's character, knows very well that if this method is really as beautiful as Varga said, then Varga will not blame himself like he did just now.

Hearing Connor's sharp question, Varga immediately said in a low voice, like a deflated ball, "Although I have learned the success rate of freezing, I haven't tried it yet. The success rate is about 100%. Thirty or so, if there is still no way to heal after unblocking, then his soul will dissipate..."

"Varga, I know, I will think about it, thank you for everything!" Hearing Varga's words, although Connor already had the answer in his heart, he did not say it directly, but Holding Varga in his arms, he whispered in her ear:

Leaning on Connor's solid chest, Varga said a little shyly: "He is your father, and this is what I should do!"



While Connor and Varga were talking to each other in the hotel room, Prince Boateng, under the cover of the night in Frosinone, came to the 19th Street of Camancho in the city. Perrin Freezer.

Prince Boateng, who entered Perrin's cold storage, went directly to the No. 7 sub-warehouse. He looked around vigilantly at the ice cubes and the refrigerated goods. Seeing that there was no problem, he immediately came to a part of the cold storage. Hidden in the corner, opened the underground passage, and drilled down.

After walking about 300 meters in the dark passage, Prince Boateng came to the end of the dark passage, and there was a very abrupt unnamed tombstone, and there was nothing else besides this tombstone.

"Da da da da!"

There were no words, runes, or pictures on the unnamed tombstone, but Prince Boateng still observed the unnamed tombstone carefully for a while, and then he tapped the tombstone rhythmically a few times. There was a hole in the dome that could accommodate a person to go through. Without hesitation, Prince Boateng jumped and flew into the hole.

Prince Boateng, who flew into the hole, was in a spacious, bright, but tightly closed warehouse, where all kinds of goods were piled up everywhere. This is the Boateng family, A very important secret warehouse in Frosinone and even the entire Kaman Empire, hoarding all kinds of shady goods collected by the Boateng family in various black markets in the Kaman Empire.

The secret warehouse is the No. 8 sub-warehouse of the Palin cold storage, but to protect the safety of the warehouse, the Boateng family built the No. 8 sub-warehouse into a nearly completely airtight warehouse. Environment, there is no door in the entire branch warehouse, and if you want to go out or come in, you have to go through the underground secret passage.

At this time, Prince Boateng appeared in front of Prince Boateng together with many goods. It was a thin old man smoking a pipe, and next to the little old man was a handsome man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. young people.

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