Count of Wizards

Chapter 838 Untitled

Robery clearly remembered that thirteen days ago, in his Arshavin optical shop, Connor made a promise to Robery that he would send the refined Payet Magic Gold to him by express delivery in half a month. He sent him to Arshavin's optical shop.

And now Connor has broken the promise to him, instead of sending the items directly to the Arshavin Optical Shop by courier, they have sent them to the Baresi Forest. What exactly does he want to do?

Robery is not a stupid person, so the answer to this question, he is very clear, Connor did this is nothing more than intending to transfer him from his lair Arshavin optical shop, and then Connor Ferguson himself Well sneak in, Arshavin's optician, apparently Connor Ferguson is curious about his secrets at Arshavin's optician!

Thinking of this, Robery looked around vigilantly, but a disdainful smile appeared on his chubby face.

The last time Arshavin's optical shop's prohibition mechanism was discovered by Connor Ferguson, he was very distressed and spent a lot of effort. Not only did he overhaul the restriction mechanism, but also strengthened the power of the restriction mechanism. If Connor Ferguson thought that the mechanism restrictions in the store were the same as last time, he would definitely get a big surprise.

It is based on this that after realizing Connor's intentions, Robery chose to leave Arshavin's optical shop, deliberately giving Connor a chance, in order to lure Connor into being fooled, so as to teach Jia Connor a painful lesson .

In addition, Robery also knows that since Connor has Dong XZ here, in order to delay his return to Arshavin's optical shop, he will definitely arrange something in this forest, and he will not let him get it easily. Refined Payamakin.

The sky above the head is getting darker and darker, and the wind in the Baresi forest. In this environment, Robery finally arrived. The place where he and Connor met last time, that is, the place where the Great Sabitzer fell .

What Robery thought was indeed right, he was in this position at this time, and someone put a locked box at some point. The suitcases sold for one shilling in the store did not understand anything, but it was obvious that the suitcase was very heavy. No matter how strong the wind was blowing in the Baresi forest, the suitcase remained motionless as a mountain.

Even though he knew that the refined Payet magic gold that he was thinking about was likely to be hidden in this box by Connor Ferguson, Robery could not wait to open the box immediately and take the refined Payet magic gold from it. He came out, but he was very experienced and seasoned, and he still overcame the desire in his heart, and did not rush over immediately, but stood at a very safe distance from the box, carefully sizing up the box with his eyes

Although this box is very ordinary and has no special features, it is locked with a restrained silver lock. Robery can tell at a glance that the reason why this lock can make a restrained silver feel is definitely It contains mithril, an advanced alchemy material, and the mithril content in this lock is definitely not low, at least 10%!

Realizing this, a serious look appeared in Robery's eyes. For an alchemist of Connor's level, it is impossible to make a lock with so much mithril. s things··········

After thinking for a while, Robery took out the brass key from the space ring and checked it again. In the basement of Arshavin's optical shop, he still hadn't figured out the key that Connor gave him. The role of the brass key sent, but now seeing this shiny silver lock, Robery immediately thought of this brass key, if he guessed wrong, this brass key should come from Open the lock on this box!

Although he guessed the function of this brass key, Robery's inspection this time was the same as half an hour ago. He found nothing on the brass key and found nothing of value.

Reluctantly giving up again, Robery could only shift his gaze to the surroundings of the box. He didn't believe that Connor would hand over the box so easily to him after taking such a big setback and transferring him from Arshavin's optical shop. he.

As the saying goes, "Kung fu pays dividends" and "Painfulness pays off." Under Robery's careful inspection, he finally found some clues in the ground around the box.

Three minutes later, Robery, who already had an idea in his head, had a confident smile on his chubby face, took out some glass beads from the space ring, and threw them towards the ground around the box.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The glass beads hit the ground, and there was a muffled sound immediately. With the sound, the glass beads shattered one after another, and some weird-shaped bugs broke out of the glass beads.

At this moment, at some point, Robery took out a bone flute that seemed to be made of some kind of Warcraft bone that shone with miserable white light from the interspatial ring, put it near his mouth, and began to play it.

Following Robery's playing, the bone flute sounded immediately, a burst of music that sounded very miserable, and with the appearance of this music, the bugs shot out from the broken glass beads seemed to be affected The controls are the same, they all center on the box, crawling in circles, and in the process of crawling, they release a very pungent, light green liquid to the ground.

Under the sound of the bone flute, the bugs were completely controlled, walking around in circles, but as the light green liquid was released, their bodies began to decompose and melt, but their crawling steps did not stop for a moment Pass··········

In just two minutes, the weird-shaped bugs released from the Robery glass beads were all driven by the sound of the bone flute, and all because of the release of light green liquid, the body decomposed and died. Their death Let the land around the box appear to be dyed with a layer of green that looks very strange.

Seeing that there was no change on Robery's face, he flicked his index finger lightly, and a green flame landed on the green ground around the box.

The fall of the flames, like dry wood and raging fire, instantly ignited the green land around the box, forming a green sea of ​​flames around the box, but the strange thing is that although the green sea of ​​flames was burning crazily, it As if restricted by some kind of force, the box in the middle of the sea of ​​flames never dared to go one step further.

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