Count of Wizards

Chapter 847 Unexpected Visitor

Looking at the Arshavin optical shop belonging to Robery in front of him, the closed sign hanging on it, and the big lock hanging on the door, he felt again that there was no trace of Robery in the shop, and it was covered in gray. There was obvious anger on the stern face of Prince Boateng in the robe, but in this anger, there was some suspicion...

Time passed day by day, but Connor Ferguson could not be found. This made Prince Boateng, who knew that he might be found at any time, feel very bad. Communication, trying to find Connor Ferguson through Robery's huge intelligence network in Frosinone.

In order to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to bear the pain and promised many benefits to Robery, and Robery also agreed to his request without hesitation, but although Robery's promise was very happy, in practice, But he kept procrastinating, telling Prince Boateng that Connor Ferguson hid very deeply, and it would take time to find his hiding place!

At the beginning, he chose to believe in Robery and believed in his words. Prince Boateng was still patient and could tolerate Robery’s repeated prevarications, but as time went by, he still did not wait from Robery to Connor Prince Boateng, who reported the news, gradually ran out of patience, and finally had some doubts about Robery.

Doubt is suspicion, but what Prince Boateng never imagined was that Robery, an intelligence dealer, was very cunning and greedy. He told Prince Boateng that he could not find Connor's information, and Not that he really couldn't find Connor's hideout!

In fact, three days after Arsha asked the optical shop to conclude a deal with Connor Ferguson, Robery had already grasped the movement of Connor in the small town of Aryang through his intelligence network, and the reason why he chose not to disclose this situation Tell Prince Boateng, it is to maximize his own interests!

For Robery, he doesn't care about the matter between Connor and Prince Boateng. It is not in the interests of Robery that Connor was killed by Prince Boateng before Connor finished refining Payet Mokin, but the benefits promised by Prince Boateng also let Robery Very tempted, and in order to prevent his secret from being discovered by Connor Ferguson, Robery is also prepared to kill Connor and silence him.

So under such a background, the cunning and old-fashioned Robery had a plan in his mind to kill two birds with one stone and kill with a knife. In simple terms, this plan was to complete the transaction in Connor and send him the refined Payet Magic Gold At that time, Robery told Prince Boateng that Connor was hiding in the small town of Aryang, and took advantage of Prince Boateng's murderous intent on Connor to make Prince Boateng a He killed Connor with a knife in his hand, and by the way earned another wave of benefits from Prince Boateng's promise!

Robery's plan was very well thought out and took advantage of all the advantages, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and was tricked by Connor in the Baresi Forest. Not only did the plan fail completely, but he also fell here.

And Prince Boateng, who still doesn't know about Robery's plan, has been kept in the dark. After exhausting his patience and doubts in his heart, he kept sending letters to impose on Robery. Pressure, in order not to anger Prince Boateng three days ago, Robery was forced to agree to meet and talk with Prince Boateng in detail today, trying to appease Prince Boateng. This is why Prince Boateng came back to Arshavin's optical shop today.

Although he was very resentful because of the closing of Arshavin's optical shop, and wished he could break open the shop and break into it, Prince Boateng still had a sliver of reason in addition to his anger. Berri, because of the internal conflicts in the Boateng family, is a little uncomfortable, but he still knows very well that Robbery is still very reliable in doing things, otherwise he would not be able to bear it. The Kaman Empire purchases and sells, and the burden of cultivating resources.

And now Robery closed the optical shop at the appointed time to meet with him, and also left the Arshavin optical shop. That's why he would do it. Apart from that, Prince Boateng couldn't think of any reason why Robery would let his pigeons go!

Realizing this, Prince Boateng's anger eased a little, and he hesitated a little, probably because he felt that he came here this time to ask for help, and knowing that Arshavin's glasses The store is very important to Robery, and there are a lot of prohibition organs in the store. If you force your way in, you will inevitably touch Robery's back scales, which will lead to an escalation of the conflict between the two, which will affect your ability to kill Connor. · Ferguson's revenge plan.

So Prince Boateng was not dazzled by anger and forcibly rushed into Arshavin's optical shop with a closing sign, but turned around and walked into the coffee shop not far from Arshavin's optical shop. Wait until Robery's return.

In the Arshavin optical shop, Connor, who had a panoramic view of Prince Boateng's actions through the "clothes mirror", did not feel any discomfort because Prince Boateng did not force his way into the shop. Fortunately, his eyes were very tangled, as if hesitating about something.

As far as Connor is concerned, he has not yet figured out how to deal with Prince Boateng, and he is not as good as Prince Boateng in terms of strength, so for Connor now, the best The solution is to hide as far away as possible. It just so happens that Arshavin Optical Store, in addition to the weird basement, also has a secret passage leading to Zanetti Street. Connor can pass through this secret passage without anyone noticing. Leaving Arshavin's optical shop and getting rid of Prince Boateng in the coffee shop tens of meters away.

If Connor hadn't discovered that weird basement, Connor would definitely have done so without hesitation, but now that Connor has discovered it, the situation is different!

Although Connor still doesn't know what the situation in that basement is, he can be sure that the three bronze coffins at the core of the basement are absolutely extraordinary. Said it might be a big opportunity!

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