Count of Wizards

Chapter 854 Adolf's Two Purposes

"So, Uncle Prince, you were beaten like this by Connor Ferguson alone?" After listening carefully to Prince Boateng's words, Isabella could no longer bear the shock in her heart. , asked Prince Boateng who was sitting on the ground:

Facing Isabella's question, although Prince Boateng's face was a little hot, as if he had been slapped, he wanted to give a negative answer in his heart, but after all, he had already admitted this just now. So I can only explain with some reluctance, "Connor Ferguson set a trap for me, and the trap is full of alchemy mechanisms and magic circles that Reyes taught him. Those alchemy mechanisms and magic circles are both hidden and powerful. , I didn't notice his conspiracy for a while..."

Prince Boateng’s explanation is not finished yet, and Isabella’s heart is already as complicated as overwhelming. She never imagined that Connor Ferguson, without Bisping’s help, Just by himself, Prince Boateng, a veteran first-level wizard, can be beaten like this.

However, just when she was in a state of uneasiness, Adolf, who was beside her after explaining from Prince Boateng and then fell into silence, took advantage of Prince Boateng's chattering gap, and spoke very covertly to her. She transmitted a sentence:

"Do it!"

Just when Isabella thought she had heard it wrong, without any warning, Adolf suddenly shot at Prince Boateng who hadn't finished speaking, and a gray fist figure slammed at Prince Boateng not far away, Prince Boateng did not expect that Adolf would attack him, he was hit by a punch by surprise, and he was sent flying five or six meters on the spot Far away, a mouthful of bright red blood also spewed out from his mouth.

Although I still don't know why Adolfo suddenly attacked Prince Boateng, but out of trust in Adolfo, Isabella did not hesitate, and also attacked Prince Boateng, with purple ice Homura swept towards Prince Boateng, freezing one arm and two legs into blocks of ice.

Prince Boateng, who was already severely injured, was hit by Adolf and Isabella in a short period of time, and lost the ability to resist in an instant.


Arms and legs were frozen into ice cubes, and Prince Boateng only had his mouth to speak, but this Odin man is still tough, even in the current situation where people kill me for fish, he He didn't beg for mercy, but asked with cold eyes like Adolf in front of him:

For Prince Boateng's question, Adolf, the gray-robed old man, did not have the slightest desire to answer. He kicked Prince Boateng hard on the head, directly knocking him out.

"At this time, you still want to delay time with me, want to reverse meditation and try to drag me to the end, Prince Boateng, you are really beyond your control!" Adolf looked at Prince who fainted on the ground Boateng sneered and said disdainfully:

He took out a copper ring with a cold light from the space ring, and put it on the neck of the unconscious Prince Boateng. After finishing the work, Adolf, the old man in gray robe, showed a satisfied look on his face. Smiling, he seemed to have sensed something in the next second, and when he looked back, he saw Isabella looking at him hesitantly.

Although Isabella hadn't spoken yet, Adolf seemed to know what she was going to say, waved to her and said: "Isabella, your father taught you a word since you were a child, there are no permanent friends, and there are no friends." Eternal enemies, only eternal interests, just like your father and Reyes, before Isabella you were born, the Duke, Reyes, and Conte were the most intimate Comrades!"

"The three of them fought side by side, founded the secret society, and turned a small black wizard organization into a huge organization based on the Kaman Empire, with forces all over the Byzantine continent and the Hoy continent!"

"But also because of interests, Reyes and Conte joined forces to stand on the opposite side of your father, causing the secret society to fall into a state of actual division!"

"Mr. Adolf, I understand what you said, but what does this have to do with Prince Boateng?" Isabella frowned and said:

"Of course it does. The reason why I did this to Prince Boateng was for two purposes. The first purpose is for you, Isabella!" At this point, Adolf looked deeply puzzled. Isabella glanced at her, and then continued:

"The high-level meditation method "Pinamonti Codex" practiced by Prince Boateng has a secret technique called Alberto Ice Energy Technique!"

"According to records, this secret technique greatly improves the purity of mana for wizards who practice ice energy. I know that Isabella, you are a wizard apprentice, and your mana purity is already very high, but Alberto's ice energy technique is a secret technique. , which allows you to form a good combat power in a short period of time after you become an official wizard.

This is also one of the reasons why Prince Boateng, who had just become a first-level wizard, dared to attack Reyes in the ruins of Fort Benitez. You will benefit a lot from the formal wizard training in the future. If Prince Boateng is not full of revenge against Reyes, with this secret technique, he is now a second-level wizard! "Adolf said quietly, and after saying this, he changed his voice and said:

"In addition to asking Prince Boateng for this Alberto ice energy spell, I have a second purpose for doing it today, and the most important one, that is, we want to kill him. Blame Bisping and use his death to make the conflict between the Boateng family and Reyes even more irreconcilable!"

"Isabella, you have to understand that in the deal with the Boateng family, Reyes has the bargaining chips we have, and Reyes also has the bargaining chips we don't have. That's why, why Reyes didn't destroy it. Our deal with the Boateng family, but the reason why he sent Bisping to Frosinone to get rid of Prince Boateng when our negotiations were almost completed."

When Reyes was young, he liked to plan before moving, but now he is even more scheming. He hopes that we and the Boateng family will move from the Odin Empire to the Kaman Empire, and then to the Huoyi Continent, which is a huge trading channel. , After the development was completed, he took over the magpie's nest and kicked us out of the transaction, and then he came to continue the transaction with the Boateng family! "

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