Count of Wizards

Chapter 859 Goodbye Isabella (1)

On the outskirts of Frosinone, in the small town of Arjan.

At this time, it has been several hours since the battle with Prince Boateng in Goodison Park. Connor, who has returned to his residence, is sitting in the room with his body shirtless and healing his injuries. Several empty bottles of medicine, with his luck and the effect of the medicine, from time to time some black blood seeped out of his body through the pores.

In just a few hours, Connor confronted Robery and Prince Boateng, two veteran first-level wizards. With the help of the magic gold radiation and the alchemy mechanism, Connor killed one person and severely damaged the other. It can be said that it is not brilliant, and what is even more miraculous is that in the battle with these two, Connor did not suffer any serious injuries, and the most damage he suffered was only smashed by Prince Boateng's azure sledgehammer. Hit his right shoulder.

Of course, although there were no major injuries, there were still many ordinary injuries to Connor's body in these two battles. The most serious injury was the one that was hit on the shoulder of his right hand by the blue hammer. Even though the right shoulder was protected by the dark armor, the shoulder was dislocated by the azure blue hammer, the right arm was broken, and the right half of the body was broken in front of the impact force.

Such an injury is not particularly serious in terms of seriousness. After all, fractures and dislocations are hard injuries. After resting for a period of time, you can fully recover without leaving any sequelae, and it will not affect Connor's future cultivation, but he said If it is light, it is not very light. It is conservatively estimated that Connor will have to rest for at least half a year, and fight with others as much as possible within three months. More serious injuries!

Even so, Connor was very grateful for being hit by the azure hammer. If there was no protection from the dark armor, Connor would most likely want to fight himself with the terrifying power of the azure hammer. The right arm says goodbye.

In addition to the injury on his right shoulder, Connor also had seven or eight minor injuries such as qi and blood churning, toxins entering his body, etc., but these were all scabies, not worth mentioning. Connor took a few bottles of potions, and he could recover within a month.

Seeing that the blood in his body was almost forced out by his own, a look of hatred flashed in Connor's eyes, then he pressed his left hand on the shoulder of his right hand, and pushed it up vigorously.


A crisp sound came from Connor's right shoulder, and a look of pain appeared on Connor's sharp-edged face, but his dislocated right shoulder was connected by him.

After taking two deep breaths, Connor took a few more bottles of medicine, and restored the broken bones in his right arm and right body. Connor finally finished the healing, put on his shirt, and walked out of the room.

Connor, who walked out of the room, looked subconsciously at the room closest to the inside of the yard, which was Varga's room and the refining room where she refined the medicine. Since Connor and Varga confessed last time that he and Varga After Margaret's affair, Connor was never allowed into that room by Varga again...


Connor sighed slightly, and after confessing to Varga, he seemed to be thinking too well, thinking that he would soon be able to enjoy the blessings of being equal to others, but unfortunately, although his thinking was beautiful, things didn't go according to his It has been so many days since he developed as expected, but Varga is still as cold as ice to him, not at all as gentle and considerate as before.

Shaking his head, just as Connor was about to go to the basement of the yard, Varga's door suddenly opened. Under Connor's gaze, Varga walked towards Connor with a medicine box on his expressionless face. Seeing this scene, Connor was overjoyed immediately, thinking that Varga was finally thinking about it, just when Connor was about to say something, when he was five meters away from Connor, Varga suddenly put the medicine box in his hand He threw it at Connor, and then walked to his room without looking back.

Connor, with astonished face, took the medicine box from mid-air with some disappointment, and watched Varga return to her room. However, something unexpected happened again, and the door of the courtyard was knocked lightly without any warning.

"Da da da!"

Hearing these knocks on the door, Connor immediately let go of the disappointment in his heart and became vigilant. His mental power penetrated towards the door of the courtyard. It was about ten minutes from Connor's current position to the door of the courtyard. At a distance of five meters, although Connor has just relaxed his vigilance about the surroundings because he is in his own safe house and his mind is on Varga just now, but people outside the door can be in Connor's place. Walking within 20 meters of Connor, a spiritual wizard, without any notice, is enough to show that the person knocking on the door is not simple!

Connor's face suddenly became serious when he sensed who the person was knocking on the door outside the courtyard. He didn't know why the location of Aryang Town was remote enough, and the other party could still find it here!

Varga, who was about to return to his room, saw Connor's appearance after hearing the knock on the door, and stopped returning to the room. He became a little nervous, and turned his questioning gaze to Connor.

After deliberating for a while, Connor made a decision in his mind. He first waved his hand lightly at Varga, signaling her to relax and don't worry, then put the medicine box in his hand into the space ring, and then turned to the The door went to open it, and there was a mysterious person who covered his face and figure with a black robe standing outside the door.

"What are you doing here?" Looking at the mysterious man in black robe outside the door, Connor, who already knew who he was, had no intention of letting this man in, and said directly with a blank expression:

Listening to Connor's words, he looked at Varga not far behind Connor. The man in black robe took off the hood that concealed her face, revealing her stunning and beautiful face. It was not someone else. Impressively, he followed Adolf's suggestion and came to the small town of Aryan to look for Isabella of Connor.

"Aren't you going to invite me in for a sit down?" Isabella, who showed her true face, stood outside the door of the courtyard room. Instead of answering Connor's question directly, she changed her voice and said:

"There is nothing to say between me and you. I will give you five seconds to disappear from my sight, or don't blame me for being rude to you!" Although Isabella was the only one outside the room at this time, there was no Seeing the gray-robed old man Adolf who was inseparable from her, Connor still maintained his restraint and said coldly to Isabella:

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