Count of Wizards

Chapter 873 Blue Stone Auction (1)

The reason why the auction is called the Bluestone Auction is because William, the president of the Psionic Society and a senior wizard apprentice, is an alchemist. His most proud method is to use ordinary magic stones through alchemy methods. Processed into a blue stone.

And this kind of blue stone processed by alchemy means, compared with the ordinary magic stone before processing, although the energy has been reduced, the energy purity in the stone has been improved a lot, which is more conducive to the absorption of wizards, so it is very popular. The wizards around Lardy are welcome.

It may be because the level of education is not very high. The alchemist William still couldn't think of a good name for the blue stone he refined himself, so he simply named it blue stone!

The auction is called the Bluestone Auction, because in every auction, the alchemist William will sell a batch of bluestones, which is also the only channel for bluestones to be sold, so the bluestone auction is also around Vladi , It is also famous, and every time it is held, about 50 wizards can participate.

When he first learned about this, Connor naturally didn't care or care, but since he didn't get the magic stone from Isabella and Adolf, Connor naturally had to think of other ways to get the magic stone!

In theory, 10,000 magic stones can be used to build an energy-gathering array for Varga who wants to break through to the first-level wizard, but there are often differences between theory and practice, so just in case, Connor He asked for 5,000 magic stones, so he wrote 15,000 magic stones in the list for Isabella and Adolf!

Fifteen thousand magic stones, this is not a small amount, even for a small black wizard organization, it can be said that the entire organization's members spend a year, so Connor wants Adolf, When Isabella asked for it, she made all the plans, and planned after she was rejected.

In simple terms, this plan is to snatch it from other people's pockets. After all, Connor has nothing but the Castilla staff and the silver crown pendant, which can be exchanged for fifteen thousand magic stones. Varga, who was preparing to break through to the first-level wizard, could not waste his time refining a batch of potions for Connor, and asked Connor to exchange the potions for magic stones!

In the Coresia Manor, the reason why Connor chose to give up the magic stone to confuse Adolf was entirely because he wanted a lot of magic stones, but he could still get them. The Lizard Demon Core and the Dark Star Essence are treasures that are hard to come by. Varga is about to break through to the first-level wizard in half a month. It was almost impossible for Connor to find it alone!

Therefore, in order to confuse Isabella and Adolf, and to obtain the three materials of Doron Agarwood, Cosado Dragon Demon Core, and Dark Star Essence, Connor can only give up the magic stone!

Although it seems that with Connor's strength as a first-level wizard, it is not difficult to suddenly attack an underground black market and then get 15,000 magic stones, the few underground black markets that Connor knows are conservative. It is estimated that they are all above 10,000 magic stones!

However, after careful study, Connor discovered that although there seemed to be many targets, there were really few to choose from.

First of all, for a period of time in the future, Connor will still hang out in Frosinone, and the Ferguson family is also in Frosinone. It will be very troublesome.

And the rabbits still don't eat the grass beside the nest, so it's not a last resort, it's not that there is no way, Connor will not consider moving those underground black markets in Frosinone.

If the underground black market in Frosinone is not moved, then Connor’s goals will be reduced by half, leaving only the underground black markets in surrounding cities to choose from. Troublesome, there are only three targets left.

One of the three choices still seems to be very rich, but unfortunately, apart from the bluestone auction organized by the William Psychic Association, the remaining two targets are not only far away from Frosinone, but also the black market. The time is irregular, and the most important thing is that their scale is very small. According to rumors, the number of participants is about ten people, and the turnover of an auction is usually about five thousand magic stones.

Connor needs 15,000 magic stones, but he can only get 5,000 magic stones if he takes the risk. The underground black market, after getting the news, must strengthen the defense force of the black market. It will be very difficult for Connor to make a move. Even if he does it forcefully, he will pay a high price.

Therefore, for Connor, looting the underground black market is destined to be a one-shot deal, and he can get 15,000 magic stones with one vote. After careful study of all the targets, Connor found that it is suitable for him to do it After picking left and right, only the bluestone auction organized by William Psychic Society remained.

According to Cornelius' memory, at the bluestone auction, William Psychic Society usually sells about 4,000 bluestones, and the price of these bluestones is about 8,000 magicstones, that is to say, one A blue stone is about equal to two ordinary magic stones.

There are a total of 8,000 magic stones in the blue stone alone, plus other auction items at the auction, this blue stone auction can definitely get the 15,000 magic stones that Connor wants.

Apart from satisfying Connor's demand for 15,000 magic stones, looting the bluestone auction has another advantage, that is, the risk is very small!

According to the information obtained by Connor, as a small organization of dark wizards, the William Psychic Association only has about 20 members. The entire organization, including the president William, has only three senior wizard apprentices, and the rest are intermediate wizards. Apprentices, junior wizard apprentices, and more than 80% of the organization's training resources come from the bluestone auction!

Of course, William Psychic Society, a small black wizard organization, can support the bluestone auction. There must be official wizards behind it. Otherwise, just a few senior wizard apprentices would have been looted many times. !

And this person who supports William's Psychic Society, Connor has already found out, this person is a large dark wizard organization, a core member of the Dark Lighthouse, veteran first-level wizard Lorenzo, this person is also William's uncle , the bluestone refined by William and the bluestone auction depend on this person to take care of them, so that they can live in peace, hold it with peace of mind, and no one will make trouble...

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