Count of Wizards

Chapter 884 Golden-headed giant eagle (2)

Although Connor has tried his best to fly towards the forest, and the blessing of the black magic robe has been opened to the maximum, Connor can still feel that the golden-headed giant eagle in the sky has completed its climb again and is launching a new attack on him. round dive attack...


Looking at the forest that was 150 meters away from him in front of him, the helpless Connor swears fiercely. After venting his emotions, Connor stopped running towards the forest, and quickly walked away from the forest. The space ring rushed out the Castilla Staff.

Connor knew very well that with the desperate speed of the golden-headed giant eagle, there was absolutely no way for him to run a distance of 150 meters and hide in the forest before the golden-headed giant eagle's dive attack arrived. He had to resist this wave of dive attacks. As long as he resisted this wave, Connor would gain time and be able to hide in the forest before the golden-headed giant eagle launched its third dive attack.

As long as you enter the forest, under the obstruction of these tall trees that have grown for hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, the power of the dive attack that the golden-headed giant eagle is proud of will be greatly reduced. According to the incomplete statistics recorded in the classics, With the help of the woods, the probability of a first-level wizard getting rid of the golden-headed giant eagle is 70%, but without the help of the forest, the possibility of a first-level wizard getting rid of the golden-headed giant eagle is only a pitiful 100%. Thirteen. The difference between the two is nearly 60 percentage points. You can imagine how important the woods are to get rid of the golden-headed giant eagle's pursuit!

But now, as long as Connor hides in the woods, the only thing the beast of the golden-headed giant eagle can do is to fight Connor in the woods with its strong body. Life safety poses too much threat.

So the key now is whether Connor can resist the golden-headed giant eagle. If he resists this wave of dive attacks, Connor's life is safe and he can't handle it. The next thing is really hard to say. ·········

Just when Connor's heart was turning a thousand times, a terrifying strong wind hit Connor's body directly, and the terrifying impact of the golden-headed giant eagle came again!

His expression changed, and Connor immediately clapped the Castilla staff in his hand, and a blue-black protective barrier immediately covered Connor, and at the same time, an armor composed of black energy also Connor's whole body emerged.


The second after Castilla's protective barrier and dark armor protected Connor, the golden-headed giant eagle's claws hit the Castile's protective barrier, without the slightest suspense, Castile The sub-protective barrier immediately burst under the attack of a huge impact force, and the crazily influx of impact force made Connor fly out like a dead ball...

Although he fell a full 30 meters away and his head was bleeding, it looked very miserable, but fortunately, Connor still had a dark armor defense, and most of the damage was blocked by the dark armor. Connor only took a small part of the damage, and lay on the ground for two seconds. Connor leaned on the castilla staff in a state of embarrassment, stood up immediately, and then quickly fled into the woods.

At this time, the golden-headed giant eagle, which circled a few times in the sky and started a new dive attack on Connor, hit the thick trees in the woods this time, except for breaking seven or eight trees. any gains.

Seeing such a scene, Connor, who had already gained a chance to breathe, took it out of the space ring with an ingenuity. Several smoke bombs were still on the ground, and suddenly a large amount of thick gray-white smoke drifted from the forest.

Hovering over the woods, the golden-headed giant eagle was looking for Connor's figure. Looking at the gray-white smoke that filled the woods, a very human suspicion appeared in its sharp eagle eyes, as if it was doubting Its prey, what kind of tricks will it play with it?

Although covered by smoke, Connor, who was hiding in the woods, was not idle. He was in a state of distress, his head was bloodied, his eyes flashed with anger, and he was seizing every second to set up alchemy traps.

Although Connor has been concealing this, he has to admit that he is a person with a strong sense of revenge. Although from a rational point of view, he does not get angry with this beast, taking advantage of the cover of gray smoke, Dig a hole in the ground of the forest and hide in it. When the smoke clears, the golden-headed giant eagle finds that it cannot find itself in the forest and retreats naturally. This is the best and safest choice!

But under the double blow of the golden-headed giant eagle, Connor narrowly escaped from death. The beaten Connor was ashamed, and the anger in his heart was burning. It was almost impossible to kill it, but Connor also decided that he had to teach the beast a golden-headed giant eagle a lesson.

A minute later, the gray mist in the forest slowly began to dissipate, and at this time Connor's alchemy mechanism was finally completed!

As the gray-white smoke dissipated, the golden-headed giant eagle circling over the forest was finally discovered again. The trace of Connor in the forest suddenly appeared in its eagle eyes, and the sharp and icy cold light appeared, and it circled again without hesitation. He rushed towards Connor again.

Because it is in the woods, there are tall trees to avoid. Although the speed of the golden-headed giant eagle is fast, it is not as amazing as when it first attacked Connor outside the woods. This also makes Connor who is about to be attacked A little time to react.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Connor's figure quickly shuttled through the woods, leading the golden-headed giant eagle, and marched towards a big locust tree, where the alchemy mechanism that Connor had arranged was located.

The golden-headed giant eagle, who didn't know that he was getting closer and closer to the trap, chased Connor in the woods like a cat and a mouse. Every time it looked like it would throw Connor to the ground, but every time , Connor was thrilled to get rid of its hunting, which made this fourth-level magical beast golden-headed giant eagle, which was not inferior to human wizards, very annoyed, and its speed was getting faster and faster. After chasing Connor, he came to the vicinity of the big locust tree.

Looking at the prey that had nowhere to hide, the golden-headed giant eagle rushing towards Connor showed a very humane look of excitement, as if it was looking forward to it. Under its claws, the bones were separated and crushed Dismembered Conor Ferguson!

At this critical moment, seeing the golden-headed giant eagle that had stepped into his trap, Connor's sharp-edged face showed a hint of satisfaction, he snapped his fingers lightly, and suddenly a very simple black light The net broke out from the big locust tree, and caught the golden-headed giant eagle rushing towards Connor inside.

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