Count of Wizards

Chapter 887 Human Greed

Hearing the young coachman's inquiry, the old coachman named Fonte glanced at the young coachman with old eyes, and did not immediately answer the young coachman's question, but took out a crumpled homemade With the cigarette in his mouth, he took out a box of matches from his pocket to light the cigarette, took a puff contentedly, and then looked at his own, the young coachman said slowly:

"Little Dias, listen to my advice, don't be too curious, you and I don't have wizard talent, we are ordinary people, for people like you and me, knowing too much is not a thing Good thing!"

Although the old coachman named Fonte had a slow voice and a casual look, his tone was very serious!

Although Fonte's words were sincere, it was obvious that the young and energetic young coachman Dias Jr. did not listen to his words at all. Dias Jr. leaned in front of Fonte, and said in a panicked voice: " Uncle Fonte, you know my nose is as sensitive as my rhubarb, I can smell a bloody smell from this bronze box, and this bloody smell, I can feel it, it’s not cow’s blood, pig’s blood, it’s like It's human blood..."

Speaking of the young coachman at the end, the voice of the little Dias also became a little trembling, and it was obvious in his eyes that there was a hint of fear.

Little Dias's narration stunned the old coachman Fonte, who was smoking and puffing, and the homemade cigarette in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Seeing old Fonte like this, little Dias panicked even more, and said in a panic: "Uncle Fonte, what should we do? My mother said that when she encountered something in the convoy, she would go to Fonte." Uncle you!"

Hearing little Dias mentioned his mother, old Fonte's cloudy eyes flashed a touch of tenderness, but the next second he gave little Dias a hard look, and then he took the rest of the The cigarette was gone, and he threw the butt of the cigarette on the ground and stomped it hard.

Scanning the surroundings, seeing other people around him, no one noticed this side, the old Fonte said in the same low voice, next to the little Dias's ear: "Dias, besides me, you have nothing to do with this matter. Have you told anyone else?"

Hearing old Fonte's inquiry, Little Dias shook his head like a small rattle, and then he said: "Uncle Fonte, I just found out about this, so I'll come to you right away! "

After getting the answer from Little Dias, the old Fonte breathed a sigh of relief, and then warned Little Dias: "Dias, you little bastard, I warn you from now on, don't say anything, old Follow me honestly, Master Wizard tells us to send things wherever we want, your mother is only your son, don't let her worry, do you understand me?"

Although he still didn't understand the meaning of his Uncle Fonte, facing Uncle Fonte's serious and even fierce eyes, Little Dias nodded, indicating that he understood.

At this moment, the new bronze box was moved out of the wooden village and put on the carriage. Seeing that it was alive, the uncles and nephews, Dias and Old Font, stopped talking. They started their work, and under the command of the wizard of the Golovin tribe, they drove the carriage and pulled the bronze box towards the outside of Kuyt Canyon.

In the grass outside the wooden village, Connor, who listened to the conversation between the uncles and nephews of Little Dias and Old Font, was quietly lurking in his ears. Little Dias discovered the smell of blood in the bronze box , Connor was even more sure that what he discovered from the Castrovili space ring, the Golovin tribe must have such a thing!

Yes! That's right, Connor killed a carbine and returned to the wooden village again. To be honest, such a crazy decision was made two hours ago. If someone told Connor that you would return to this wooden village, Connor would definitely snort and call this person Shabi, but now, driven by human greed, he really came back here, and he was ready to meet that Mr. Zivkovic again for a while.

After observing quietly for a while, Connor started his actions, the black magic robe on his body flickered continuously, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in a hidden corner in the wooden village.

Closing his eyes, Connor focused all his energy and searched for the traces of Zivkovic in the wooden village. This matter was very secretive. Castrovili, the second elder of the Golovin tribe, had only Some clues, if it wasn't for Connor Bowen's strong memorization, coupled with his careful search, it is really possible that he would not have found it.

Since Castrovili knew very little, the only way to get something out of it was to find Zhivkovic and other members of the Golovin tribe. No one knows as much as Castrovilli!

Spiritual power searched around the wooden village, Connor opened his eyes, his eyes were full of suspicion, although Connor was sure that as long as Zivkovic was not Shabi, at this important time, he would definitely be in charge In the wooden village, escort the Golovin tribe's next actions to prevent accidents from happening.

But Connor's search in the wooden village found nothing, not even a hair of Zivkovic was found in the wooden village.

After thinking for a while, Connor looked at the ground, and a question arose in his heart. Could it be that Zivkovic, this guy is hiding underground again now?

Thinking of this, Connor took out the silver light pendant from the space ring, and began to explore the underground of Muzhai under the amplified mental power of the silver light pendant. It was only after Connor's spiritual power explored that the underground of Muzhai was ten meters deep. Just as he was about to continue his investigation, Connor's mental power suddenly discovered that Zivkovic had appeared outside the wooden village at this time.

Because Connor is a spiritual wizard, the degree of mental power control and coverage is far stronger than that of Zivkovic, so now Connor has discovered Zivkovic, but Zivkovic has not discovered Connor , still bowing his head, flew towards Muzhai.

Perceiving this scene, Connor immediately withdrew his mental power and carefully monitored Zivkovic, but at this moment, Connor discovered an unbelievable situation, not far behind Zivkovic At the corner, a black shadow was watching Zivkovic's leaving back, and when Connor was ready to take a good look at who this black shadow was, the black shadow turned around and left, and he was never found again. traces of...

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