Count of Wizards

Chapter 895 Gundogan Magic Crystal Energy Array

I don't know that Margaret has arrived in Frosinone, and he has investigated Connor Ferguson, who is upside down. Noh array, making the final tune.

Five days ago, Connor Ferguson got the training resources from the Ferguson Manor. After confirming that there was no problem with the training resources given by Isabella, after Isabella and the others did not do anything about it, Connor was here to hope Sayer began to prepare for Varga's next breakthrough. With the help of auxiliary chips, Connor's idea of ​​using Gundogan magic crystals as energy-gathering eyes, although he experienced some setbacks, was still succeeded by Connor. laid out.

Looking at the magic stones scattered around, Connor, who had adjusted the energy-gathering array, nodded slightly, and was about to start the first and possibly the last test of the Gundogan magic crystal energy-gathering array, because the energy-gathering array Unlike other magic circles, which can be used repeatedly, each use of the energy-gathering circle needs to consume thousands or even tens of thousands of magic stones, so few people are able to experiment luxuriously.

If it is just a normal energy-gathering array, Connor naturally does not need to experiment, he can arrange it perfectly based on experience, but because Connor has improved the energy-gathering array, he uses the Gundogan magic crystal as the energy-gathering This is a very bold and creative innovation.

Although several simulation experiments have been carried out in the model built by the auxiliary chip, there is a gap between the simulation experiment and the reality after all, and it is for a person like Varga, who is very important to Connor, to make a breakthrough. In addition, Connor has harvested tens of thousands of magic stones from the bluestone auction and Zivkovic’s space ring, and the cultivation resources are very rich, enough for Connor to conduct several energy formations. test.

Under such various conditions, in order to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the Gundogan Magic Crystal Energy Array, even if the loss is huge, it is imperative for Connor to test the Gundogan Magic Crystal Energy Array!

Although many simulation tests have been carried out in the auxiliary chip, when it came to the actual test, Connor still felt a little nervous. Taking a deep breath, Connor adjusted his state, and then under his control a The Dao Jue energy-gathering array was launched, and under the action of these Jue Jue, pure energy overflowed from the magic stones arranged in the energy-gathering array and condensed in the magic circle.

Feeling that the concentration of energy in the energy-gathering array has reached his requirements, Connor shifted his gaze to the center of the energy-gathering array, where the eyes of the energy-gathering array are located, where the colorful Jingdoan magic crystals, Zhengan Lying there quietly, the Gundogan Magic Crystal at this time has an alloy base engraved with various runes compared to when it first arrived in Connor's hands. This alloy base is the Gundogan Magic Crystal The key to combining with the energy-gathering array is that with this alloy base, the effect of Gundogan's magic crystal will be maximized!


Seeing the colorful transformation of Jing Duoan's magic crystal, Connor began to sing a low-pitched incantation. Compared with the rush and conciseness of the incantation during the battle, at this time, the speed of Connor's incantation is very fast. It was slow, and in order to ensure the effect of the spell, Connor could pronounce every character with a perfect accent without making any small mistakes.

With the chanting of Connor's spell, the colorful light emerging from Gundogan's magic crystal became more dazzling. Connor's spiritual power can clearly feel the energy condensed in the energy-gathering array. Under the reflection of the light, it gradually began to convert from ordinary energy to Gundogan magic energy.

Seeing such a transformation, a smile finally appeared on Connor's face. Although it seemed that everything was developing in the right direction and there would be no accidents, but just to be on the safe side, Connor did not end the experiment early , but insisted on waiting until Jing Duoan Magic Crystal converted all the energy in the energy-gathering array into Jing Duoan magic energy, and the experiment was a great success, and then ended the experiment!

"Can the auxiliary chip estimate how much Gundogan's magic crystal gathering energy has improved compared to the traditional energy gathering array in helping Varga break through?" Connor asked with a smile on the auxiliary chip in his mind:

"Drip! According to the will of the subject and combined with the database of the subject's information, the Jing Duoan magic crystal energy-gathering array can be determined. Compared with the traditional energy-gathering array, the effect has increased by 311%!" Connor asked a few Seconds later, the cold female voice of the auxiliary chip sounded in his mind.

After getting the answer of 311% from the auxiliary chip, the smile on Connor's face became even brighter. He believed that with the help of his Gundogan magic crystal energy array, Varga One can definitely successfully break through and become a first-level wizard!



Three days later, it was sunny and windy on Hisaye Mountain. Varga took Connor's arm, bathed in the sunshine, and walked on the grass.

Holding Varga's soft, boneless little hand, Connor kept telling Varga. Varga just looked at Connor with a smile and listened to Connor's story. Judging from his expression, Connor seemed to be better than Varga. The protagonist is even more nervous!

"Varga, you have memorized the control spells and spells of the Gundogan magic crystal energy formation. When you start to break through, you will open the magic circle to absorb energy. When it is the most critical time, you Just take the bottle of potion you prepared to help!"

"When the mysterious ravings appear, Varga, you must remember not to be careless. The intensity of the mysterious ravings at the time of breakthrough is definitely not comparable to the mysterious ravings you face during your usual training and wizard apprenticeship!"

"But when the time comes, Varga, you don't have to worry too much. You just need to take out the thing I prepared for you and activate it. Then you just need to calm down and don't be impulsive. Most of the mysterious ravings won't affect you!"

"Varga, if it really comes to the stage where you can't do anything, I mean if! Varga, you must not force a breakthrough. Even if you fail this time, you are still young and you have another time. Don't be brave, I will Protecting the law for you outside..."

Listening to Connor's endless exhortations, Varga could clearly feel Connor's feelings for her. She looked at Connor's sharp-edged face and said softly: "Connor, if I make a successful breakthrough this time, I will I agree with you and Margaret!"

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