Count of Wizards

Chapter 898 Positioning

At the same time, according to the materials provided by Rossi, Margaret also knew that the No. 5 private room of this Ferguson hotel was reserved by Warrant Ferguson and was not open to the public, and since half a year ago, the No. Every day, Warrant Ferguson will come to Box 5 very punctually.

This information immediately caught the attention of Margaret, who knew about the relationship between Walent Ferguson and Philo, so in order to find out whether what Warrant Ferguson was doing in Room 5 was related to the existence of Philo, Margaret Gretel came to the third private room!

In fact, Margaret came to the Ferguson Hotel yesterday, checked the fifth private room, found something tricky in the fifth private room, and hid the blue crystal ball in her hand in the crystal lamp.

The blue crystal ball is called the positioning bead, and it has no other function except positioning, and Margaret hid it here in the fifth private room because of a premonition that Warrant Ferguson came to the fifth private room , It must be related to Philo, so I just want to use the positioning beads to determine the location of Philo with the help of the connection between Warrant Ferguson and Philo!

But unfortunately, Volent Ferguson didn't come here yesterday, making Margaret wait for a day in vain, but fortunately, Volent Ferguson didn't come too late today!

What Warrant Ferguson did in the No. 5 private room did not disappoint Margaret. As expected, he contacted Philo here. Margaret was secretly delighted. Information showed that Philo was only a first-level wizard.

Since Philo was able to contact Volent Ferguson in this way, it shows one thing, that is, Philo is not far from Volent Ferguson now, and it is very likely that he is currently hiding in Flossino Among the towns and villages in the inner and surrounding areas, the positioning beads are likely to be able to locate the location of Philo!

Now feeling the cool feeling of the blue crystal ball in her hand, Margaret took action without hesitation. She found a small sealed bottle from the space ring, and then gently opened the bottle cap. When it was opened, a fresh scent burst out from the bottle and permeated the No. 5 private room.

Seeing that there were only a dozen drops of green liquid left in the small bottle, a look of pain appeared on Margaret's face, but in order to achieve her goal, Margaret still carefully took out a drop of green liquid from the bottle , and bounced it against the wall.

The light green liquid that fell on the wall was absorbed by the wall within a few seconds, and faint green light ripples appeared on the wall immediately, shielding the dark red energy in the wall.

Seeing this, Margaret, who knew the time was coming, didn't hesitate immediately. She pointed at the blue crystal ball in her hand, and a blue light curtain suddenly appeared above the blue crystal ball, looking at the blood in the blue light curtain. The red light spot, Margaret quickly marked the location of the blood-red light spot on the blue light curtain in her heart.

As soon as Margaret memorized the coordinates, the blue light curtain instantly collapsed and dissipated into the air. At the same time, the ripples of green light on the wall also disappeared. Margaret didn't pay attention to the disappearance of the blue light curtain and the green light ripples. She immediately found the latest map of Frosinone and its surrounding areas from the space ring, and based on the coordinates he just wrote down, Start comparing!

A minute later, Margaret found the answer on the map. With a pencil, she circled a small town called Saspede on the map, which is 130 kilometers away from Frosinone!

After finishing these tasks, Margaret showed a happy smile on her face, and immediately cleaned up the traces she left in the private room. She didn't stay in the Ferguson Hotel, and went straight back to her dormitory in Sainz Medical College.

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, Margaret took out the map and looked at the location of Saspede on the map. She couldn't help feeling extremely hot in her heart. She wished she could go to this town to find Philo to get the full version of Blood Witchcraft "Blood Moon Codex" But the fire in her heart returned to fire, Margaret did not lose her mind.

Although she is now a first-level wizard like Philo, according to information, Ferro has entered the realm of a formal wizard for at least 50 years, and with the help of "Blood Moon Code", her strength is by no means just becoming a wizard. Margaret, a first-level wizard for a year or so, can be compared!

And another point is that, according to Margaret's own disadvantages in practicing blood witchcraft, the "Blood Moon Code", as a complete version of blood witchcraft, has a high probability of being the simplified version of Tianke's blood witchcraft. It also means that if Margaret goes to Philo alone, Margaret will be at an absolute disadvantage. In case the two fail to agree, or if Philo has any other ideas, Margaret will have Big trouble, even life-threatening danger!

In addition, the most important thing is that Margaret's identity is also extremely sensitive. If she goes to see Philo in person, once her identity is revealed and she cannot kill her, she will be caught by Philo!

So to sum up, it is definitely not a good way for Margaret to go to Philo in person to talk about the "Blood Moon Codex", at least she can't go alone!

Thinking of this, Connor naturally appeared in Margaret's mind. If anyone could help her in this matter, it would undoubtedly be Connor Ferguson!

This is not only because of the close relationship between Margaret and Connor, Margaret trusts Connor, but also because of the information that Rossi gave Margaret, in Frosinone , although there is no direct evidence to prove that the deaths of the two first-level wizards, Robbery and Prince Boateng, were done by Connor Ferguson.

But some other materials can prove that their death is inseparable from Connor Ferguson, which means that although Connor broke through to become a first-level wizard not long ago, his strength is already very strong!

"Let Connor come forward to talk to Philo, and hide himself in the dark, so that he won't be afraid of what kind of tricks Philo is playing. Even if the price is too high if Philo is a lion, he and Connor will join forces. , you can do a one-time, no-cost transaction!"

"And from the conversation between Walent Ferguson and Philo just now, it seems that Philo is very interested in Connor, and it is just right to use this opportunity to let Connor face Philo directly. Catch Philo by surprise!" Margaret thought to herself, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this plan was perfect.

Although the general direction of the plan can be determined, when Margaret was thinking about the details of the plan, she suddenly realized a very embarrassing detail, that is, she still doesn't know where Connor is!

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