Count of Wizards

Chapter 900 The Death of Old Ferguson!

Even though there was a common enemy, Professor Reyes, Connor has never reached a cooperation with the Wangjue faction represented by Isabella, and some are even on the opposite side. The most fundamental reason is that Connor hopes that in the cooperation, Pursue equal treatment, and don't want to become a pawn of the Wang Jue's faction and let them drive.

The Wang Jue faction thought that Connor was not enough to treat them as equals, but now that Varga has become an official wizard, the situation has changed to a large extent. Connor is not enough for a first-level wizard. , Then what about Varga, a first-level wizard?

And the most important Varga is still among the official wizards. There are very few pharmacists. How many large black wizard organizations want to recruit or train a formal wizard-level pharmacist, but they still can't get what they want?

Connor believes that with the existence of Varga, the Wangjue faction will definitely change their minds as long as they are not stupid, sit back at the negotiating table, and start discussing cooperation with him to fight against Reyes!

At that time, as long as a cooperation with Wang Jue's faction is reached, with the constraints of Wang Jue's faction, even if Reyes wants to deal with Connor, he will have many difficulties!

Connor, who was in a very happy mood, drove Varga in a carriage, and soon came to the Hoffenheim community where the Ferguson mansion is located. However, before arriving at the Ferguson mansion, Connor's strong spiritual power can be felt, Ferguson The solemn and solemn prayers of the pastor in the mansion, the portrait of the old Ferguson knight placed in the main hall of the mansion, and various white decorations...

Realizing this, Connor was taken aback for a moment, but then realized immediately, could it be that old Ferguson, who didn't persist until his and Varga's arrival, had already passed away?

Because the monitoring equipment that Connor arranged in the Ferguson mansion had already lost energy half a month ago when Connor went to the bluestone auction and stopped working, and because Connor was busy helping Varga break through, The energy source was not replaced for the monitoring equipment, so this also led to Connor being unable to get news about the old Ferguson at the moment. He could only estimate that the old Ferguson was likely to pass away in the next few days based on the previous news.

That's why he returned to the Ferguson family with Varga, who had just stabilized his official wizarding realm, and wanted to meet the old Ferguson for the last time, but now it seems that Connor is still a step too late...

Although the smart Varga did not have such a strong mental power coverage like Connor, and could perceive what happened in the Ferguson mansion, but when he saw Connor driving the carriage, the smile on his face restrained, and his expression changed a little. Sadness, she also immediately understood what happened in the Ferguson mansion, and immediately suppressed the sadness in her heart, gently stroking Connor's back to comfort Connor.

Although he didn't have much relationship with old Ferguson, after all, blood is thicker than water. After being in this world for so long, Connor has gradually accepted and recognized his current identity. Prepared, but when this moment came, Connor still couldn't help but feel very sad.

Mental Power After hearing the location of the cemetery where old Ferguson rested from the Ferguson mansion, Connor adjusted his mentality, raised his head to meet Varga's concerned eyes, forced a smile, and then said to Varga: "Come back another day Ferguson Mansion, let's go to mourn his old man now!"

Although he really wanted to go to the Ferguson mansion with Connor to confirm his identity, but when he heard that Connor wanted to go immediately to mourn his dead father, Varga naturally couldn't say anything, but nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Varga agreed, Connor immediately turned the carriage and drove towards the Ferguson Manor outside the urban area of ​​Frosinone. The family cemetery of the Ferguson family is located in the Ferguson Manor. After the core members of each generation of the Ferguson family passed away , will rest there, and during the holidays, the Ferguson family will worship it in a unified way. As the head of the current Ferguson family, the Earl of Ferguson, after the death of the old Ferguson, he was naturally buried there, sleeping with the ancestors of the family.

The reason why Connor chose to mourn the old Ferguson at this time, apart from the sadness in his heart, was another very important reason, that is, he hadn't figured out how to deal with it. The patriarch of the family, and his third uncle Jack Ferguson's family!

If old Ferguson was not dead before, for old Ferguson's face, Connor returned to the family, they would be more or less restrained, but now that old Ferguson is dead, Connor will bring Varga back, Connor can be sure, They will definitely try to see it, and launch a coercion against themselves, the legitimate number one heir of the Ferguson family, for the sake of dividing up the family power!

In addition, Connor has never forgotten that his third uncle, Jack Ferguson, and third aunt, Eugenia, wanted to replace him. They paid 10,000 pounds to find a gang of killers to kill him, plotting to plot against the head of the Ferguson family. Regarding the position, although Connor never showed up to the Ferguson family, their plan never had a chance to be implemented.

Regarding the coercion of the elders of the family, he is not afraid of Connor from the Jack Ferguson family. The puppets controlled by the elders of their family were placed in front of the stage by them, and they were the head of the Ferguson family in name, but they actually had no power at all!

If the power of the family continues to be controlled by a group of old men who eat vegetarian food as it is now, then the already lonely Ferguson family, I believe it will not be long before it will completely perish and disappear in the long river of history. This is absolutely unacceptable to Connor. He wants to be a strong man, lead the Ferguson family to revitalize thoroughly, restore Ferguson's reputation in the past glory days, and even reach a new height!

Connor's only regret is that these veterans of the Ferguson family and his third uncle Jack Ferguson's family are not his enemies. Otherwise, he would have mercilessly treated the enemy Connor and killed them all ruthlessly. But these veterans of the family, and After all, Jack Ferguson's family is still relatives who bleed the same blood as him in name. Ferguson, wanted to see.

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