Count of Wizards

Chapter 902 Save Margaret

Now if I can't give her a reasonable explanation and a satisfactory result, there is no doubt that Margaret's blood witchcraft and ice blade storm will definitely greet me, the heartless man who deceived her feelings in her eyes, in the next second !

After greeting Old Ferguson, Margaret looked at Connor coldly again, feeling Margaret's anger, Connor whispered helplessly: "Margaret, you should be very clear, we Once the relationship between the two is made public, what will you and I face?"

Hearing Connor's words, Margaret took a deep look at Connor, and then a mocking smile appeared on her beautiful face, and then she pretended not to care and said to Connor: "So Connor Ferguson, that's why you told your father Varga was your future wife?"

Although Connor didn't clarify what he said, Margaret is very clear about what Connor wants to express. She is the pastor of the Church of the Storm, and Connor's next apparent identity is Kaman Empire Ferguson Earl, if the Church of Storms knows about her relationship with Connor, the Church of Storms, which is very sensitive to the collusion between clergy and imperial officials, will definitely control her immediately, and then find out the truth about her relationship with Connor Ferguson!

At that time, Margaret will practice blood witchcraft by herself, and the fact that Connor is a dark wizard must not be able to hide from the storm. Chances are supernatural powers, and Black's organization, and in the end, she can't help but Margaret will definitely die, and Connor will have to face it The Church of the Storm is endlessly chasing and killing, and even the Ferguson family will be in big trouble!

In fact, Connor didn’t say this truth, Margaret had already understood this truth. In fact, when she and Connor first got together, Margaret had already realized that before she was strong enough to let the Church of the Storm When she is afraid, the relationship between her and Connor can only be hidden in the dark and cannot be seen, so Margaret doesn't mind, Connor can't give her a title, the reason why Margaret is so groggy like now is because There was only one, and that was Connor's promise that Varga would be his future wife in front of the old Ferguson's tombstone, but Connor couldn't make the same promise to her!

Facing Margaret's sarcasm, even though Connor had a lot of explanations to say, when he saw Margaret's eyes, all these explanations blocked Connor's throat, making him unable to say a word. After coming out, after a long silence, Connor met Margaret's gaze and said in a deep voice, "Sorry!"

Hearing Connor's apology, Margaret smiled sadly, then turned around and wanted to leave, but at this time, Connor naturally would not let Margaret leave, and directly took Margaret who turned and left from He hugged him behind his back.

Connor knew very well that if he really let Margaret go at this time, then according to Margaret's personality, he and Margaret could only be strangers from now on. It's also impossible, and this is what Connor is unwilling to accept, so he must be thick-skinned at this time.

"let me go!"

Caught off guard, Margaret, who was held in Connor's arms, tried several times but failed to break free from Connor's embrace, and said coldly:

"Margaret, I will make it up to you!" Connor buried his head in Margaret's fiery red hair, took a deep breath, and whispered in Margaret's ear:

Regarding Connor's persuasion, Margaret was obviously not impressed. There was a look of coldness in her eyes, and she warned Connor even colder: "Connor Ferguson, I am warning you, let me go!"

"Margaret, even if you kill me today, I won't let you go!"

Although the warning in Margaret's words was obvious, Connor was not afraid at all. He even hugged Margaret tighter. Hearing Connor's words, Margaret, who turned her back to Connor, There was a complex look in her beautiful eyes, but she turned around abruptly in Connor's arms in the next second, and a dark purple dagger gleaming with cold light quietly appeared in her hand. Margaret didn't meet her. In case of any resistance, the dark purple dagger feigned a shot from Connor's throat, and then stuck on Connor's shoulder...

Immediately, bright red blood flowed from the wound on Connor's shoulder, and the pain rushed to Connor's nerve center like a tide. Although the wound was very painful, Connor held Margaret's hand but did not Relax.

Seeing Connor who was suppressing the pain in front of him and didn't yell, Margaret finally softened her heart. After all, she was only angry for a while and didn't really want to leave Connor, so she took out the A bottle of hemostatic medicine was evenly applied to the wound on Connor's shoulder, and then a bandage was wrapped around Connor's wound. After doing this, she sighed faintly, and then acted viciously at Connor He said: "Connor Ferguson, you have to figure out how to compensate me!"

Hear Margaret say that. Connor was overjoyed immediately, knowing that Margaret had acquiesced to this fact, he quickly grabbed Margaret's jade hand, and made a very solemn promise: "Margaret, I swear to the Storm Goddess, I will treat you well. You, will never let you down!"

Seeing Connor as a ruthless dark wizard who swears to the Storm Goddess she believes in, Margaret couldn't help but give him a slight look when she felt it was funny, and then said softly: "I am in Frosin I still have things to do, I will come back to you later!"

"Then how should I contact you?"

Connor immediately asked Margaret, he finally met Margaret again in Frosinone, and he didn't want to miss it with Margaret.

Regarding Connor's question, Margaret took out something that looked like an emerald jade ring from the space ring, handed it to Connor, and then introduced:

"This thing is called the sound transmission jade ring. It is the first magical item researched by the alchemist Mbabu of the Earth God Sect. I got two of them through a lot of connections. The distance between the two people who hold the sound transmission jade ring If it is less than ten kilometers away, you can communicate at any time. I also have this thing in my hand, which has been matched with the jade ring in your hand, Connor. You can contact me within ten kilometers as long as you open it!"

Speaking of this, Margaret stretched out her hand and showed Connor the jade ring on her white bowl that was exactly the same as the one she handed to Connor.

After receiving the emerald jade ring from Margaret, and hearing the function of the sound transmission jade ring, Connor, as an alchemist, suddenly suffered from an occupational disease. He narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the sound transmission jade ring.

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