Count of Wizards

Chapter 906: Two Wishes

However, because Jon Ferguson is the tower keeper of the Ferguson family library, although few people in the family know of his existence, in the eyes of some family elders, he is still very important. If he dies suddenly, it may be in the family. been suspected.

In addition, Philo still only asked for some animal blood at that time, and he could get it for a little money, so the pressure on Volent Ferguson was not great at that time, and he had time to wait, so Volent Ferguson, It was a way of using chronic poison to slowly deteriorate Jon Ferguson's body and make his death less abrupt and less suspicious... ·····

Looking at the blood-stained Volent Ferguson, Connor shook his head slightly under the pleading eyes of his dear second uncle.

Originally, when he didn't know that the murderer who killed Jon Ferguson was Volent Ferguson, Connor didn't intend to kill Volent Ferguson. After all, the old Ferguson had just passed away, and Connor, as his only son, was Killing one's own second uncle, no matter what the reason is, is not a good-looking thing.

Moreover, the old Ferguson had just died, and if Warrant Ferguson, who was in charge of the family's armed knights in the backfoot family, also died, it would easily attract the attention of interested people, which would not be a good thing for Connor!

But it is a pity that Connor once swore to Jon Ferguson's body to find out the real culprit who killed him and avenge him. Connor is not going to break his promise to Jon Ferguson, so now the There is only one dead end for Walent Ferguson!

Seeing Connor shaking his head, Warrant Ferguson, who was tied to the wooden stake, suddenly looked stagnant, and his head went down in silence. After a long time, he sighed, raised his head again, and looked at He walked over to Connor, and said with a wry smile: "Connor, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, I didn't expect to meet you again, it would be under such circumstances, my second uncle, what I did is really embarrassing... ..."

Speaking of this, Volent Ferguson sighed slightly again, and just when Connor frowned slightly and couldn't figure out what he meant by saying this, Volent Ferguson suddenly changed the subject , looked at him and said very solemnly: "Connor, I have done so many wrong things. As the new Earl of Ferguson, you want to clean up the house. I have nothing to say. I don't blame you if you kill me!"

"But I have two wishes before I die, Connor, can you promise me that I am your second uncle, so that I will see your father without regret?" After speaking, Warrant Ferguson said Looking at Connor with pleading eyes

Seeing what Walter Ferguson said was so bleak, and he moved old Ferguson out again, Connor frowned and thought for a while, then decided to give Walent Ferguson such a chance for the sake of old Ferguson , said in a deep voice: "Please speak!"

After getting Connor's permission, Volent Ferguson said without hesitation, "Connor, all these things were done by me, Volent Ferguson, and your second aunt, Kelly Fabian, and With your cousin Kevin Ferguson, it doesn't matter at all, Connor, you can deal with me, but can you leave them alone?"

Hearing that Volent's first request was actually for his wife and children, Conner couldn't help but glance at him, and said without any hesitation: "I promise you, your matter is a family scandal, and the family It will not be made public, and your death will nominally be a myocardial infarction, a sudden death! Neither Kelly Fabian nor Kevin Ferguson will be affected in any way!"

Hearing Connor's promise, Volent Ferguson immediately felt relieved. He looked at Connor, looked at Connor word by word and said, "Connor, I know you are now an official wizard. So my second wish is, you must help me kill the devil Philo. I have become what I am now, and I have done so many wrong things. I also killed Uncle Jon, all because of this devil Philo. of!"

Speaking of this, Volent Ferguson's face also became ferocious, and his eyes were full of hatred. I believe that if Philo appeared here at this time, Volent Ferguson would definitely eat his meat without hesitation and drink it. His blood!

Connor was not surprised by this wish of Volent Ferguson, he nodded, and said to Volent Ferguson in a deep voice: "Okay! I promise you! If I have this ability, I will not Spare Philo!"

Seeing his two wishes, Connor agreed to them all, and Warren Ferguson had no regrets. He looked around the world with nostalgia, and then closed his eyes. Connor didn't talk nonsense, and directed at Warren Warrant Ferguson stretched out his finger between the eyebrows and lightly tapped it. Warrant Ferguson immediately tilted his head and lost his breath. He followed his brother Alfredo Ferguson and left this miserable world!

After dealing with the matter of Walent Ferguson, Connor asked Aveiroa behind him nonchalantly, "What's going on in the family recently?"

Hearing Connor's inquiry, Aveiroa respectfully said: "Because the old Earl has passed away, you have not joined the family, Mr. Connor, so now the issue of your family's inheritance rights within the family has been shaken. Now, your third uncle, Master Jack Ferguson, with the help of his wife Eugenia, is currently actively running around, wooing the elders of the family, trying to take advantage of your absence, to make raw rice and cook rice to become the new Earl Ferguson!"

While talking, Aveiroa put on a mocking smile on his face, as if he felt that the couple Jack Ferguson and Eugenia were beyond their control.

Then Aveiroa continued: "But don't worry, Connor, most of the power in the family is currently controlled by the steward Martinez, Elder Bernardo, and Domenech. Basically, they are clearly supporting Master Connor to inherit the family!"

Speaking of this, Aveiroa paused for a moment, and there was a flash of hesitation in his eyes, as if he was still considering what to say next, whether to continue or not, but just as he was hesitating, Connor, who turned his back on him, But he said lightly: "Keep talking!"

Connor's order immediately made Abeloa no longer hesitate, and he immediately said: "Master Connor, according to my observation, among the three family elders who are in power, only Steward Martinez really wants to give the family full power. Leave it to Master Connor!"

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