Count of Wizards

Chapter 909 meeting (2)

At this point, Margaret's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of hesitation, but she still decided to tell Connor frankly: "Although it is not certain yet, there is a high probability that the Blood Moon Codex cultivated by Philo is very important to me. Blood witchcraft has a very strong suppression, and I may not be able to exert half of my strength against him!"

Listening to what Varga said, although Connor still maintained a faint smile on his face, his eyes were extremely dignified, even if he didn't agree to the fact that Walent Ferguson would kill Philo, after reading it According to Walent Ferguson's confession, Connor knew that this guy, Philo, actually planted a hidden stake in their Ferguson family, and was so peeping at himself and the Ferguson family, Connor even became murderous towards Philo!

However, when he knew from Margaret that Philo was still a first-level wizard, Connor felt at ease. He had killed Robery, Zivkovic, and seriously injured Prince Boateng. Experience, Connor is very confident about his current strength!

In his eyes, no matter how strong Philo is, as long as he is a first-level wizard, even if Connor Ferguson cannot win in a one-on-one situation, it will be difficult to defeat him. Lite was helping Luezhen at the side, and it was not a problem for the two of them to join forces to defeat Fei Luo, and it was even possible to kill Fei Luo!

But what Margaret said now completely shattered Connor's plan. If the situation is really as serious as Margaret said, facing Philo who is practicing "Blood Moon Code", Ma Gretel can't use half of her strength, so Connor's planned two-on-one team-up is simply a fantasy. Not only that, but Margaret, who has only half of her strength, will appear in front of Philo. Might become Connor's drag!

It is entirely predictable that when Connor and Filo go to war, in order to protect Margaret from Filo's harm, Connor may be subject to Filo step by step...

Seeing the solemn look in Connor's eyes, Margaret, who knew what Connor was thinking, sighed, and then said to Connor, "Connor, do you want to kill Philo?"

"Margaret, will you hand over the meditation method you practiced to others?" Although there was no thorough exchange of opinions, Connor understood from Margaret's inquiry that Margaret called What is the idea, he couldn't help asking:

Hearing Connor's rhetorical question, Margaret was silent for a while, then looked at Connor and said very seriously: "How do you know if you don't try?"

"So Margaret, are you going to ask me to come forward to help you reach a deal with Philo and get the "Blood Moon Code?" Connor said lightly:

Seeing Connor explaining her thoughts clearly, Margaret nodded and said, "That's right, as long as I switch to the "Blood Moon Code", Philo's suppression of me will no longer exist. When the time comes, Connor you and I Together, the two of you will naturally help you kill Philo and avenge Philo's vengeance against your second uncle, Warrant Ferguson!"

"In this case, Margaret, you plan to make a deal with Philo, so what is your bargaining chip? You should know how much it will cost you to exchange the meditation method practiced by other wizards?" Kang Na narrowed his eyes and continued to ask Margaret,

To be honest, Connor is not optimistic about Margaret's plan. A wizard tells another wizard his meditation practice, which is equivalent to showing all his cards to others. As long as the other party has any evil intentions, It will be very, very troublesome. Anyway, if this kind of thing is put on Connor, no matter how high someone bids, Connor will not choose to tell others about the "Secret of the Abyss" he practiced!

Regarding Connor's question, Margaret smiled wryly, then spread her hands and said, "Connor! Of course I understand this, but I don't know what price I have to pay to get it from Philo. By the time of "Blood Moon Code", this time I broke through from a senior wizard apprentice to a full-fledged wizard, and I have almost exhausted my cultivation resources, but I have to give it a try!"

Hearing Margaret's words, Connor felt an unusual taste. There is no doubt that Margaret knew very well the importance of meditation for a wizard, and she did not have any chips in her hand. To be so eager to find Philo to make a deal and get the "Blood Moon Codex", this is really abnormal for Margaret, who has always been calm!

Now that such an abnormal situation has appeared, it shows that Margaret's need for the "Blood Moon Codex" has reached an urgent situation, and as a wizard, he is so eager for a meditation method, then There is one and only one possibility - something went wrong with her cultivation!

Realizing this, Connor took a deep look at Margaret, and when Margaret was a little at a loss for Connor's eyes, Connor grabbed her softly without any warning. Bone's right hand, and then Connor closed his eyes, interlocked his fingers with Margaret, his mental power penetrated into her body, and began to examine Margaret's body.

Feeling Connor's movements, Margaret's reaction was still very resistant at the beginning, but Margaret's resistance did not achieve any effect. Connor still held her hand tightly to check her physical condition Seeing that she couldn't break free from Connor's control, a complex look flashed in Margaret's eyes. Knowing her physical condition, she still didn't hide it from Connor after all, so she stopped wasting her efforts and let Connor hold her. With her hands, mental power checks her body!

Ten minutes later, Connor, who finished examining Margaret, opened his eyes, but still clasped his fingers with Margaret. Then he looked at Margaret and said calmly, "How long has it been?" ?”

Although Connor didn't say what he was asking, Margaret obviously knew what Connor was asking. She sighed slightly and said, "I broke through to become an official wizard seven months ago. These things happened!"

"Come with me!"

Hearing Margaret's words, Connor knew that the matter could not be delayed any longer, and immediately wanted to hold Margaret's little hand and walked out of the cafe. Seeing Connor's actions, Margot Lite immediately understood where Connor wanted to take her, and pulled her hand out of Connor's big hand, then looked at Connor and said coldly: "Connor, I appreciate your kindness." Yes, but you understand my character, even if I die, I don't want to accept her treatment from Varga!"

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