Count of Wizards

Chapter 915 Bar (3)

Taking a closer look, this blue-clothed man, Handanovic, who looked like the rightful owner, and Connor, who was disguised as a scar-faced man, had a sneer on his face and didn't answer Handanovic's question. Instead, he stepped on the body of Korner who was fainted on the ground, and then said to Handanovic lightly, "Are you the boss here? Is this dead fat pig one of yours?"

Seeing Connor being so provocative, before Handanovic could speak, the red-haired young man couldn't sit still. He just pulled out the dagger from his waist and glared at Handanovic viciously. The posture seemed to be waiting for Handanovic's order, and he rushed forward to kill him on the spot!

But to the disappointment of the red-haired young man, he didn't wait for Handanovic's order, instead he kept smiling. Handanovic patted his arm holding the dagger, motioning him to put the knife back. go.

Despite his reluctance, the red-haired young man did not hesitate to respond to his boss's instructions, and put the short knife back into the scabbard. After finishing these tasks, Handanovic continued to speak to Connor, with a smile on his face. : "Sir, the man you are stepping on is called Korney, my wife's brother. If he offends you, I would like to apologize to you for his behavior, and please forgive him!"

"As for me, I'm a regular customer of Uncle Lotito's bar. I often come here to play, and I own a small share, so I can be regarded as a small shareholder. As for the boss, I'm a serious businessman, of course I'm not! "

Everyone present at the bar, including the red-haired young man, seemed to have not expected that Handanovic, the underground emperor who called the wind and rain in Saspede, stamped his feet and shook the whole town, would face this I don't know why the scar-faced man is so compromising and weak. When someone beat your brother-in-law to the ground, you still take the initiative to apologize to him?

Not only the people in the bar, but even Connor didn't expect that Handanovic would apologize to him. He originally planned to deliberately provoke Handanovic, and then fight violently, taking the opportunity to kidnap Handanovic , and then went to a secluded and deserted place, and cast the soul spell on Handanovic to see if there were any clues about Filo's hiding place in the memory of the leader of the big H gang in Sasped!

Although this Handanovic said that he was not the boss, Connor naturally did not believe his words, but now that this Handanovic faced him so lowly, Connor had no reason to make another move, and was provoking and forcibly If he tried to kidnap Handanovic, even with Connor's ability, there would be no problem in doing so.

But if Connor did that, it would look very unnatural. In addition, this bar gathered hundreds of people who came to play and moved Handanovic, and the news would spread all over the city of Sasped soon. , If that fellow Philo, after paying attention to Sasped's information, is likely to realize something after knowing this incident, then it will be a bit of a warning, and it will not be conducive to Connor finding Filo next time!

After calculating the pros and cons in his mind, Connor made a decision. He retracted the foot that was stepping on Korner, and then said in a deep voice to Handanovic: "My name is Haverts!"

Hearing Connor's self-introduction, the smile on Handanovic's face became brighter, and he pointed to the upstairs and said to Connor: "Mr. Haverts, are you interested in going upstairs to have a few drinks with me?" , when Korney wakes up, I will make him apologize to you in person!"

Hearing that Handanovic wanted to go upstairs to drink with him by himself, Connor suddenly became alert. Just now, before Handanovic showed up, Connor had already discovered it when he was secretly watching him on the second floor of the bar. He, and his mental power has already conducted a check on him, it is certain that this Handanovic is not a wizard, but although this person looks young, only in his early thirties, but he already has a great knight strength!

Although I just overthrew those young thugs very simply, but the strength I showed was only the strength of a formal knight, and this Handanovic, who has the strength of a great knight, has no need to be so low on himself. Three breaths, and I still have to buy myself a drink. As the saying goes, there must be monsters when things go wrong. Connor can be sure that there must be some kind of conspiracy behind Handanovic's "friendliness" that he doesn't know!

"Okay! I just want to taste what the best wine in Sasped is like!" Connor, whose pseudonym Haverts said, pretended to be bold:

Hearing Connor's words, the man named Handanovic immediately showed a sly look in his eyes, and said very straightforwardly: "Mr. Haverts, I believe that the wine in my room will never let you down. !"

After Handanovic finished speaking, Connor walked up the stairs side by side with him, under the gaze of everyone in the bar, to the second floor of the bar.

Mental power checked everything on the second floor of the bar, and Connor sneered in his heart. Although the cunning in Handanovic's eyes was fleeting, it was still captured by Kang Na, who is a spiritual wizard and has a strong inspiration. Connor caught it, which made Connor more sure that this Handanovic had a problematic idea!

Knowing that there was something wrong with Handanovic, Connor followed him up to the second floor of the bar and into his old lair. Connor was completely self-confident that he was an official wizard and powerful. I'm not afraid that this Handanovic will play some kind of trap with him, just to see what the problem with this Handanovic is, and whether it has something to do with that Filo hiding in Saspede!

Thinking that the Handanovic in front of him might have something to do with "Philo", Connor couldn't help but feel hot inside, wishing he could use the insanity spell on Handanovic right away to check his memory, but unfortunately, in the bar, There are too many people watching him and Handanovic. If we attack Handanovic now, it will be difficult to deal with too many people. After all, Connor can’t create a tragedy and kill everyone. ·······

The open design lobby on the first floor of Uncle Lotito Bar and the facilities on the second floor are completely different. Compared with the noisy and chaotic lobby on the first floor, the second floor is full of private rooms with very good privacy. A private room is all magnificently decorated, and the level of luxury is not inferior to the entertainment venues in Frosinone.

Walking to the deepest private room on the second floor, Handanovic opened the door for Connor himself with a smile on his face, and then said, "Mr. Haverts, this is my private room in this bar, welcome to come !"

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