Count of Wizards

Chapter 917 Bar (5)

While talking to Handanovic, Connor picked up the wine bottle on the table again, poured himself a full glass, then raised his head again, put the glass of wine into his mouth, and finished drinking Connor, who disguised himself as a big man with a scarred face, burped Handanovic with a full face of enjoyment, and then said with great satisfaction: "Handanovic...Thanks You and my...friend...only I can drink such mellow wine..."

Before he finished speaking, Connor tilted his head as if he was drunk, and lay on the sofa. At this moment, Handanovic, who was sitting next to Connan, appeared in his eyes. With a swipe of light, he patted Connor's arm, and then said, "Haverts! Havertz! Wake up! Let's have another drink!"

Although Handanovic patted hard and called Connor again, but unfortunately, Connor was like a dead dog that had fallen asleep, without any reaction at all. Seeing Connor like this, Handa Norwich finally stopped pretending. A smug smile appeared on his face, and he took out a rather old silver ring from his pocket.

Touching the silver ring in his hand, Handanovic said proudly: "What an idiot, I really doubt how you became a wizard, so what if you have mana, it's not in my hands now ?"

After finishing the words, Handanovic looked at Connor, who was lying on the sofa, with a contemptuous expression on his face.


Handanovic snapped his fingers in the room, and the red-haired boy Anosa, who had been waiting outside the room for a long time, rushed in with a short knife and looked at Connor who was drunk on the sofa. He couldn't help but sarcastically said: "This rubbish, you're so crazy, isn't it the boss' trick?" In the end, this Anosa didn't forget to turn a corner and compliment Handanovic.

Although he was very pleased with Anosa's compliment, Handanovic still waved his hand, smiled and scolded Anosa with a face of indifference and indifference: "You bastard, Anosa, how many times have I told you, Don't flatter me, did you bring the rope I asked you to bring?"

Hearing Handanovic's order, Anosa nodded immediately, and very carefully took off a piece of rope about one meter long and about as thick as a finger. The rope that tied the sack,

After taking out the rope, Anosa hesitated for a while, but still said to Handanovic with some puzzlement: "Boss, didn't you say that this rope is used to tie up wizards? Why do you want to use it?" On you? I have seen this bastard named Havertz, he is a formal knight with some strength?"

Regarding Anosa's question, Handanovic, who was immersed in the complacency of Connor's complacency, pointed at the old silver ring in Anosa's hand with great satisfaction and said, "Seeing this No ring, this is what Master Tevez gave me. As long as there is a wizard around me, this ring will send me a signal. Anosa, do you think I will be so polite to this guy?"

Hearing what his boss said, Anosa, the red-haired young man, suddenly realized. He first looked at the unconscious Connor lying on the ground in disbelief, and then looked at Handanovic with a look of admiration. He gave a thumbs up and said with emotion, "Boss, you are so powerful that even wizards fall into your hands. I wish I had half of your abilities in my life!"

"Don't be emotional, hurry to work, tie this guy up with a rope, and then quietly send it to Master Tevez!" Handanovic directed Anosa and said:

"Understood, boss!"

Just when the excited red-haired boy Anosa was about to start working, he suddenly discovered a horrified scene. Behind Handanovic, the man who was stunned by their drugs and unconsciously leaned on the sofa The big man with the scarred face on his face suddenly stood up without knowing what, and was looking at him and Handanovic with a smile that was not a smile.

Anosa's face suddenly became extremely frightened, but just when he was about to yell to remind Handanovic, he found himself unable to utter a sound, and then his head suddenly seemed to be injured. Handanovic, who was still complacent, saw the terrified expression of his younger brother Anosa in front of him, and immediately fell down straight. Realized what happened behind him...

When Handanovic's face changed and he was about to turn around to check, his head felt as if he had been hit hard. The pain was unbearable, and he fell to the ground. After losing consciousness and falling into a coma, he finally looked at him. What I saw was the big man with a scar face who called himself "Haverts", looking at him with pity...

After casually knocking out Handanovic and Anosa, the two little people, Connor got the rather old-looking silver ring from Handanovic's hand with great interest. After playing with it for more than ten seconds, Connor began to be amazed.

Although it was a little unexpected and unbelievable, what Connor had to admit was that he punched a hole in this old silver ring that didn't look very eye-catching and wasn't very valuable!

When Handanovic was still secretly observing on the second floor of the bar, Connor had already spotted him, and checked him with his mental strength. What color underwear was Handanovic wearing at that time? Connor knew all about it, so it was no surprise that he found this silver ring.

To be honest, when he found this silver ring, Connor didn't take it seriously, he just regarded it as an ordinary item, an old silver ring that seemed to have some commemorative significance for Handanovic That's all, but Connor never expected that it was this inconspicuous silver ring that let Handanovic know that he was a wizard. Connor can't be helped by drug addiction, if someone else comes in, it's very likely that he will fall into the trap of Handanovic today!

Although no clues were found from this old silver ring in the initial mental examination, but now that this silver ring is in his hand, Connor can feel the insignificant energy on this silver ring fluctuation.

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