Count of Wizards

Chapter 923 Past events (1)

After getting such an answer from Connor, Philo didn't seem to be surprised. He pointed to himself and said to Connor: "Connor Ferguson, since you have appeared here, you must know that my so-called The blood moon dominates because the method of meditation for cultivation is the "Blood Moon Law Code"?"

"But Connor Ferguson, do you know where the "Blood Moon Code" I practiced came from?" After the words fell, Philo's eyes were fixed on Connor, as if he wanted to learn from Connor's face. See what's the same.

Regarding Philo's question, Connor frowned slightly in addition to being alert to Philo's sudden attack. If he remembered correctly, Margaret once told him the origin of the Blood Moon Code, the Blood Moon Code Created by the wizard De Laurentiis, and inherited by his students.

Logically speaking, Philo should be the descendant of the generation of blood witchcraft. Theoretically, the answer should be like this, but looking at Philo's posture, it seems that the result is not like this. Connor hesitated how to answer At that time, Philo did not wait for his answer, but asked himself and said:

"It was snatched! My father and I cultivated the energy of the earth attribute. Thirty years ago, my father met the successor of the "Blood Moon Code" again. Because of the powerful power of blood witchcraft, he He killed the heir of the "Blood Moon Code", snatched the "Blood Moon Code" from his hands and taught it to me!!"

"But blood witchcraft is so powerful. In a one-on-one situation, my father was naturally no match for the heir of the "Blood Moon Code". Then Connor, you might as well guess how my father killed him. From the "Blood Moon Code"?"

"Someone teamed up with your father?" Hearing what Filo said, Connor pondered for a while, and then expressed his conjecture.

"That's right! The correct answer is that someone joined forces with my father! Connor, you are indeed a smart person!" He nodded his head at Conafelo and said, then he changed his voice and said word by word: " And the accomplice who helped my father snatch the Blood Moon Code from the heir of the "Blood Moon Code" was Connor's mentor Reyes. Moon Law Code!"

"At that time, Connor, your mentor Reyes and my father were close friends. After the two teamed up to snatch the Blood Moon Codex, my father planned to share the Blood Moon Codex with Reyes in return, but Reyes He didn't pay attention to the Blood Moon Codex, the Blood Moon Codex fell into the hands of my father alone, and because of this, my father owes Reyes a big favor!"

"Twenty years ago, Reyes suddenly found my father and asked my father to accompany him to a mysterious ruin. At that time, my father was reluctant to go because he was practicing the Blood Moon Code, but he and Reyes were best friends. My friend, and because of the blood moon code, he owed Reyes a favor, so in the end he agreed to Reyes, and went to the mysterious ruins with him!" Said here, the expression appeared in Philo's eyes. There was a touch of hatred, but he did not interrupt the narration and continued:

"Following Reyes to the mysterious ruins Zhihong, my father disappeared, and he never came back! And before my father joined Reyes to go to the mysterious ruins, he left me a letter The letter simply gave me some information about the mysterious ruins, and this information includes the content of Connor Ferguson's high-level meditation that you are practicing now, "Secret of the Abyss"!"

Listening to Philo's narration that contained a lot of information, Connor's mood also became agitated. He realized that he would figure out many mysteries that he had not yet solved from the guy named Philo in front of him. question!

"Do you suspect that your father didn't come out of which mysterious ruins? Reyes did it?" After pondering for a moment, Connor asked Filo:

Facing Connor's inquiry, a sneer appeared on Philo's handsome face, and he said bitterly: "It's not doubt, I'm sure that my father didn't come out of any damned ruins and definitely has something to do with Reyes." !"

"In the second year after my father disappeared in the ruins, killers often came to kill me. If I hadn't had some tricks, I would have died in their hands. I investigated the gang of killers and they were all Reyes's. People, so you say that my father's disappearance is caused by Reyes, the secret society professor?"

"What does all this have to do with me?"

Connor thought for a while about Philo's narration, and asked Philo a little puzzled:

Connor has never been a person who is easy to trust others casually. Except for some limited information, Connor doesn't know Philo well, so he naturally doesn't know whether the seemingly very secret things Philo told him are true. fake.

Of course, taking a step back, even if what Philo said to her now is true, Connor doesn't think that what Philo said has anything to do with him. In Connor's eyes, what Philo said The things are all personal grievances between him and Reyes. Connor can't figure out why Philo wants to tell himself these things...

"Of course! Because it's related to how Reyes got the "Secret of the Abyss"!" For Connor's question, Philo gave an affirmative answer, and then he looked at Connor and said: "Professor Ray of the Secret Society Yes, in the world of wizards, he is just a mysterious existence, and many people seem to figure out his details, but no one has ever succeeded!"

"And my father and Reyes are close friends. Since the wizard apprenticeship, the two of them have started to cooperate to do some things, so relatively speaking, he knows a lot of information about Reyes. My father once guessed , Reyes is a lucky guy, when he first started practicing, he found a ruin, where he harvested the inheritance of the wizards of the Byzantine period!"

Hearing the word "remains" from Philo's mouth again, Connor seemed to realize something. Although he still pretended not to understand on the surface, he began to secretly calculate in his heart. Having said that, his father followed Reyes to a mysterious ruins, and never came back and disappeared.

Now his father speculates that Reyes' success is due to the inheritance of a Byzantine wizard in a ruin. Since these two pieces of information are related to the ruins, is it possible that the two ruins are basically the same? ?

Connor was shocked by his bold guess, but after thinking about it carefully, the more Connor thought about it, the more likely he felt it was possible!

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