Count of Wizards

Chapter 935: Meeting of the Elders (2)

Sensing Bernardo's eyes begging for help, the old man in military uniform is also Domenech, another elder of the Ferguson family. Don't be angry, Connor, as the first heir of our Ferguson family, has been unable to get in touch for a long time, this time he was finally able to get in touch, Bernardo was just a little excited for a while, there was no malice..."

Hearing that Domenech helped him to smooth things over, Bernardo gave him a grateful glance, and then quickly explained to the butler Martinez: "Old butler, I also watched Connor grow up, and it has already been done in a short while. I haven't seen him for more than ten years, and I suddenly heard that I got in touch with him, and I was a little emotional, my fault, my fault."

Seeing Domenech helping Bernardo, although Martinez wanted to take this opportunity to beat Bernardo, but in the end he couldn't say anything more, he just said coldly to Bernardo: " Bernardo, when you speak and do things, you must think clearly, and don't do anything that makes you regret it!"

Although the words were aimed at Bernardo, a chunky Mediterranean old man, but the butler Martinez looked at Jack Ferguson who was sitting on top of Bernardo and said:

The old Bernardo, when he heard such a blatant lesson from the butler Martinez, his face suddenly turned pale, but he could bear it enough. Instead of saying anything, he nodded, and Faced with the successive provocations from the butler Martinez here, Jack Ferguson couldn't bear it no matter how good-tempered he was. He fixed his eyes on the butler Martinez and said word by word: "Since Steward, you said that you have contacted my nephew Connor, so do you know when Connor will return to the family?"

"Jack, you can just say what you want to say. There are no outsiders here. They are all the elders of the family. You don't need to hide it!" Facing Jack Ferguson's inquiry, the butler Martinez did not directly answer his question. Instead, he said calmly:

Seeing what the butler Martinez said, Jack Ferguson stopped being polite. He stood up, looked at Martinez and said, "Okay! Since the old butler doesn't want me to hide it, Then I will tell you what is in my heart. Although our Ferguson family has been a little lonely these years, we still have thousands of people and so many properties. Now my brother Alfredo has returned to the embrace of God. If the family doesn't have a new Earl of Ferguson, they will be in panic!"

"My nephew, Connor Ferguson, is the only son of my eldest brother Alfredo Ferguson. Whether it is from the perspective of imperial law or other aspects, he is the first heir of our Ferguson family. As long as he returns to our The Ferguson family, I can guarantee that every family elder here will never object to Connor inheriting the position of patriarch!"

After speaking impassionedly, Jack Ferguson stood up, looked around at everyone sitting in the conference room at this time, and continued to say in a deep voice: "Today, Connor left our Ferguson family and Flo Sinone, eleven years and three hundred and twelve days have passed. During these eleven years and three hundred and twelve days, we only know Connor's history at Ruenglin University. I don’t know much about Connor anymore!”

"My brother Alfredo is not in good health, it's no secret, everyone knows, so you, Steward Martinez, started sending people to look for Connor when my brother was still alive, and let him come back, but until Today, Connor Ferguson, my nephew, he didn't return to the family! Even a month ago, when his biological father, Alfredo Ferguson passed away, he didn't rush back from that damn Loen!" Said Here, Jack Ferguson's voice came to an abrupt end, and he turned his gaze back to the butler Martinez who was sitting in his seat, who was as stable as a mountain.

"Jack, I understand what you mean. You and I are questioning me, suspecting that the people I sent out have not found Connor?" Facing Jack Ferguson's gaze, the butler Martinez said calmly :

"Old butler, don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean that, but after all, the matter of inheriting the position of Patriarch is a big matter, and you can't be careless. You said that your person contacted Connor, and all of us I believe what you said, but I still hope that the old housekeeper will give you a date, so that we can have something to look forward to!" Jack Ferguson said very seriously:

As soon as Jack Ferguson finished speaking, except for a few people in the conference room, everyone in the conference room had a hint of surprise on their faces. They seemed to have never thought that Jack Ferguson would be so bold and forced the palace against Butler Martinez.

After listening to Jack Ferguson's speech, as the target of being forced into the palace, the butler Martinez not only did not show any anger, but a faint smile appeared on his old face. He looked at the old man in military uniform sitting beside him Domenech looked again at Bernardo, the chunky Mediterranean old man who was sitting silently, and said to Jack Ferguson indifferently: "Jack, I am the butler of the Ferguson family, I would like to ask you, you In what capacity are you asking me now?"

Jack Ferguson was at a loss for words regarding Martinez's butler's question. Although the family's butler is only a butler in name, in fact, this position is the first assistant to the head of the family, and his status in the family is very high.

According to the regulations of the Ferguson family, apart from the head of the family, only the elders of the family elders' association can initiate inquiries on the management of the family business, including the chief steward, and the rest do not have this right.

Although he, Jack Ferguson, was assigned to take charge of some family affairs when Alfredo Ferguson was still alive, he was not assigned a formal position after all. If a few old men among the elders die, he can fill the vacancy and become the elder of the family, but at least at this moment he is not.

Seeing that Jack Ferguson fell silent, the butler Martinez coughed. Suddenly, a tall and strong middle-aged man in a black suit who looked very tough and not easy to mess with opened the door, and then Ignoring the gazes of many family elders in the conference room lobby, he walked up to the butler Martinez on his own, and then handed a file bag to the butler Martinez respectfully.

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