Count of Wizards

Chapter 950 Manor Conspiracy (2)

Based on Steward Martinez's knowledge of Jack Ferguson, even though he severely humiliated Jack Ferguson at the family elder meeting, and forcibly passed the resolution to transfer him to the principal of Ferguson Middle School at the elder meeting, let Jack Ferguson Ferguson lost all face, but the butler Martinez didn't think that this little setback could make Jack Ferguson, who was afraid of death, make the decision to commit suicide!

So when he first heard that Jack Ferguson had attempted suicide and was still in danger, the butler Martinez, who was confident in his own judgment, thought it was just a trick played by Jack Ferguson in order not to go to Ferguson Middle School. means, so stay indifferent, sit on Mount Tai, and wait for things to develop!

However, when the matter fermented for two days, Jack Ferguson was sent to the Ferguson Manor, and the steward Martinez also received more detailed information about this matter, he realized that maybe Jack Ferguson really committed suicide. · How is Ferguson's body, Martinez's butler has discharged his trusted doctor Alba to go to Jack Ferguson.

An hour ago, Chief Steward Martinez received Alba's report on Jack Ferguson's inspection. The report confirmed that Jack Ferguson had indeed committed suicide by taking poison, and that until now, he had not escaped the danger of his life and woke up from a coma.

After receiving this news, the butler Martinez began to really believe that Jack Ferguson, a guy who was afraid of death, actually committed suicide by taking poison... But although the inspection report was already in his hand , but Chief Steward Martinez still wanted to make the final confirmation in person, so now Chief Steward Martinez just drove lightly, and only brought a coachman to drive the carriage for him, and rushed towards Ferguson Manor.

Sitting in the carriage, the butler Martinez with a tired face slowly rubbed his temples, as if he wanted to relieve his headache.

Although it had been expected that Jack Ferguson and the forces he represented would not choose to give up the power in his hands to accept the fact of defeat so easily, but using suicide as a means was indeed beyond the expectations of Chief Steward Martinez.

If it is said that Jack Ferguson really attempted suicide, and he has not completely escaped the danger of his life, or if the illness continues for a period of time, this means that Jack Ferguson will not be able to be the principal of Ferguson Middle School, such a big butler of Martinez , a position carefully selected for him, then there is no doubt that this will be a very big change for the butler Martinez who wants to kill Jack Ferguson's last hope of inheriting the family!

For such an unexpected situation, because it is too hasty and the matter is very difficult, if it is not handled properly, it will cause great adverse effects within the family and even the entire noble circle in Frosinone, so even Martin Butler Ness, the butler family has a lot of experience in internal affairs. At the moment, I haven't figured out how to do it. I can only plan to wait until I get to the Ferguson Manor and see the actual situation of Jack Ferguson before doing it. decide!

Since he was able to drive the carriage for the steward Martinez, this honest-looking, strong-bodied carriage driver is quite good at driving. Under his control, the carriage ran fast and steadily, and it only took less than one Within hours, the butler Martinez was sent from the Ferguson Mansion to the Ferguson Manor.

Stepping off the carriage and looking at the huge plaque with "Ferguson Manor" in front of the manor, the butler Martinez let out a breath, and then said softly to the coachman behind him: "Onat, I won't be here Stay here for too long, you just wait here for me!"

"Understood! Old butler!" The coachman named Ornat nodded and agreed:

After instructing Ornat, the butler Martinez looked up and saw a middle-aged man who was dressed gorgeously and looked like a manager of the manor. He was rushing towards him with a few handymen.

"Old housekeeper, let me tell you why the magpie in front of my house screamed again this morning. It turned out that your old man came!" Running to Martinez's door, the gorgeously dressed middle-aged man Christensen covered his knees and gasped After being rough, with a flattering smile on his face, he said:

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, the butler Martinez knew very well what kind of virtue these people usually have, but this time is obviously not a good time to attack, so he didn't say much, just said lightly: "Christensen, take me to see Jack Ferguson!"

"Master Martinez, are you going to find Jack Ferguson?" Hearing Martinez's order, the middle-aged man who was still smiling flatteringly a second ago, Christensen immediately became embarrassed, and his eyes were a little dodge , Hemmed and hawed up.

Seeing Christensen like this, the butler Martinez couldn't help but frowned, and asked him, "What happened? Isn't Jack Ferguson at the manor?"

Butler Martinez's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Christensen's heart. Although he didn't know what the real intention of Butler Martinez's visit was, but at this time, it was obvious that he could only force it Scratching his scalp, he said, "Tell the old housekeeper, because these days, there are always some clansmen in the manor who want to visit Jack Ferguson, probably because there are a lot of people, so now Jack Ferguson's wife, Eugenia, has announced Say hello behind closed doors and see no one but the doctor who attended to Jack Ferguson!"

After finishing speaking, Christensen took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then looked at the butler Martinez in front of him with some embarrassment.

Although Christensen's words were very ingenious, Butler Martinez understood the meaning of the words at once. It should be true that many people went to see Jack Ferguson, but it must not be bullshit Visit, a guy who lost in the family struggle, how could so many people visit him? These people went to see Jack Ferguson, if nothing else, they should be there to ridicule him, right?

After all, during the years when Jack Ferguson gained power in the family, his behavior in the family can be said to be very arrogant and domineering, eating very ugly, and offending many people. When you are in power, these people are naturally They won't jump out, they'll just scold you behind your back, but when you lose power like you are now, without the protection of power, these people will automatically appear in front of you without you saying anything.

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