Count of Wizards

Chapter 952 Family Secret Road

In addition, this also made Steward Martinez even more regretful. Bernardo had reported to him three days ago that the family had two caravans, and they wanted to transport valuables to the next city, so Request the family knight team to escort, and the escort of these two caravans will draw 90% of the family knight team.

Butler Martinez, who received Bernardo's application report at the time, was a little surprised that the two caravans would start at the same time by such a coincidence, but it was a normal behavior to send a family knight team to escort the caravan transporting valuables. , so the butler Martinez didn't think much about it, and gave the approval to send out the main force of the family cavaliers. Let's go, so we can give these men in black a chance!

"Bernardeau, Domenech, Jack Ferguson..."

The butler Martinez, who was hiding in the grass, whispered, gritted his teeth, the names of these three people, and his cloudy eyes showed hatred and remorse. He never imagined that his momentary negligence would cause The Ferguson family had caused such a catastrophe to the Ferguson Manor.

Although his heart was very painful, butler Martinez, who had experienced countless ups and downs in the Ferguson family at this time, was not defeated by the blows in front of him. He quickly calmed himself down and thought about coping strategies.

After being unable to knock on the door of the villa and realizing the premonition of danger, the experienced butler Martinez was on guard, so he asked Christensen and the group of handymen to try the way for him. Anyway, Christensen and the handymen are all foreigners, even if they die, there is no pity. When he smelled the rotten smell, the butler Martinez immediately realized that it was a kind of poisonous smoke. A decision was made immediately, and Christensen and the handymen, who hadn't noticed it, made sacrifices and used their lives to buy time for their departure.

Although it is morally condemnable to do so, the steward Martinez asked himself that he did so with a clear conscience. He has lived to such an age that life and death have become indifferent and he is not afraid of death, but if he dies If so, the Ferguson family will fall into the hands of these family moths. If so, the Ferguson family, a hereditary earl family that has lasted for hundreds of years, will fall apart and completely collapse in just a few years. Frosinone, the earl family who sneezed and caught a cold in the whole city, will be completely degraded into the dustbin of history.

So at least for now, Martinez, the nominal butler of the family, is actually not there. The real helm of the Ferguson family cannot die. When Tensen and those handymen joined the Ferguson family, they had sworn to dedicate everything to the Ferguson family, and now it is time for them to make contributions to the interests of the family and fulfill their original oath .

Steward Martinez has already made a decision. When the matter subsides, he will pass a resolution at the family elder meeting to allow these heroes who have dedicated their lives for the family to be buried in the cemetery of the Ferguson family, which only the Ferguson people can rest in peace. In addition, they will give generous compensation to their families, and they will not let them sacrifice for the family in vain.

And if his own death can change all this and make the Ferguson family better, Martinez, the old housekeeper who has served the Ferguson family for decades, will not hesitate to dedicate his life to the Ferguson family. s life!

After leaving the vicinity of the villa, because he knew that the other party would not only set traps in the villa, but would definitely set up other ambushes in the Ferguson Manor, so the lonely butler Martinez immediately wanted to go to the distance. The manor exited recently and wanted to leave the Ferguson manor and return to Frosinone, asking for help from the local garrison in Frosinone.

Although Martinez, an old man who is nearly a hundred years old, has already used his fastest speed to run and escape, it is a pity that he is still one step too late after all, so he can only hide in the grass and watch helplessly. This group of men in black killed the members of the Ferguson family, but they were powerless and could do nothing...

At this time, the Ferguson Manor was full of men in black armed to the teeth in groups. When the family knight team was transferred from the mountain, it was undoubtedly a call to the gang of bullying handymen in the manor to fight against these men in black. Idiots talking about dreams can only add casualties, so if you want to solve the current danger of Ferguson Manor, the man in black is obviously the most undesirable. The best way to solve the danger is to leave Ferguson Manor and return to Flo Signone, request the support of the local garrison.

Although there are only four men in black guarding the exit in front of them, and the leader of them is only a formal knight, but two of these four men hold revolvers in their hands, so even if Steward Martinez With the cultivation base of a great knight, it is difficult to kill these four people, and then rush out from the exit and call for help outside.

If you go out now, the most likely thing is that after killing two people, you will be entangled by the remaining men in black, unable to advance or retreat, and the men in black who came after hearing the news will trap him and kill him here. And since this exit is the case, then I believe that the other exits in Ferguson Manor will be in the same situation at this time. It is obviously impossible to leave from the usual road exit of Ferguson Manor.

After understanding this truth, the butler Martinez took a deep breath to calm his mind, and then quietly retreated from the grass.

The Ferguson family has been operating in the Ferguson Manor for hundreds of years. In the past, the legal system of the empire was not as perfect as it is now. The aristocrats are the ruling class, and vendettas between each other are very rampant, and the Ferguson family At that time, it could be said to be the dominant player in Frosinone and its surrounding areas. It owned a large number of farms and land in the suburbs, and hundreds of shops in the urban area. Since it has so many interests , Naturally, there are also many enemies.

Therefore, in order to deal with possible dangers, so that even in times of crisis, the family will not be completely wiped out. While consolidating the family stronghold of Ferguson Manor, several generations of hard work have built several secret passages underground. It is used for emergency escape.

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