In front of Alfredo's hospital bed, after learning the secret of the Patriarch's secret passage from him, Chief Steward Martinez, although a little surprised that the Patriarch's secret passage was hidden in such a stinking garbage dump toilet, and Dirty and messy location, but when you think about it carefully, you have to admire the wisdom of the ancestors of the Ferguson family. No one would have thought that the secret path would be hidden in such a place...

While thinking about the secret of the Patriarch’s Secret Way, Chief Steward Martinez was deeply moved by Alfredo’s trust in him, and solemnly agreed to Alfredo’s entrustment. Dao kept it a secret, and passed it on to Connor Ferguson, the next head of the house. At that time, Martinez’s butler, he never imagined that today, more than a year later, he would encounter such troubles that he would ask Activate the secret passage of the owner to escape from Ferguson Manor and avoid the pursuit of the man in black!

Thinking of this, Steward Martinez couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but he was also very helpless. Ferguson Manor is currently occupied by the gang of men in black recruited by Domenech. They escaped from the manor and returned to Frosinone. Moving rescuers is currently the best way to break the situation.

And all the normal entrances and exits of the manor have been controlled by the man in black, and he is only allowed to enter and not to exit. Even if he disguises himself as an old handyman, it is almost impossible for him to escape. Knowing the location, the most secure and safest way for Steward Martinez to leave the manor is the very secret way of the Patriarch of the family!

Taking a deep breath, Martinez ended his brief contemplation, and turned his gaze back on the big iron gate. Although according to the family regulations, he did not have the right to use this family secret passage, but now everything is for the safety of the family. Butler Martinez believes that even the ancestors of the Ferguson family will support his choice after knowing what happened today!

While thinking about the method of opening the door given to him by Alfredo, the butler Martinez tapped the big iron door rhythmically with his palm. Although there is a keyhole in the center of this big iron door, it looks You need a key to open this iron door.

But in reality, this is not the case. The keyhole on the iron door is a trap, and it cannot open the iron door. The only way to open the iron door is the method of opening the door passed down from generation to generation by the Ferguson family. If someone takes a Put the key in the keyhole and try to open the big iron door. Not only will the iron door be locked, but it will also trigger the mechanism on the iron door. A deadly poisonous gas will be released from the iron door, poisoning the enemy to death. in this toilet

Just as the butler Martinez was halfway knocking on the iron door, there was a sudden movement outside the garbage dump, and five men in black searched here by accident...

Ears moved slightly, butler Martinez, who heard the man in black searching outside, stopped what he was doing, and a look of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. Although he is completely able now, he continued to use the door-opening technique to open the big iron door. Safely and securely leave here quickly through the secret passage of the head of the family and return to Frosinone to rescue the soldiers. If you do that, the five men in black will not pose any threat to him.

However, the Patriarch’s Secret Dao, the biggest secret of the Ferguson Manor, will be exposed in front of the man in black, so for the sake of the family’s interests, and in order to honor the oath he made to protect the Patriarch’s Secret Dao before Alfredo’s hospital bed, Martinez had a decision in his mind. He wanted to suspend his plan to leave, and kill the five men in black before leaving with the Patriarch's secret path. After ensuring that no one discovered the existence of the Patriarch's secret path, he left here and returned to Frosinone. Rescue soldiers in urban areas.

After making a decision in his heart, the butler Martinez quietly took out the black cane that he had hidden on his body that turned into a short stick, restored it to its original size, and then hid it in the dark of the garbage station, ready to Then launched a sneak attack on the five men in black who entered the garbage station to search.

But at this time, everyone, including the butler Martinez and the man in black, could not have imagined that Connor was holding a telescope on the top floor of the family library in the Ferguson Manor, quietly observing everything that happened in the manor. Behind him, the general manager of Ferguson Mineral Distribution Company, the middle-level wizard apprentice Alveroa, was standing there respectfully, waiting for Connor's demolition.

Observing through the telescope, the butler Martinez, who was supposed to leave through the secret passage of the garbage dump, turned back and held a cane, intending to ambush the five men in black in the garbage dump. Connor couldn't help frowning secretly, Martinez Butler Nath didn't have mental power, so he couldn't see the strength of the five men in black, but he could see it clearly.

Among the five men in black, the leader is the strength of an official knight. Although the other four have not reached the level of an official knight, they all have the level of an apprentice knight. More importantly, the strength of these five men in black Underneath, there are guns hidden, both rifles and revolvers.

Observing the current situation, Connor began to calculate in his mind. Although the butler Martinez has the strength of a great knight and has the black cane in his hand to help him, he is nearly a hundred years old after all. Even though he maintains good physical fitness, But after all, he is not a young man. Although he does not know the reason why he gave up leaving through the secret passage, but according to the current situation, he may be able to kill one or two of the men in black, but he will definitely not be able to kill the five black men. Clothes!

And if the five men in black cannot be killed in a short period of time, then the five men in black will have the opportunity to call their companions. When the men in black flock to them, Steward Martinez will be in danger!

Ever since he got the information from Margaret and became aware of the plans of Domenech, Jack Ferguson and the others, Connor quietly lurked in the Ferguson Manor, waiting for the actions of their gang of moths.

Because he learned from Margaret that he was already being targeted by the White Wizard forces such as the Church of the Storm, the Earth God, and the ninth game, so Connor didn't plan to fight this time within the family, and he directly took the initiative. field participation.

As for Connor's only subordinate now, although Aveiroa is an intermediate wizard apprentice, he is an insignificant role in the wizard world and is not paid special attention by the white wizards, but after all, he is an extraordinary power. When it comes to the internal struggles of the Ferguson family, it's okay not to be discovered, but once it is discovered, it will be a troublesome matter, so unless it is absolutely necessary, Connor is not going to let him connect to the affairs of the Ferguson family.

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