Count of Wizards

Chapter 970: Christante (3)

After Kristant finished speaking, a playful smile appeared on Connor's face. At the same time, the tall and thin waiter brought the lemonade and grilled steak that Connor ordered to Connor. After rewarding the waiter with a few pennies of change, Connor began to pick up the knife and fork, and while cutting the steak leisurely, he said slowly: "So Mr. Christian, do you think I'm A conceited man?"

"Of course!" Christante nodded as a matter of course and replied:

Hearing Kristant's answer, Connor, who was cutting the steak, had a wider smile on his face. He inserted a cut steak from the dinner plate into his mouth, and said to Kristant while eating: "Since Ke Mr. Christian, if you say that I am conceited, why don't you say that I did not do well there, which made you feel this way?"

Sensing Connor's indifferent attitude, a cold light flashed in Christant's eyes again, and he said coldly to Connor: "Connor Ferguson, I thought you were a smart person even though you were conceited." , but now it seems that I was wrong!"

"Mr. Christian, you don't really think that you will catch me when you come here, do you? Without your consent, I can't be the Earl of Ferguson?" Connor took a sip of lemonade, looked at Christante said calmly:

Hearing Connor's words, Christante laughed back angrily, and said with a sneer: "Then Connor Ferguson, we might as well wait and see, I really want to see, without the consent of our Church of Storms, how did you Do it like Earl Ferguson!"

Seeing that he said that, but Krystante just continued to talk harshly to him, and did not walk away, Connor became more and more convinced of the reason why Krystante came to find him... ··

The temptation was over, and Connor didn't provoke Christant any more, but continued: "Without the support of the Church of Storms, I would naturally not be able to secure the position of Earl Ferguson, but you, Kristant, are just a priest. That's all, if you get me down, your reputation will be completely stink among our hereditary nobles, and at that time, Christant, do you think you will end well?"

Hearing what Connor said, although there was no change in Christant's expression, Connor still noticed that his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had realized something...

Just like that, neither of Connor and Kristant spoke for a while, and the tension turned into a stalemate. Connor continued to eat the steak on the dinner plate and drink lemonade, while Kristan Te seemed to be thinking about something.

Kristant's thinking was just a few minutes of thinking, and taking advantage of a few minutes, Connor put all the food he ordered into his stomach, and then leaned on the chair, waiting for Christian special answer.

"Connor Ferguson, you have to understand that I am the one who is investigating you now. If I report negatively to the higher authorities, I don't know what will happen to me, but the fate of you and the Ferguson family will be miserable, so you'd better give I'll be more honest!" After another minute, Christante, who was thinking, finally made a decision, pointed at Connor, and solemnly warned:

"Of course I understand the importance of you, otherwise I have nothing to do and come here to waste time with you, an old man?" Hearing Christian's warning, Connor sneered in his heart, knowing that Christian Te still wanted to play with himself, so he preached very casually:

Taking a deep look at Connor, Christante said again: "Actually, I don't need to say, Connor Ferguson, you should too, the way our Church of Storms treats you dark wizards, if it weren't for the fact that you have a hereditary earl What you see here is not me, the pastor, but the arbiter of our Church of Storms..."

Seeing that Krystante was continuing to ink, Connor pretended to be a little impatient, and could not help interrupting him: "Mr. Krystante, I think I need to remind you that our time They are all precious, so please don’t waste your time, just tell me what you came to me for!”

Christant was not surprised that Connor saw through his purpose. He took a deep look at Connor, and then said in a deep voice, "Connor Ferguson, the church intends to entrust you with some matters!"

"It's interesting, there are so many masters in the Church of Storms, why would I, a dark wizard, do something?" Connor asked with great interest:

"This is not something you should know, Connor Ferguson, you have only two choices, either agree to come down to do things for the church, or you can run away now and never go back to Frosinone, back to your Ferguson family Hit!" Krystante unabashedly threatened Connor and said:

Connor didn't seem to care about Kristant's threat. He spread his hands and said in a seemingly indifferent manner: "Mr. Kristant, you have said so, I still have the heart to refuse." You? Can you tell me, what exactly is it that the Church of Storms wants me to do?"

"I can't tell you the specifics yet, you go home and wait for the announcement!" Christante said coldly:

The answer he got from Christant turned out to be like this, which undoubtedly made Connor a little disappointed.

But he didn't say anything, he stood up directly from his seat, and then left the Durst tavern in big strides.

Watching Connor's back gradually turn into a small black spot, a fleeting doubt appeared in Christant's eyes, then he stood up and left through the back door of Durst's Tavern, and then he quietly Arrived, in a grove on the outskirts of Frosinone, and in that grove at this time, a mysterious man wearing a gray cloak, not revealing half of his appearance and figure, was standing quietly in the middle of the woods. Quietly waiting for his arrival.

"How much do you know about this Connor Ferguson?" Seeing this mysterious man, Christant didn't have any nonsense, and asked directly:

Facing Christant's inquiry, the mysterious man hesitated for a few seconds, and then said in a very hoarse voice: "Connor Ferguson, this man is like a layer of fog, I thought I had already I know him very well, but he has refreshed my understanding of him with practical actions, why, my lord director, have you encountered trouble with this guy?"

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