Count of Wizards

Chapter 973 Joints in the Opera House (3)

"Connor, do you remember the last time I told you about Philo appearing in the small town of Spare?" Margaret asked back;

"Of course I remember, Margaret, you also told me that the Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth God organized a joint team, led by an official wizard, to the small town of Spal!" Connor slightly He nodded and said:

"According to the information I got, after the joint team arrived in the town of Spal, two girls disappeared in the town of Spal, but since then, there has been no population in the town of Spal. The disappearance has returned to its usual calm, so the small town of Spal was judged to have succeeded in the mission, and the mission report was stored in the archives."

"However, the joint team sent by the Church of the Storms and the Earth God Sect to the small town of Spal did not return to Frosinone after the mission was successful, and the joint team included the official wizard of the Earth God Sect None of the members, including Reina, returned to Frosinone. Within a few days, due to various reasons, they received a transfer order from their department directly in the small town of Spal, and were transferred. To another place!" Margaret said in a deep voice:

"The entire joint team, have they all been transferred?"

From Margaret's mouth, when he heard that such a thing had happened, Connor immediately showed doubts in his eyes after he was shocked.

From a normal point of view, the task of this united team is actually very common, that is, there was an incident of a black wizard harming civilians in the small town of Spare, so they were sent to solve this black wizard. Among them, it is a normal task. The entire Kaman Empire basically happens once a week on average, and there is nothing unusual about it.

Under normal circumstances for this kind of task, there are generally only three results!

The first type, the white wizard who was sent either killed the black wizard who caused trouble, or captured the black wizard alive.

The second type is that the black wizard was not killed or captured alive, but the black wizard was beaten away, or the black wizard had already fled before he arrived. Just post a wanted one.

In the eyes of the white wizard, the first two results are considered successful in the mission and solved the trouble.

But the third result is that the mission failed. Although this situation is very serious, it is not troublesome to deal with. It is nothing more than sending stronger wizards to solve the trouble.

And the situation like what Margaret said should be one of the two results of the success of the mission. If it continues as normal, then the ending of this temporary joint team to complete the mission should be the Marquis. It is disbanded, and the subordinate personnel return to their respective homes and return to the original unit to continue their previous work.

And it definitely shouldn't be like what Margaret said, without returning to Frosinone, he was transferred directly to the small town of Spal, the mission location. Obviously, this time it looks mediocre Yes, the task of chasing the dark wizard in the small town of Spare has undergone an unknown change.

The final result of the mission, presumably and absolutely should not be, the mission report stated in the mission report is as simple as the success of the mission. As for why all the members of the joint team were transferred away, Connor boldly guessed that it should be someone from the church. I want to use this to cover up what happened in the small town of Spal.

After some calculations in his mind, Connor asked Margaret, "Margaret, did you find anything?"

"No! There is nothing. This damn guy, Philo, just disappeared out of thin air. I saw the mission report of this mission through some connections, but there is no valuable clue on it." Margery Te shook his head, and said to Connor in frustration:

Just when Connor felt the frustration in Margaret's voice transmission and was about to say something to comfort Margaret, Margaret continued to speak to him through voice transmission:

"Connor, you have to be careful. Although I haven't found anything, the joint team sent to the small town of Spare not only included wizards from our Church of Storms, but also wizards from the Earth God Sect. , but they were all transferred away, without one exception, which means that there are big shots in the church who have hands and eyes!

"Although I don't know yet, it was the big guy in the church who did it, but the Black Agency is the largest intelligence agency of the Church of Storms. It has great power. Even in the Earth God Church, it is very influential. The intelligence director of the Black Agency, If he wants to do this, he can do it!" In the end, Margaret's tone became more and more determined.

Margaret's words caused Connor to fall into silence again. The meaning of Margaret's words was obvious, that is, she was telling Connor that Philo's disappearance and the changes in the small town of Spare were likely to be related to Ke Na. ristant related!

When Margaret didn't remind him, Connor didn't think about it in this regard, but after Margaret reminded him, Connor thought about it carefully, and found that this matter might really be the same as Ke Na. Christian is related.

First of all, according to Connor's judgment, the purpose of Christante coming to Frosinone to find him was not for him, Connor Ferguson, but for the Secret Society and Reyes. The purpose of Filo is also Reyes, at least from the point of view of purpose, Filo and Christante are highly consistent.

Secondly, as Margaret said, Christante has the ability to transfer all the members of the joint team away, and at this time, he appeared in Frosinone, so a capable, purposeful, and Connor felt that Margaret suspected that Philo's disappearance had something to do with Christante, the boss of the Church of Storms who appeared here. Not only was it not based on imagination, on the contrary, Christiante, indeed, should be the most suspicious object!

"Connor, I should go. Contact me anytime if you have anything to do!" While Connor was thinking, the opera "Love of the Camellia" on the stage finally ended with applause and applause from the audience, and Margaret Transsion bid farewell to Connor.

"Well! You have to take care of yourself!" Hearing Margaret's farewell, Connor finished thinking, and also urged Margaret:

Saying goodbye to Margaret, Connor also walked out of the Rossi Opera House, but at this time, Connor, who was disguised as a red-haired middle-aged man, of course would not go straight back to the Ferguson mansion in the Hoffenheim community, but in the After wandering around the streets of downtown Frosinone twice, he quietly returned to his home after seeing that there was no tail following him.

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