Count of Wizards

Chapter 979 Goods (1)

"In the pawn shop, Mr. Assotoni's mortgage No. 11 due in the second quarter is five sterling six shillings, and Mr. Kolov's mortgage No. 3 is eight gold pounds one shilling seven shillings. penny·········"

"The mortgages that expired in the second quarter of the pawn shop include Mr. Thiago Silva's mortgage No. 37, and Mr. Bruzovic's mortgage No. 24..."

Looking carefully at every paragraph of the "Second Quarter Report" in Ruiz's hand, Connor frowned. Discover what secrets lie within.

Just when Connor was feeling very difficult, suddenly in a corner of the report, a brief content caught Connor's attention.

"The goods pawned by Viscount Valdes have become pawn goods after the current period, and have been placed in the Nzongzi warehouse at the southeast railway station of the city. The goods will be loaded on the train at 3 o'clock in the morning on July 3rd and delivered to Serbia. Fort Thessaloniki, sold to Baron Harry Kane, the expected profit of this transaction is fifty gold pounds!"

There are only two lines of words, although the number of words is not much, and the information between the lines is not very eye-catching in the whole report, but if Connor did not read it wrong, Ruiz stared at these two lines for nearly a minute time, and he has never spent so much time on other contents of the report!

Just when Connor began to think about the most common profit method for pawnshops, a profit from selling expired collateral, and how a mere profit of fifty gold pounds made Ruiz value it so much, and he couldn't figure it out. .

In the manager's office of Redstone Pawnshop, Ruiz, who was reading the "Second Quarter Business Report", suddenly seemed to have made up his mind. He glanced towards the southeast, then sighed slightly, and then He closed the report in his hand and put it on the desk. Ruiz, who didn't know that his every move had been monitored by Connor, sat back on his bed in the manager's room and began to meditate.

Standing on the roof of Marcelo Department Store, Connor looked at Ruiz who was meditating, thinking about that piece of information in his mind.

With the help of the cool night breeze for a long time, the heavy-faced Connor seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes lit up in an instant. If Connor remembered correctly, in the Rossi Opera House, Margaret Tate once told him that this Ruiz has some channels for selling stolen goods, and that's why he joined the secret society and became a peripheral member of the secret society.

Now Ruiz wants to transport a batch of goods from Ipurua City to Fort Thessaloniki and hand them over to Baron Harry Kane. Is it possible that it has something to do with the sale of stolen goods?

Realizing this, Connor couldn't help but feel very excited about his discovery, but it seemed that he had thought of another thing, the smile on Connor's face froze, and he immediately took out an exquisite pocket watch from his pocket Looking at it, seeing the hour hand pointing to "two" and the minute hand pointing to "six" on the pocket watch, Connor couldn't help but swear in a low voice.


Connor, who felt that the time was urgent after scolding, also relied on his own strength, directly used the lightness technique to jump from the top of the 15-meter-high Marcelo Department Store building, came downstairs without a sound, and then directly on the horse A one-pound bill was thrown from an unmanned newsstand at the intersection, and a map of Ipurua was taken away, and he left quickly.

Looking at the map of Ipurua City, I didn't understand why Ruiz looked at the southeast direction in the manager's room just now, and Connor, who sighed, suddenly had a faint understanding. Redstone Pawnshop’s Second Quarter Business Report” mentioned that the goods to be sent to Fort Thessaloniki and handed over to Baron Harry Kane are currently stored in Nzonzi’s warehouse, right here at Redstone Pawnshop. The southeast direction of the two-story building!

Seeing that his conjecture was confirmed on the map, Connor immediately stopped hesitating. Under the cover of the night, he headed towards the location of Enzong Qi Fangku on the map with all his strength.

According to the description in that piece of information, the cargo will be loaded on a train and transported to Fort Thessaloniki at 3:00 am on July 3rd, and the current time is 2:30 am on July 3rd. It means that if nothing changes, Connor has less than half an hour to find the batch of goods in Nzonzi's warehouse. If Connor is late, then the batch The goods will be transported by train to Fort Thessaloniki.

Although Connor is an official wizard, he can fly for a short period of time with his own mana. In terms of speed and endurance, Connor is currently unable to compare with steam trains. Therefore, if Connor does not hurry up now, then he is very It may never be possible to know exactly what this batch of very strange goods contained, and because of this, he has lost the best chance to break the trap that Christant has set up for him... ·

With the blessing of the lightness technique of the black magic robe, Connor's speed was still very fast. When it was eight minutes before three o'clock in the morning, Connor finally crossed the urban area of ​​Ipurua. The northwest corner of the urban area where the Malaga community is located arrived at the Nzonzi Warehouse at the train station in the southeast of the urban area.

Entering the Nzongzi warehouse, Connor did not delay, and immediately sneaked into the Nzongzi warehouse without stopping. Although it was the dead of night at this time, in the warehouse, there were five laborers working on the coal mine lights. Busy under the illumination of the lights, they went back and forth between the warehouse and the train, moving boxes of goods packed in wooden boxes from the warehouse to the train, and the locomotive was also steam rising, making a loud noise. Get on this train and it's leaving soon!

Connor, who sneaked into Nzonzi quietly, saw the movements of this group of people, although he still had no way of knowing whether the things in the wooden boxes they were carrying were the things he was looking for.

But looking at the huge Nzonzi warehouse, only these few people are moving things, and the time is so coincident, Connor immediately made a decision. He first waited and saw that there was no ambush around him, and he immediately felt heartbroken. Thinking about it, the five handymen who were carrying the wooden boxes and the three train drivers in the train cab suddenly lost consciousness and fell limply to the ground.

Seeing this, Connor also immediately walked out of the dark, and opened one of the wooden boxes with a wave of his hand, only to see that all of these wooden boxes were filled with cotton!

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