Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 15 Chapter 88: Xiaotian is a simple child

"Oh? What makes you feel tricky? Come and listen..."

Su Yihao sat down leisurely, with a smile on his face, and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Boss Kang scratched his head and said distressed: "Actually, with the help of Erye, your reputation for capturing Sun Wukong, the previous accumulation of official duties has been completed two months ago. The punishment that should be punished, the kill that should be killed , Greatly strengthened the reputation of our judicial office! But this one...I really don’t know how to deal with it!"

Yao Gonglin said: "In fact, it is also a very simple matter, but because of the special status of the prisoner, there was no judicial aspect at the time, so it was nothing. Now that the time has passed for so many years, it seems inappropriate to repeat the old thing. , And if we hold on to it, it seems that we are too caressing... But if we don’t let it go, doesn’t it appear that we are bullying and afraid of hardship?"

"Speak straight, what is it!"

"Second Lord, this is the case! There is a general in the heavens, whose name is Li Tian. When he was in the mortal world, he also had fame! But when he was drunk, he had partnered with several colleagues and committed an innocent woman. A death charge! But because he had fame and fame at the time, he was treated lightly. The government only sentenced him to the crime of abolishing fame and exile for three thousand miles!"

Su Yi asked puzzledly: "Then he went to heaven again? Isn't this normal? Even though he has committed a crime, although the sentence has been lighter, it is finally over..."

Boss Kang smiled bitterly: "This is what happened here. He was the son of the Heavenly Barefoot Fairy who was left in the mortal world during the calamity! He was sentenced to exile. Before he could get there, the Barefoot Fairy was already sad. Excessive, recalling the past, and returning to the heavens...At that time, because this Li Tian was the parent and child of the Barefoot Great Fairy, the Barefoot Great Fairy also took him to the sky. It is not uncommon for one person to have a chicken and dog ascend to the sky, so Although everyone else received the punishment they deserved, but this Li Tian did not receive the punishment at all. Instead, he went straight to the sky to become a general!"

Su Yi was silent, already understood what they meant!

"Barefoot Immortal, Erye, you also know that he is a good old man who is well-known in the Heavenly Court. He has some friendship with everyone..."

"In other words, although this case is already in the mortal world, in fact, Li Tian has not accepted the punishment he deserved?"

Boss Kang groaned, and smiled bitterly: "Xu is the barefoot fairy who loves his beloved son, and can't bear him to do the hard work, so he brought him up the day before he arrived in the exile! This case was the barefoot fairy at the time. The explanation given will make him think behind closed doors, and even the Jade Emperor doesn’t have much to say, just lightly reveal it!"

Yao Gonglin sighed: "Now my Judicial Heavenly God Mansion has just opened, it is time to kill the chickens and the monkeys, to punish and punish the past crimes, to kill... But this is Li Tian, ​​who is too special. If he is moved, It is tantamount to moving the Barefoot Immortal, and the Barefoot Immortal, Taiyi Mority and others, are all in friendship with each other!"

"For this old case, basically everyone in the Heavenly Court knows that if we don't handle it, our previous reputation will be ruined!"

Uncle Zhang sighed bitterly: "Second Lord, Second Lord, I really can't help but say you, what did you want at the time, but the position of the judicial god, looks majestic, even the king of Tota You have to give three points, but in fact, this is an offensive position!"

Su Yi smiled slightly and said, "I went to heaven to be the **** of justice, but I never wanted to please anyone? Brothers, what do you think of the people's livelihood in Guanjiangkou during this period of time?"

"Naturally, the people live and work in peace and peace!"

"That's why my ambitions grew. I don't just want to protect an estuary of the river in the district, but wherever this heaven has jurisdiction, I must protect it!! Not only the monsters, but even above the heaven. , There are so many guys who don’t take human lives seriously! I came to heaven to offend these old guys who ignore the suffering of the people!!!"

Su Yi smiled proudly, and said his mission in a way that Meishan Six Generals could understand, "So I have only one goal from the beginning, to teach these lawless guys what is the fear of life! I want them Understand that life is precious, even if it is a beggar, it is not much humbler than them, so...they have no right to hurt those innocent creatures at will! I want them to understand that even if they are as powerful as them, they have to be awed! As for the so-called so-called Tian Tiao is just a tool I use!!!"

When the voice fell, a thunderbolt immediately sounded from the horizon. The rumbling thunder, mixed with electric lights, illuminates the gloomy residence of the **** of justice...

Su Yi was startled, only to feel that there seemed to be something extra in his body!

Faintly, I felt that the flow rate of the eight or nine profound arts in my body seemed to be a little faster!

He was slightly confused, his heart said that the heavens are like spring all year round, how could there be thunder? Moreover, the thunder on this day seemed... faintly, it seemed to illuminate the entire heaven and even other realms!

At this time, the six Meishan generals were all shocked!

"This is... Is this a big ambition?!"

"Second Lord, you actually made a big dream?!"

"It is rumored that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made the great aspiration of not becoming a Buddha in **** without space, and the heavens and the earth chanted for it...Unexpectedly, the second master also...Thunder ran for it and praised the supreme reputation!"

"Second Ye Rende!!!"

The six Meishan generals knelt down to Su Yi in unison, and said in unison: "Since the second master has such ambitions, we will definitely help each other! Never dare to slack off!"

Big... big ambition? !

Su Yi touched his hand in surprise, which made a big wish?

I just stated my mission! Why is it so ambitious?

Ksitigarbha King’s ambition that he would never be able to become a Buddha, Su Yi naturally knew it, and it was precisely because of this that the expert who was clearly ranked in the top five in Lingshan’s strength and Dharma was still only today. A bodhisattva status!

what about me?

Su Yi quickly recalled what he had just said, and didn't seem to say any price?

In other words, there is reward, but no punishment?

No matter...No matter how big the reward is, can there be room for reincarnation?

Su Yi left the matter behind, looked at the six people kneeling in front of him, smiled and said, "Since you know what I am thinking, what should I do, right?"

Boss Kang said earnestly: "Second Lord, don't worry, I'll already know!"


Above the South China Sea...

The Barefoot Immortal is playing chess with the Antarctic Immortal!

The barefoot immortal is the best in heaven, and the most carefree immortal is naturally the most leisurely. Therefore, he has fun all the year round. After a long time, whether he plays chess, walks the dog, drinks and guesses punches, he is always against anyone, ten times. Seven or eight times are won!

But today, his sense of chess is extremely poor. He played a few games with the stinky chess basket Antarctic Xianweng, but they were all stinky chess successively, and the defeat was a mess!

After winning a few games in a row, Antarctica Immortal Weng's happy mouth couldn't close together. He poured a glass of wine and drank it. He smiled and said, "My old friend, how can you seem restless today? You are a bad player, I I am embarrassed to bully you!"

The barefoot big fairy curled his mouth My heart is that I am not in the mood to play chess today, otherwise, who would play chess with your stinky chess player who likes regretful chess?

It's just that he has a long backlog of heavy burdens. He has a long-standing relationship with the Antarctic Immortal Weng. Naturally, there is no need to hide it. He sighed: "It's just an annoying thing in my heart. Old friend, you should know my ineffective child?"

"Oh? You mean Xiaotian?"

The Antarctic Immortal doesn't care. Above the Heavenly Court, the higher the cultivation base, the greater the number of trips to the earth. Although most of them are lonely in the first life and lonely star in the sky, occasionally there will be a couple A loved one, so suddenly it becomes even more precious!

So these gods seem to be extraordinary, quiet and inactive, but which one has no relatives in the heavens? It's just that there is no blood relationship anymore, it's just because of the past cause and it's been taken care of!

Didn’t the story of one person’s success in the ascension of a chicken and dog arise from this?

The Barefoot Great Immortal has an ineffective son. Naturally everyone knows this!

The Barefoot Immortal sighed, "Xiaotian is a simple and good boy!"

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