Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 118: Could it be that you are... the older brother-in-law?

After all the soldiers are properly placed...

A whole day has passed.

Seeing the darkness of the night, Su Yi originally wanted to let Yuwentuo and the others rest for a day before having a good conversation.

But Yuwentuo didn't seem to feel tired, so Su Yi took Yuwentuo, Dugu Ningke and others to the Xiangri restaurant.

But this time there are quite a lot of people. There are not so many people sitting in the lobby on the second floor, and even if they have been away for more than ten years, Yuwentuo’s heavy-eye bronze skin is still very iconic. In order to prevent people from being recognized, Kuitedi helped organize a private room.

"Uncle, drink tea."

Sakura came in carrying the teapot with a smile on her face. Now the restaurant’s business is booming, and there are many servants recruited. Naturally, the two little girls, such as Sakura and Rin, don’t have to work anymore, but whenever Su Yi comes, The one who helped me serve tea was either Rin or Sakura. It seemed that it was a unique treatment that only me had.

"Thanks for your hard work, Sakura."

Su Yi smiled softly, stretched out his hand and gently touched her beautiful purple hair.

Ying smiled happily, her big beautiful eyes squinted together, she looked really cute and charming, she didn't say anything, just bowed respectfully to the others, and then stepped back.

Yu Wentuo took a look at the back of her leaving, with a pensive expression in the bottom of her eyes, and asked, "This little girl, is it also..."

He glanced at Su Yi. After all, who could have him know more clearly what kind of lewdness Su Yi, who had not recovered his memory, had become. Although this little girl was a little younger, her appearance was still quite delicate.

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's just a niece of mine..."

"is it?"

Yu Wentuo looked back at Sakura's back, with a pensive look on his face, niece? It doesn't look like...

And Su Yi already smiled at the three strangers sitting beside Yuwen Tuo: "But you, Brother Yuwen, should you introduce these friends to me?"

He also saw that the reason why Yu Wentuo didn't want to go back to rest was because he wanted to know these three people...

To make him so solemn, the identity of these three people should be quite difficult.

And when Yu Wentuo introduced the names of the three Su Yi with a solemn expression...

Su Yi was stunned.

Shocked: "Zhao Gongming? Qiong Xiao? Bi Xiao? The three of you... why did you come here?"

Isn't it your playing time yet?

Zhao Gongming also had a slightly surprised look on his face, and he looked at Su Yi, "Unexpectedly, what Daoist Yuwen said turned out to be true. Your Majesty, you are also a cultivator?"

Su Yi smiled modestly, "Understand a little, only a little, don't call me your majesty, just call Daoyou, mortal emperor or something, I'm afraid it won't be in your eyes."

Qiong Xiao has a very good impression of Su Yi now, and now he nods slightly, "So, Qiong Xiao has met fellow Daoist Emperor Xin, and fellow Daoist and Dao Yuwen have a deep friendship, Qiong Xiao admires him."

Bi Xiao hummed unconvincedly: "Don't be a cat or dog. I am a disciple of the Biyou Palace, the master of Tongtian. My Jiejiao is the most powerful sect today, and even the evangelical sect. As much as possible, Fellow Yuwen was able to get my teacher's admiration, naturally because he has his abilities, what are you... and worthy of being friends with me?"

"Sanmei! Don't be rude!"

Zhao Gongming snorted, and apologized to Su Yi: "Sorry, my sister is young, and her favorite is to find faults and provocative fights. Over time, she has developed such a habit of talking aggressively, and she also looks to Daoist friend Haihan."

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just because of Miss Yunxiao's face, I don't care about Miss Bixiao."

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When the voice fell, Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao's expressions suddenly changed.

Zhao Gongming said in amazement: "Dao Fellow Dixin still knows my sister Yunxiao?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "There have been several fate, it can be said that the intersection is irreversible..."

Can be considered irresistible, after all, she was misunderstood as her own wife, she is not angry, can this be done without any friendship?

But this time, why is she missing alone?

Thinking about it, Su Yi asked, "By the way, why are there only three of you, Miss Yunxiao?"

"That... elder sister she..."

Hearing Su Yi said that he knew the eldest sister... Bi Xiao's arrogant arrogance suddenly extinguished, with a tangled expression on his face, as if he wanted to apologize, but couldn't hold back his face. This, this... arrogant to the eldest sister’s good friend. Now, if he had two complaints in front of the older sister...

Thinking about it, Bi Xiao couldn't help but fight a cold war, embarrassed and speechless.

And Qiong Xiao asked with a wandering eye: "Sister's friend? I don't remember any male dao friends that elder sister has... Fellow Dixin, are you kidding us?"

Su Yi laughed loudly, "What did I lie to you for? I just separated from Yun Xiao before, when she said that something happened suddenly and left in a hurry, and she never saw it since...Speaking of which, there is also a situation for more than a month. That's it."

More than a month?

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao looked at each other, and haven't seen each other for more than a month?

Remember the time when the eldest sister entered the Jitu of the Mountain and River Society, it was more than a month ago...this, this...this time is too accurate, right? It happened that the eldest sister had never seen the eldest sister since she entered the Jitu of the Mountain and River Society. If she didn’t really know her, how could she have pinched time so dead?

Does he really know the eldest sister?

No no no...

Bi Xiao gestured to Qiong Xiao that the eldest sister practiced quietly in a cave every day, and had never been out of Sanxian Island. How could she know any male Taoist friend? And did you know it before entering Shanhe Sheji Tu?

Qiong Xiao turned his eyes back, how could he not know him? The eldest sister said she was cultivating, but did she practise or ran out to play secretly, meeting a man, did you forget? Although the three sisters have always been on the same island, it is a common thing not to see them for a few days. It is not possible that the older sister will encounter bottlenecks in her practice, and her heart will be irritable. Then she ran out for a walk in the wind... Man, let's not talk about it, this man still looks pretty good.

Bi Xiao's face was immediately full of anger, saying that the eldest sister was too uninteresting, and it was too much to go out for a walk without taking her sister.

Isn't this what you should pay attention to... This Daoist Di Xin said just now, and has seen it several times, with the calm temperament of the older sister, how many times? How much... how passionate it is?

Qiong Xiao seemed to be desperate about Bi Xiao's concern about the problem, and raised her severely.

Bi Xiao's eyes lit up, and she really thought of this possibility.

Could it be that……


"This... Brother Gongming, two sisters, this is..."

Su Yi looked at the two girls with frowning eyes silently. Although they were very beautiful, they suddenly fell into a self-mode, ignoring the people around him, and his brain was quite silly.

Zhao Gongming also smiled bitterly, "Now these two sisters have always lived in seclusion in the immortal mountains overseas, and they have never walked in China. Maybe they were too surprised for a while.

As everyone knows, Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao had already talked a thousand words in private at this time, and they had reached an extremely terrible conclusion.

I might... have an extra brother-in-law.

Bi Xiao wanted to cry without tears. I might have offended my brother-in-law.

Qiong Xiao gave Bi Xiao a wink, saying that Dao was not sure yet, so he had to ask about it.

She smiled and asked, "Friend Dixin, the little sister has just been rude. It's just that the little girl is really curious in her heart, and dare to ask fellow Daoist, when was the last time I saw my eldest sister?"

"This one……"

Su Yi smiled and said: "What? Girl Qiong Xiao suspected that I was coaxing you?"

"Of course not, the friend of Brother Yuwen Dao, naturally will not be a vernacular person, but..."

"I'm just worried that someone will replace your eldest sister's name?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Don't Although the mana is not strong, she is confident that she is not weaker than anyone. And that girl Yunxiao, her mana is as vast as the sea, and the sky is endless, if there is such a thing. The man of mana will still lie to me, so I really want to eat this scam. As for the time we are separated, it seems to be..."

He thought for a while and said, "It should be forty-four days ago."

Bi Xiao suddenly fell to the ground feebly, forty-four days ago...that was the day when the eldest sister entered the mountain and river shrine...

So, this Su Yi...he didn't lie, he really knew the eldest sister.

She looked at Su Yi in shock, and muttered, "Could you really be... the older brother-in-law?"


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